
This is my dream system, well at least the start. I custom built the room to the exact specification in terms of dimension and sound absorption and reflection. Based entirely upon Jim Smith book. After which I purchase the 5 speakers from Wilson Audio for my home theater. Ran out of cash and purchased the Arcam AVR600 to run the system for the time being. After listening to the Pucinni I have to buy it! My next upgrade is the pre and power amp. I'm choosing between VTL 7.5 and Siegfried or Plinus SA-Ref or Audio Research and maybe the Ayre.

Components Toggle details

    • dSC Pucinni
    CD Player
    • Wilson Audio Maxx
    Maxx 2's
    • Arcam AVR600
    For my 5.1 Wilsons
    • Kimber 8TC
    Run under the floor
    • Oppo Oppo 83
    Watch All The Blue Ray On

Comments 13

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Tried the boulder 1010 & 1050 didn't like them weird bass. And to much highs lacked mid range warth. Tried the ayre mxr sounded great but I think bit thin in the mid range. Good bass response and overall tonally balanced. Then their is the solution 710 & 720. From what I have heard it is hands down the best preamp I have ever heard. Bad remote though. Combined with the 710 absolutely the best sound I have ever heard I. Any show or system.


Richard actually interested to know why you went down to the smaller wilsons instead of going to the maxx 3


Richard. Thanks for the input I will give them a listen. We do have a distributor here in Thailand . Thanks again for the kind comments!


Thanks! For The feedback!

Everyone who has heard the maxx 2 said they sound awesome in my room. I heard the Maxx 3 in someone's house who sells the wilson, it sounded pretty bad. The room just destroyed the quality of the sound.
