
I haven't updated my system in a while and found it amusing to reflect on how many times I have said, "this is it" with total conviction over the years. I won't say that now, but will say that my current combination of gear is providing the best overall sound I have ever had, and also the most functionality and least amount of glitchy trouble. 

The Lampizator Horizon is beyond description and simply must be heard. I think the challenge now is getting my analog to a somewhat competitive level, which is something I never thought I would say after twenty-five years in the hobby.


Components Toggle details

    • Technics 1200G Technics
    • van den Hul Frog Gold
    Still breaking in, but I already love this cartridge. It gets the music right.
    • Fyne Audio F704
    Musical, dynamic, and gorgeous to behold. I love these speakers!
    • Clarity Audio Vortex
    The Vortex cables are reasonably priced and just great at getting out of the way and allowing the music to pour through without coloration.
    • VAC Renaissance Phono Stage SE
    The best of several phono stages I have owned. Unless I hit the lottery, the VAC will be in my system for a long time to come. It has been years since I've spent as much time spinning vinyl!
    • Audience AU24 SX Speaker Cables and Interconnects
    My first experience with Audience cables, and I love them. So real and textured, a great balance between refinement and dynamics.
    • Aurender N20
    Excellent server, streaming Quboz through it with no issues and amazing sound. Also have 5000 CDs ripped and stored on it. Wonderful!
    • Lampizator Horizon
    The Horizon is one of those rare products that not only lives up to the hype, but somehow exceeds it. I never expected to be in a position to own one, but fortune smiled on me and now it has taken my system to a level I could have never imagined.

    I have only had it a week. It will take some time to dial in the cabling and tube complement, but it is just pure bliss to listen to.
    • Puritan Audio Labs PSM156
    An excellent power conditioner, unrestrained dynamics and a very low noise floor.
    • Synthesis Art in Music A100 Titan

    After a years long quest to find the perfect solid state solution, I finally went back to tubes rather than a fun but ultimately fruitless quest to find a "tube-like" solid state integrated. The Synthesis is relatively unheralded in the United States, but it is a stunning amp with a remarkably good onboard DAC. I feel like Synthesis amps may be the best kept secret in high end today.

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I also have a Herron VTPH-2 phono and used it with the Shelter 501 MkII. I found a loading of 100ohm worked very well. Have you tried this? I would like to see pics when you can post them. Nice system.
