
This is my dream system, well at least the start. I custom built the room to the exact specification in terms of dimension and sound absorption and reflection. Based entirely upon Jim Smith book. After which I purchase the 5 speakers from Wilson Audio for my home theater. Ran out of cash and purchased the Arcam AVR600 to run the system for the time being. After listening to the Pucinni I have to buy it! My next upgrade is the pre and power amp. I'm choosing between VTL 7.5 and Siegfried or Plinus SA-Ref or Audio Research and maybe the Ayre.

Components Toggle details

    • dSC Pucinni
    CD Player
    • Wilson Audio Maxx
    Maxx 2's
    • Arcam AVR600
    For my 5.1 Wilsons
    • Kimber 8TC
    Run under the floor
    • Oppo Oppo 83
    Watch All The Blue Ray On

Comments 13

Are you still running the Maxx 2s? What pre did u decide to go with?


Cartman = Awsome


Nice looking home. An amp / pre upgrade will take your system to a new level.

And those imposing speakers insist that you "Respect their A-THORITI" !!!


Beautiful room & I too like the South Park kids. Consider the Audio Research REF 5se pre. Think you would like it.


Great room! I have some questions about the design of your room. Could you please e-mail me to [email protected]. Thx.


Your Cartman speaker cable supports are so cool! Nice touch!


Tried the boulder 1010 & 1050 didn't like them weird bass. And to much highs lacked mid range warth. Tried the ayre mxr sounded great but I think bit thin in the mid range. Good bass response and overall tonally balanced. Then their is the solution 710 & 720. From what I have heard it is hands down the best preamp I have ever heard. Bad remote though. Combined with the 710 absolutely the best sound I have ever heard I. Any show or system.


Richard actually interested to know why you went down to the smaller wilsons instead of going to the maxx 3


Richard. Thanks for the input I will give them a listen. We do have a distributor here in Thailand . Thanks again for the kind comments!


Beautiful room and system! Congrats. We have very similar taste. That looks like my system in many ways until recently. I had Maxx 2 (dark titanium) with Watch Center + Surrounds. I changed to Sasha about a month ago, long story why but they are still wonderful. I do miss some of the scale and dynamics but not much. I have had Wilsons for many years, WP prior to the Maxx, so I thought I'd share my amp opinion too....Spectral. I have heard many many amps and nothing can play with the speed, detail, accuracy and just general "you are thereness" as Spectral gear. I realized I was only hearing a portion of what the speaker could do until I connected those amps and wow, simply unreal. I realize it is probably tough to hear them in Thailand but if possible, give them a go. Oddly, Krell FPBc or cx, also mated very very well with the Maxx in my room.

Congrats again on an amazing system!!


Thanks! For The feedback!

Everyone who has heard the maxx 2 said they sound awesome in my room. I heard the Maxx 3 in someone's house who sells the wilson, it sounded pretty bad. The room just destroyed the quality of the sound.

mw_chen beautiful system and awesome listening room.... Congratulations !

Happy listening,


Congratulations ...... beautiful facility, in addition to a beautiful room
Listening ..
Sincere congratulations.
Hello cir


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