This system sounds amazing in this room - 20ft. ceilings with tons of space/volume. It pretty much does it all... Most importantly, it sounds real and yields goosebumps!
Most musical DAC for tube lovers and vinyl junkies in a high resolution horn system.
Shindo Monbrison
Original version!
Shindo 300B Lafon
Western Electric 300B monoblocs; 8 watt, single ended triode amplifiers
Lignolab Rack
Isolated equipment rack. Unmatched quality; heavy as lead...
Shindo Arome
CD Matching Transformer
Shindo ICs and Powercords
Shindo silver cables and Shindo upgraded power cords throughout. 2-wire power cords connected to amps and preamp. 3-wire (grounded) cords connected to Mr. T, TeddyDAC, and TTouch power supply for the SB Touch. Very important!!!
Shindo Latour/Altec Valencia horns
Altec 416-8A and 806-8A drivers with Shindo manufactured enclosures and crossovers.
No mods to the SB Touch; however it's powered by Teddy Pardo's TTouch power supply. The Ttouch is a great taste of what the TeddyDac is capable of. The TeddyDac is just more of it and better!
Hi Markpug, Your room and system look beautiful, the music reproduction must be simply wonderful! I love 300b amps and one day hope to hear the Shindo`s 300b amp interpretation.