
Only nine pictures here. Which means only a portion of my equipment is pictured here but it will give you the gist or essence of my listening room.

Components Toggle details

    • Forsell Air Reference
    The best. Mk.IV version
    • Seamless Interface Electro Acoustiq Big Dog Signature
    The best TVC in the world
    • Technik Avant Garde Model One Ultimate
    The best and latest by Harry Paller Design.

Comments 54

Showing all comments by c1ferrari.

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Dear Carlos269,

Regarding your post of 7-14-09 to Mitch4t: the impact, if not primacy, of the source material is paramount! What occurs - or for that matter, doesn't occur - between the recording of the first note and its reproduction in the audio system is simply astonishing!

"...the power of the mastering studios equipments' abilities to manipulate the spatial, spectral and tonal presentation of the recordings..." I absolutely concur.

