Took the opportunity to convert a bedroom to a dedicated 2 channel room when my son relocated to New York a couple of years ago and I retired. 50/50 vinyl/streaming.
Step down transformer to convert to 110-120v for Accuphase P-360
Scansonic MB3.5 B
Supratek Audio Chardonnay
Luxman PD-151 MK II
Gold Note PH-1000 Lite
The Gustard has built in NAA capability for HQPlayer.
Apple Mac Mini M1
Now using a dedicated headless Mac Mini running Roon Server and HQPlayer connected to the network. Ethernet connection from my router to a Fiber Media Converter. This connects to a second Fiber Media Converter which then connects to the Gustard A26 via Ethernet.
Nagaoka MP-500
Denon DL-103
Modded by Andy Kim
Audio-Technica VM760SLC
Audio-Technica AT-OC9XML
Grace F-9 with F-14 Stylus
Pickering XSV-4000
Excellent cartridge purchased on eBay. In fantastic condition. Best of all of my cartridges right now.
Equasounds back in action again as they were 2 months in the repair shop. One new tweeter and work on both crossovers. Sansui’s are in the backup position again but they were a real bargain and sounded much better than I expected.
Recently purchased Pickering XSV-4000 is sounding great.
Sold my First Watt J2 and replaced with an Accuphase P-360 purchased from Unisound Japan. Very pleased so far. The amp is set up for 100v so I had to get a transformer to step the voltage down to 100v.
I ended up purchasing a Nissyo NDF-1500U. This transformer is made in Japan and is dead silent.
I sold my Spatial Audio M3 Triode Masters and replaced them with vintages 1970’s speakers from a company called Equasound.
I purchased a pair of these speakers in 1971 and owned them for 20 years before selling them locally in San Diego. Always regretted selling them so started looking for another pair a couple of years ago. I finally found them on OfferUp in Chicago and had them shipped to me.
I had the speakers rebuilt shortly after I received them as one tweeter and one woofer were shot.
Have advertised my First Watt J2 and will need to go with a more powerful solid state amp as the speakers require a lot more power than the Triode Masters did.
Sorry for not commenting! I was not even aware that of all of your comments until I made some changes to my system today. I apologize. I was not ignoring your comments and really appreciate all of you taking the time to do so.
I really love the Spatials. They are the only component that has not changed since I set up the 2 Channel room.
I am not sure I really need the subs but they seem to free up the Spatials a bit. I have them crossed at about 45 Hz. I wanted to try a swarm set up and actually added two Klipsch subs. They are ported and were too boomy until I added port plugs. I am still considering ext steps. May end up selling the subs.
I have made some changes - some major:
1. Replaced the Aries Mini with and Innuos Zen Mini MK III - a definite improvement.
2. Replaced the Lyngdorf with a First Watt J2 and a Benchmark DAC3 HGC. This is a totally different sound. The Lyngdorf has really a really clean sound. The combination of the Benchmark and First Watt provides a much richer sound - more tube like. I am using the Benchmark as a preamp as well. I just made the switch about 3 weeks ago and am still getting accustomed to it.
3. I ordered an EtherREGEN which should be shipped in 3 weeks. Initial reviews are pretty favorable so am excited to add this.