
Took the opportunity to convert a bedroom to a dedicated 2 channel room when my son relocated to New York a couple of years ago and I retired.  50/50 vinyl/streaming.

Room Details

Dimensions: 14’ × 11’  Small
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Accuphase P-360
    Japanese Model
    • Nissyo NDF-1500U
    Step down transformer to convert to 110-120v for Accuphase P-360
    • Scansonic MB3.5 B
    • Supratek Audio Chardonnay
    • Luxman PD-151 MK II
    • Gold Note PH-1000 Lite
    • GUSTARD A26
    The Gustard has built in NAA capability for HQPlayer.
    • Apple Mac Mini M1
    Now using a dedicated headless Mac Mini running Roon Server and HQPlayer connected to the network.   Ethernet connection from my router to a Fiber Media Converter.  This connects to a second Fiber Media Converter which then connects to the Gustard A26 via Ethernet.
    • Nagaoka MP-500
    • Denon DL-103
    Modded by Andy Kim
    • Audio-Technica VM760SLC
    • Audio-Technica AT-OC9XML
    • Grace F-9 with F-14 Stylus
    • Pickering XSV-4000
    Excellent cartridge purchased on eBay.  In fantastic condition.   Best of all of my cartridges right now.
    • Soundsmith Carmen MK II
    • PS Audio Dectet
    • Empire 4000 D/1
    • Stanton 881S
    • Audio Technica AT15SA
    • Shure V15 Type IV

Comments 14

Hey Nick,
I saw your pirate post and wanted to see your Scansonics. I haven’t heard them but I’m a fan of ribbons and AMT’s. Great selection of gear you have, no doubt you’re getting a lot of enjoyment out of your system. Cheers, keep the vinyl spinning!


Very nice!


Have you had any problems with hum from the Supratek?
And how is the gain match between the Accuphase and the Chardonnay?

Beautiful system by the way.


Equasounds back in action again as they were 2 months in the repair shop.  One new tweeter and work on both crossovers. Sansui’s are in the backup position again but they were a real bargain and sounded much better than I expected.  

Recently purchased Pickering XSV-4000 is sounding great. 


awesome! love the cart collection


Nice buddy!


Sold my First Watt J2 and replaced with an Accuphase P-360 purchased from Unisound Japan.  Very pleased so far.  The amp is set up for 100v so I had to get a transformer to step the voltage down to 100v.   

I ended up purchasing a Nissyo NDF-1500U.  This transformer is made in Japan and is dead silent. 


I sold my Spatial Audio M3 Triode Masters and replaced them with vintages 1970’s speakers from a company called Equasound.  

I purchased a pair of these speakers in 1971 and owned them for 20 years before selling them locally in San Diego.  Always regretted selling them so started looking for another pair a couple of years ago.  I finally found them on OfferUp in Chicago and had them shipped to me.

I had the speakers rebuilt shortly after I received them as one tweeter and one woofer were shot.

Have advertised my First Watt J2 and will need to go with a more  powerful solid state amp as the speakers require a lot more power than the Triode Masters did. 


My Benchmark DAC 3 HGC was serving as both preamp and DAC.  Sold and replaced with a Supratek Chardonnay preamp and a Denafrips ARES II DAC.
This combination is much more to my liking.  The combination of the SS First Watt with the tube based Supratek gives me just the flavor that I like.


One other item - I did pull the Spatials about 3’ away from the wall.  Music improved immediately.  

Tomorrow I am going to turn off the subs and do some listening. 



Sorry for not commenting!  I was not even aware that of all of your comments until I made some changes to my system today. I apologize.  I was not ignoring your comments and really appreciate all of you taking the time to do so.  

I really love the Spatials.  They are the only component that has not changed since I set up the 2 Channel room.  

I am not sure I really need the subs but they seem to free up the Spatials a bit. I have them crossed at about 45 Hz.  I wanted to try a swarm set up and actually  added two Klipsch subs.  They are ported and were too boomy until I added port plugs.   I am still considering  ext steps.  May end up selling the subs. 

I have made some changes - some major:

1.  Replaced the Aries Mini with and Innuos Zen Mini MK III -  a definite improvement. 
2.  Replaced the Lyngdorf with a First Watt J2 and a Benchmark DAC3 HGC.  This is a totally different sound.  The Lyngdorf has really a really clean sound. The combination of the Benchmark and First Watt provides a much richer sound - more tube like. I am using the Benchmark as a preamp as well.  I just made the switch about 3 weeks ago and am still getting accustomed to it.  
3. I ordered an EtherREGEN which should be shipped in 3 weeks.  Initial reviews are pretty favorable so am excited to add this.

Thanks again for looking and commenting. 


Hello Nick. Nice clean system you have there. I agree with milpal about the subs. I have Emerald Physics EP 2.7's, (without D.S.P.) Clayton Shaw's last design he did for E.P. before leaving to start Spatial. I have a stereo pair of Vandersteen 2wq subs that I at first used with the EP's then when I tried them without the subs I found that the bass actually increased in my room. The open baffles are so efficient that the subs can't quite keep up with them and the quality of the bass is so good that don't even want to add subs back in. there is so much detail in the bass it is just amazing. (The EP 2.7's have two 15" woofers, and a 12" mid w/ coaxial tweeter).

Do you pull the speakers out from the wall when listening? It makes a big difference! Mine are about five feet from the wall and sound incredible! Best speakers I have ever heard. They just seem to do everything well. I'm sure the M3's are very similar.



Just bought a pair of M3 TM and will be using the 2170. I am assuming you like the combo?


Congratulations on the retirement. Now you can spend time listening to some great audio. Looks like a simple nice setup. I have listened to those speakers before. I am sure the Lyngdorf have taken them up a couple of notches more. Was curious why you needed the sub. That speaker by itself can easily overwhelm that room.


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