
All new room and modified system to fit the room. Converted the garage to a dedicated music room with remote AC system, completely dedicated 10 foot ground spike and dedicated circuits. GIK treatments throughout (diffusion on the ceilings and absorption everywhere else) has made the system sing.

And thank you to the following Audiogon gurus: SKushino, Syntax and Halcro.

Components Toggle details

    • Transrotor Fat Bob S
    German made 70 lb monster
    • Hovland Company HP-100 mc
    Excellent build and beautiful sound
    • Gingko Audio Cloud 11
    For the table and pre-amp
    • Ikeda 345
    Japanese tone arm designed by Ikeda Son based on the famous FR64S. Made my Shelter 5000 come alive!
    • Fidelity Research Fr-7
    I found this new in box.....on Craig's List. The guy bought it and put it in a drawer!
    • Shelter 501 II
    Great cartridge
    • Denon 103R
    With a super heavy Audio Technica headshell...its pretty awesome
    • Cyrus Brenneman Bel Air
    50 watt EL34 Based mono amp
    • Revox PR-99
    Sonorus Modified Revox PR99. I can't say enough about Arian Jansen's highly modified tape deck.

Comments 89

Thank you for the kind words. I'm using a Mac Mini with Pure Music software but should really check out the Mach2, you are the second person to mention it. The next move is a tube amp......or maybe two!


Well done Jeff!

Hovland, Fat Bob and First Watt are good components matched with AGs. Components look great with the credenza. Lucky the AGs are WA.

Have you researched Mach2 Music Server (modified Apple mini server)?

What's next on the HiFi roadmap?


That's not a strange question....

I have a very curious 1 1/2 year old that is learning very quickly that the stereo is off limits. One of the reasons i got the Avantgardes is that they look great and sound great with the grills on. The tweeter has a screen over the driver. This should be protection.

And they sound like live music!


Great System....Quick question (this may be an odd one). How kid friendly would you say the AvantGardes are? Would having a curious kid with little fingers in your living room make you nervous? Are there any particularly fragile parts a curious 5 year old might be able to reach? I am losing sleep over my silk tweeters and I have always liked horns. My wife likes the look of AGs (thats a first!)


Hi! What bass settings are you using on the subs? What is your room's size and layout? I find the bass can be finely adjusted with the woofer controls, as long as your careful, know where you want to go, and are perseverant.



Thanks for the update. My stands are actually address several of the benifits that your G2 stands already provide. Good luck, there's nothing better than horns!


Jeff 225,
Thank you for the explanation. I'm currently waiting to try Stillpoints Ultra SS under my Duos. I've had custom adapters made, to integrate Ultras into a Duo frame (Since mine is G2, the frame is of a totally different design, than yours)
I will report my results here, or in the forum.


Great system you have, looks like you have put a lot of thought into room acoustics. These resonators are currently made by several different manufacturers here is a link to a 6 Moons review of one of the brands:

Now that I've had a few more days to listen to the Sound Anchors on the Avantgardes, I have to say they made a very profound difference. No only is the bass more tuneful and less "boomy," the midrange has seemed to improve somehow. Maybe because the stand is not in contact with the floor but is suspended? I have no clue...but worth every penny.



Could you describe improvements in the bass performance after you installed Sound Anchors?
I have similar setup- Avantgarde on hardwood floor.


Jeff - what does your version of the Tibetan singing bells do exactly? Do they ring and resonate which adds some level of pleasant 'distortion?' I'm not familiar with what they are but am curious enough to ask . . . thanks.


System edited: New tweeks added to the system! Although I love the Uno's I wanted a little more stage hight. Custom Sound Anchors raised the speakers 8" and vastly improved the bass. At several rooms at CES, I was amazed how various resonators improved the sound. Since they are all based on Tibetan singing bells, I decided to make my own using bells sourced from eBay. Awesome!


Jeff - how's life? Your system looks great. Still love the 'headhunters' mask above your lowboy. Any trips to Seattle on your calendar?


LOL...that's what all my frieds say. I heard the Duo's at CES and thought they were excellent, bigger sound stage than the UNO Nano's.

For my small room, the Nano's are working just fine. I need to upgrade to a bigger house!


I think it's time you upgraded to Duo's!

Sell me your Nanos :)


Love the mid-century aesthetic of your system. Beautiful!


System edited: Updated the opening comments.


Listening to Miles Davis Agharta tonight...have to say Audiogon is a great place to buy records! Tired of getting ripped off on eBay.


Upgraded to Channel D Pure Music and I can honestly say I hear a big difference. iTunes sounds totally flat and compressed by comparison.


Thanks for the comment on my system, jeff. You have a very impressive kit, and the room looks great.


Hi Jeff
I have found the Avantgarde speakers continue to get noticeably better for at least 6 months of playing music, they do sound very good from new but you can hear improvements from playing music through the speakers over time clearly.


Thanks for the comment. The music surver is still only about 20-30% of my listening time and the Ayre is amazing.

But...the sickness will lead me to search out better sound. I'll give it a listen.


Hi Jeff,
Nice gear - I bet it sounds marvelous. If ever you get the bug to change your DAC, another member I chatted with that had the same Ayre QB-9 DAC changed it to the Metric Halo LIO-8, which is pro-gear, and said it was a significant improvement . . . just FYI.

Happy listening and enjoy your Avantguards.


Wow, it sure takes a long time to break in the Avantgarde horn drivers! Each day, they sound more open and dynamic...


System edited: Another comprehensive change to the system. Forfilled a many year long dream and upgraded to Avantgarde speakers. The horn midrange is truly world class. Needed to stay with my boy Nelson Pass and hooked up a First Watt J2. Excellent match with the Hovland. Ayre QB-9 changed the PC music server game. While not 100% of my vinyl system, get you 95% there for half the price of the Transrotor/SME/Shelter system.


Picked up a Ayre QB-9 DAC. Burning in now, will report back soon!


Showing 51 - 75 of 89 posts