
All new room and modified system to fit the room. Converted the garage to a dedicated music room with remote AC system, completely dedicated 10 foot ground spike and dedicated circuits. GIK treatments throughout (diffusion on the ceilings and absorption everywhere else) has made the system sing.

And thank you to the following Audiogon gurus: SKushino, Syntax and Halcro.

Components Toggle details

    • Transrotor Fat Bob S
    German made 70 lb monster
    • Hovland Company HP-100 mc
    Excellent build and beautiful sound
    • Gingko Audio Cloud 11
    For the table and pre-amp
    • Ikeda 345
    Japanese tone arm designed by Ikeda Son based on the famous FR64S. Made my Shelter 5000 come alive!
    • Fidelity Research Fr-7
    I found this new in box.....on Craig's List. The guy bought it and put it in a drawer!
    • Shelter 501 II
    Great cartridge
    • Denon 103R
    With a super heavy Audio Technica headshell...its pretty awesome
    • Cyrus Brenneman Bel Air
    50 watt EL34 Based mono amp
    • Revox PR-99
    Sonorus Modified Revox PR99. I can't say enough about Arian Jansen's highly modified tape deck.

Comments 89

The Soundgarden (aka Nudedragons) 'secret show' was a blast! We had a memorable time. Thanks a million for the tickets, Jeff.


Had a listening session a few nights ago and confirmed that I need a new DAC. The PS Audio is a good system but is so far away from my analog rig. I need to make some changes. Looking at:


Asynchronous DAC seems like the way to go.


I have also heard Jeff’s system, now and over the years and have seen it evolve to its current “All out Assault” status.

Jeff has had many high-end speakers through the years, but when he got the Montana EPS2’s, the sound just blew me away and the fit & finish is 1st class.

I’ve been going to the CES show for a number of years and have heard many systems with high-end speakers but to me, I’m most impressed by the Montana’s because like Jeff says, they play all types of music right and you don’t need the perfect room, the perfect recording, and a quarter million dollars in electronics to get music that just sounds right.

The Hovland pre-amp is one of the sexiest pieces of equipment (love those big knobs) I’ve ever seen and the sound is simply gorgeous and at the same time detailed. With the power of the Pass Amp behind it, the combo is quite stunning.

I have had many a beer listening to Jeff’s system and to me, the music just sounds live and natural. If you close your eyes and sink into his listening chair, you’d swear the performers were in the room.

Congratulations on your ever evolving system.


I have never had a problem with the Transrotor record brush, I actually stopped using my anti-static gun.

I'm very happy with the Montana/Pass and Hovland combo. The MC phono stage is a real winner. Enjoy those 40.1!


Jeff - Excellent selection of gear in a clean and aesthetically pleasing setting. I've always been intrigued by the Montana speakers, Pass X.5 amps and the Hovland pre's. Well done!


Nice system ! I have that Transrotor brush too, but don't use it anymore: it seems to generate static electricity ?


Yes, I'm in Long Beach....a few audiophiles down here. You have a great system Samhar, but check out the 40.1's if you have a chance.


Jeff I zoned on the CES part of your response to Pdreher!!!!


Very nice system and decor!!! JM is in the So Bay is that where you're located and did you hear the 40.1's in LA?


I purchased the Montana's from my buddy Joe at JM Sound. He's a really great guy and an excellent dealer to do business with.


i have a pair of montana xp and love them where did you get yours


I have heard jeff's system many times and it is always a pleasure while sitting in his mid-century modern furniture. The Hovland addition was significant.


The cabinet was purchased from Room and Board. I collect 50's modern furniture so all the stereo equipment and racking has to look appropriate. This cabinate was made in the George Nakashima Japanese craftsman style.

BTW, love you Mac tube amps.


Well done!!

Love the synergy between the Hovland and Pass.

Is the cabinet custom made?


Showing 76 - 89 of 89 posts