
This is a project that's been on going since the days of my Lenco experiments. My Lenco project is posted as a virtual system here at Audiogon too.

My Technics SP10 MK2 in custom African Wenge plinth is posted in my main system and this Technics SP10 MK3 in Panzerholz and Ebony Plinth was completed November 20th, 2008.

More images to follow, including the Ebony custom platform it will rest on. The platform is 9 layer construction including a layer of Texas Instruments shield with active ground plane.

Components Toggle details

    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    This is to document my Technics SP10 MK 3 project
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Finish view with SME 312S and Air Tight PC-1, now replaced with Air Tight Supreme
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Detail of copper clad platter assembly,
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Chassis with platter removed. This uses a record cutting motor for drive system,
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Detail of construction of Ebony plinth
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Detail of Ebony plinth construction
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Detail of rotor-motor. Underside of Technics MK3 platter.
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Panzerholz construction core for project. Completed plinth with Ebony lumber exterior and hardware is approximately $3800.00
    • Technics SP-10 mkIII
    Panzerholz assembly with Technics SP10 MK2 for basic measurements. Core Panzerholz plinth with no finish is approximately $1800.00

Comments 178

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Albert. You are absolutely right. The P3a is a great tt - although not on the level of the SX-777FV it easily holds it own against the top direct drive tt´s available today. I was lucky to have had both (P3a and SX-777FV) and must say that most of the great ideas of Micro and Pioneer (Exclusive) and Denon tt´s are just copied today by several manufacturers but not executed very well.


Hi Albert. Thanks to this thread I have started - and recently finished my Micro Seiki SX-777FV project and must say: the revised plinith, motor, air-pump and power supply make a former world class table a state of the art device. The top designs of the 80`s do have SO much potential !! Can´t understand why they are so often overlooked. Enjoy !!


hi albert. i have been on holiday. will come back to you asap. best, frank


albert. could you please contact me for further details on my private email adress at ? best, frank


Hello Albert. Do you think you could completely rebuild a used Micro Seiki SX-777 FV turntable incl. new plinith (like the one you´ve build for the Technics SL-10 MK III) rebuild the airpump and the motor (and improve it) and the circuit boards ? Or do you probably know somebody who can ?
Looking foreward hearing from you.


Albert/ T bone: I´ll keep you updated with the P3a as soon as it arrives safely at my home. Will post some pics of my system when all is done..


Albert/ T-Bone: there are some differences between P3 and P3a regarding the bearing and the motor. The S/N with the P3 is 78db and the S/N of the P3a is incredible 95db. Regarding the asking price: the P3a was at its time double the costs of the SP-10 MK III - which is regarding to the build quality o.k. (only surpassed by the big Micro Seikis and the Goldmund Reference at that time). Í can report more on the P3a when I receive mine - I was lucky to buy one in Tokyo to acompany my Micro SX-1500 FVG which I´ve send to a specialist for modification


Albert: that sounds very impressiv. You should have a very close look at the Exclusive P3a - it is said to be the best direct dirive tt alongside the Denon DP-100M ever. Should you start an Exclusive P3a project, please drop me a note - I´m going to buy one very soon..


Albert. How would you rate the modded SP-10 MK III against your Walker Audio tt ?
Best, Frank


hello albert. do you actually sell SP-10 MK III´s with your custom made plinith ?

Best, frank
