
I've been on this journey for a couple of years. It has taken me many places where I initially started with Swiss gear (Goldmund / Orpheus Lab) and then got enchanted with Tubes (Hence the original name for my virtual system - Move to Tubes). I was heavily into Zanden and Wavac for some years until I found Tidal Audio. This is by far the BEST electronics on the planet, and as you can see, I have slowly moved to an almost complete Tidal Suite. Sound is shockingly transparent and is glorious to listen to... Where will I go to next? Either try analogue (that I have been resisting) or find a good Computer audio system (that I am currently researching but can't seem to find anything on par)...

Mohan ([email protected])

Components Toggle details

    • StahlTek Vekian CD Transport
    Possibly the best digital playback bar none!
    • StahlTek Vekian Signature
    Replaced Zanden DAC with the Vekian
    • Tidal Preos
    Probably one of the best SS preamps around
    • Tidal Impact Monobloc
    Tidal Impact Monobloc
    • Tidal Contriva Diacera SE
    Replaced the Horning Eufrodites with these babies
    • Marantz UD-8004
    Marantz Bluray Player
    • Molteni & C Hifi Stand
    Italian furniture manufacturer ( Not an audiophile stand but visually beautiful with superb finish. Pictured is the all aluminium storage bin that comes with the stand. Notice that a Acoustic System resonator is placed in the bin
    • Acoustic System Resonator
    1 Platinum, 2 Silver and 1 Copper resonator. You have to hear this to believe these little jewels. Mind boogling amazing!!
    • Tripoint Troy
    Amazing what it does to the sound!
    • Tipoint Orion
    Master Reference A/C Conditioner. My system has undergone a magical transformation!
    • Orb Audio Kamakura Power Tap
    One of the best passive power conditioners. I'm using 2

Comments 126

Hello Mveloo,

I'm fascinated by some of your choices: Zanden, Vekian, and PR-T1 :-) How would you describe the differences between the two DACs? Can you give a description of the sonic virtues of the PR-T1?

Congrats on a fine system,


System edited: Updated with my latest additions...


Tripoint Troy? Actually, just purchased it! Its wonderful!


Have you heard Emmlabs DAC? I'm thinking is Vekian can be better?
And why you don't have Troy in your setup?


Hi Chris,
Yes, I'm part of the AudioExotic's community. I don't run the Orpheus DAC anymore. Ended up with the Zanden combo, though I've probably heard the best DAC so far, and also ordered it immediately. Its the Vekian.
With regards to digital cables, I was using Purist for a long while, until I switched to Argentos. I use Argento BNCs for the Digital connection.


Marvin? Are you also member of the Audio Exotics community Hong Kong? That's because of your set up, which is heavily equiped with Zandens and Argento and of course the Orpheus DAC and Hörning speakers. The system must be awesome sounding! I've never hear such a rig, not in Holland. I would like to hear a rig like yours but as far as I know none owns one. Do you think the Argento digital cable is better than Translite or Aural Symphonics AT&T optical? Is it better than the Nirvana digital cable? Do you prefer S/PDIF or AES/EBU and why? Thank you.
Btw, is Zanden the ultimate as far as digital concerned? I recently bought a wonderful sounding DAC: the JMF Audio DXC2.2, which is the same as Rey Audio R-DAC. It's not a well known DAC and is rather light weight (only 5.8 kg) but delivers music with finesse (although of course not as much as the Zanden does).

Chris (The Netherlands)
[email protected]


The 805s were the best investment I've made. Very powerful, great speed, and wonderful precise sound. You won't regret it.


How do you like your Wavacs 805 ? I've been thinking about getting them myself.


Great looking setup and gorgeous pair of speakers


The arco lamp is new stock. I am using the Acoustic System resonators to tame all the hard surfaces. Have about 10 setup around my apartment. Even one in my refrigerator. Don't laugh. It actually works!


The chrome metal box acctually came with the highfi stand. Its aluminium and has storage for cds etc. Actually, pretty much useless. Only reason its still there is because my wife would scream if I removed it ...


Another example that good audio and good design are entirely compatible.


Very nice clean room impressive to say the least !


Is that Arco lamp vintage or new stock? It's a beautiful piece either way.

Great looking system by the way. Do you notice that having a room with so many hard surfaces causes any loss in imaging?

- Dusty


Can I ask what is that chrome metal box next to the wavac 805s? How much did the Eufrodites cost?


Zanden Tranport in place. Just hooked up the Slimdevices Transporter and running it through the Zanden DAC with a Argento Audio Extreme Edition Digital Cable (costs 4 times the price of the Transporter).

A little dissapointing. Maybe its because I got used to the Zanden Combo and expected something close. Far from it!!

I know use the tranporter to listen to Internet Radio and duruing parties at my place. Other than that... I guess I got spoilt by the Zanden.


Just ordered the Zanden 2000p Transport! Looking forward to see how it will sound!


Its been sometime since I last updated my system, but here's the latest iteration..

1) Traded in my Kharma Grand Ceramiques for a more natural sounding and superior Horning Eufrodite Ultimate Signatures

2) I've been using the awesome Orphues Zero Transport and One SE DAC. When I heard the Zanden Combo...I was sold! Nothing but analogue come close. But considering the prices of the Zanden combo ... I have to do it in steps, so I've just secured the Zanden Signature 5000 DAC... need to save up for the Zanden transport ;)

3) The Wavac PR-T1 ... enough said. Replacing the Zanden 3000 linestage


Mveloo ... you should be hearing some very fine music, but I do want you to establish a dedicated listening space ... no matter, I love the Kharmas and Wavacs


graet... i also like ricky lee jones... greetings from germany steffen


That is one very sweet system. Whats your take on the Orpheus heritage, did you ever make the jump? I wish we had a US based dealer. I'm even having a hard time finding someone in Europe to sell it. Like you, I head the Orpheus DAc a while ago and felt it was one of the best I have ever heard.


The room is about 4m wide by 6m long.


Very nice systm you have. I'm curious as to your room dimensions?


And thats how it goes.

people that like wilson and kharma Jm lab spekares dont like sonus faber speakers
and people that like sonus faber dont like wilson kharma jm lab.

Not to disrespect enyone
But in homble oppinion I m dont care on bit for ultra precis detajled hifi speakers.
My tact amp have plenty of that and that is somthimes fun listning to.

I care for the the speaker that lets me forget about all the hifi meriets and lets me get sweept away in the music.
All the Sonus faber have heard have that special kvality.

I know many fellow hifi people that dont listen to music ,even if the say the do the listen to have good the recordings are and how many detajls and so on a system can produce.
There systems normaly leavs me cold and bored.

Must say i have not heard eny of kharmas speakers yet.

Remember its only my oppinion its not more right its just more right for me.



I may have heard the Kharmas, and if those are the ones I heard, I was not at all impressed. They were screechy as all get out (as too many modern designs are). Are there other speakers with a similar appearance?


Showing 76 - 100 of 126 posts