
I've been on this journey for a couple of years. It has taken me many places where I initially started with Swiss gear (Goldmund / Orpheus Lab) and then got enchanted with Tubes (Hence the original name for my virtual system - Move to Tubes). I was heavily into Zanden and Wavac for some years until I found Tidal Audio. This is by far the BEST electronics on the planet, and as you can see, I have slowly moved to an almost complete Tidal Suite. Sound is shockingly transparent and is glorious to listen to... Where will I go to next? Either try analogue (that I have been resisting) or find a good Computer audio system (that I am currently researching but can't seem to find anything on par)...

Mohan ([email protected])

Components Toggle details

    • StahlTek Vekian CD Transport
    Possibly the best digital playback bar none!
    • StahlTek Vekian Signature
    Replaced Zanden DAC with the Vekian
    • Tidal Preos
    Probably one of the best SS preamps around
    • Tidal Impact Monobloc
    Tidal Impact Monobloc
    • Tidal Contriva Diacera SE
    Replaced the Horning Eufrodites with these babies
    • Marantz UD-8004
    Marantz Bluray Player
    • Molteni & C Hifi Stand
    Italian furniture manufacturer ( Not an audiophile stand but visually beautiful with superb finish. Pictured is the all aluminium storage bin that comes with the stand. Notice that a Acoustic System resonator is placed in the bin
    • Acoustic System Resonator
    1 Platinum, 2 Silver and 1 Copper resonator. You have to hear this to believe these little jewels. Mind boogling amazing!!
    • Tripoint Troy
    Amazing what it does to the sound!
    • Tipoint Orion
    Master Reference A/C Conditioner. My system has undergone a magical transformation!
    • Orb Audio Kamakura Power Tap
    One of the best passive power conditioners. I'm using 2

Comments 126

System edited: Updated photos of system...


Yes, I have heard the Orpheus Heritage, but only connected to the Orphues Zero transport... however, I can safely say, the Vekian Combo beats the Orpheus Combo hands down.
It has the most analogue sounding playback I have heard!


Mveloo congrats once again!

Have you compared the Vakian to the Orpheus Heritage? I had the pleasure of auditioning it the previous week and and it was such a joy!

Happy Listening,



Just got the Vekian Transport. You connect the Vekian Transport to the Vekian Signature DAC using a HDMI cable. The Vekian CDT comes with the PAD HDMI, but I also bought the Zanden HDMI as well as the Silent Wire HDMI. Silent Wire seems to be the best fit (at least for me)
All I can say is that the Vekian combo is by far the the BEST digital playback system I have heard. Better than the Orpheus. Better than the Zanden. It is probably better than some of the best analogue devices out there.
I am totally blown away!


Wow that is a truly superlative system. Would love to hear the Stahl-Tek Vekian CDT+D/A combo with Tidal gear, some time. Please, keep us informed.


System edited: The is the latest iteration in my journey. I've moved to an all Tidal Audio system - Preamp/Amp/Speakers. Next move - swapping our the Zanden Transport to the new groundbreaking Vekian Transport ...


The Tidal system I heard in HK is probably the best system I've heard ... effortless, transparent and scarily realistic...


Mveloo, What you think of the Tripoint Spartan with Tidal Sunray mega system in HK? Thanks


Nevertheless, your system blows my mind. Happy listening (and watching)!


Yup, I agree with you 100%. Its just that I'm pretty new to HT, and I haven't really given much thought to my whole HT setup, since I hardly watch TV.
The HT theater system is separate from the 2-channel stereo system that I describe. The UD8004 is used ONLY for playing DVDs and Blurays. The UD8004 drives a (super cheap) Marantz NR1501 that drives a 5:1 B&W Mini Theater system. The plasma on the wall is a Pioneer Kuro-KRP600M.
Why the NR1501? It was slim and needed to fit in the space below my rack. I would have got something higher in the range, but had space constraints. Why the B&W? It fit the decor of the living room and was small.


The reason the TV is there is because there is no place else in my apartment to place the TV. Anyway, the whole system is in my living room where the family hangs out, listens to music and watches TV... so I can't separate it.


Since you do not appear to be overly budget constrained why are you using the ud8004 instead of the ud9004? I own the latter and it is an excellent piece. Since all else you have is "best in class", why not go the same route with the Marantz. If you are using the universal player for 2 channel only (this appears to be the case), you could also get the new Ayre (10K), which is 2 channel only and allegedly the new SOTA in unversal players (stereophile review forthcoming)


Fantastic system! Congratulations, that just has to sound wonderful!


This system belongs in the ALL OUT ASSAULT


Wow! What an amazing system! It is probably my favorite here in A'gon... And what fun to evolve it to its current iteration! You are one lucky guy.

Question: It seems like a bit of a sacrilege to have a TV setup along with your superb audio rig, doesn’t it? It surely brings about a lot of unwanted electrical noise, not to mention that it ruins your beautiful décor (love the Flos lamp). Why don’t you separate your HT altogether?


This is one of the most cleanest, sweetest looking systems I have ever seen! You did an awesome job!


I've decided to get the Tidal Preos. Its arriving in October. I've finalized my move from SS to Tubes and back to SS...


Beautiful system, Mveloo. Your decisions balancing audio performance and livability are superb. Looks like you have a wonderful environment to enjoy music, and other activities.


The Troy was probably the best investment in a Tweak I've made. The difference in the noise floor was dramatic!
Yes, my listening position is not ideal. But I don't really have a choice as I made the decision a long time back to place my system in my living room. Which is why I have to live with a balance of acoustics vs aesthetics.
Yes, there has been an attempt to tweak the acoustics with the resonators + some other large devices, but for me aesthetics are important... which is why I went with the resonators in the first place. They are small and not very noticeable.


Porselen is correct. Difference is not immediately noticeable, and you eventually get used to it. You only notice it when you remove it.


Hi mveloo, loves the gears than u have and the rapid turnover of your high end gears. 1 product that I m curious of is your troy. What difference do u hear compared to normal conditioner?
Also your set up is a bit unconventional . From what I know usually we don't put out listening position near the backwall. I suppose your acoustic resonator is able to tune it to your liking. Wish I have the opportunity to listen to your audio exotic set up.
Happy listening


Bought the Grimm myself - the difference was not that big at first, but when you play it a while you miss it when its gone.... Clearly worth the money!


Quite a few resonators - almost 6 - 7 around the room. One in the refrigerator even... and it works


Hi Mveloo,
You have resonators from Acoustic Systems.
Have you ever tried his cables?
I replaced all my cables with Liveline!
Even Argento interconnects sound dead in compare in my system.
I strongly recommend to audition.
Resonators are also brilliant product.
How many and what types are you using?


Vernneal, thanks for your kind comments. Yes, I do tend to look at the aesthetics of the components besides the sound...


Showing 26 - 50 of 126 posts