
I haven't updated my system in a while and found it amusing to reflect on how many times I have said, "this is it" with total conviction over the years. I won't say that now, but will say that my current combination of gear is providing the best overall sound I have ever had, and also the most functionality and least amount of glitchy trouble. 

The Lampizator Horizon is beyond description and simply must be heard. I think the challenge now is getting my analog to a somewhat competitive level, which is something I never thought I would say after twenty-five years in the hobby.


Components Toggle details

    • Technics 1200G Technics
    • van den Hul Frog Gold
    Still breaking in, but I already love this cartridge. It gets the music right.
    • Fyne Audio F704
    Musical, dynamic, and gorgeous to behold. I love these speakers!
    • Clarity Audio Vortex
    The Vortex cables are reasonably priced and just great at getting out of the way and allowing the music to pour through without coloration.
    • VAC Renaissance Phono Stage SE
    The best of several phono stages I have owned. Unless I hit the lottery, the VAC will be in my system for a long time to come. It has been years since I've spent as much time spinning vinyl!
    • Audience AU24 SX Speaker Cables and Interconnects
    My first experience with Audience cables, and I love them. So real and textured, a great balance between refinement and dynamics.
    • Aurender N20
    Excellent server, streaming Quboz through it with no issues and amazing sound. Also have 5000 CDs ripped and stored on it. Wonderful!
    • Lampizator Horizon
    The Horizon is one of those rare products that not only lives up to the hype, but somehow exceeds it. I never expected to be in a position to own one, but fortune smiled on me and now it has taken my system to a level I could have never imagined.

    I have only had it a week. It will take some time to dial in the cabling and tube complement, but it is just pure bliss to listen to.
    • Puritan Audio Labs PSM156
    An excellent power conditioner, unrestrained dynamics and a very low noise floor.
    • Synthesis Art in Music A100 Titan

    After a years long quest to find the perfect solid state solution, I finally went back to tubes rather than a fun but ultimately fruitless quest to find a "tube-like" solid state integrated. The Synthesis is relatively unheralded in the United States, but it is a stunning amp with a remarkably good onboard DAC. I feel like Synthesis amps may be the best kept secret in high end today.

Comments 26

I'd love to hear those speakers! Nice system Chris.


Thanks very much, zufan. I hope you are able to find the right pair for your system very soon!


Also a Fyne fan. In a big way. Jelly of your 704, very nice.


Nice room and system!  Happy Listening!


I did not know you own the Inakustik power conditioner. Which power conditioner did this replace? What are your thoughts on this one? I believe you sold the speakers in this system? I did look up your system sometime back based on @almarg suggestion of the speakers.



Hi Chuck,
I tried a few different 300Bs in the VAC, and I thought the KR 300Bs were probably the best of the lot. The challenge is to find a properly matched--and reasonably affordable--octet of them. In the end, it is just hard to beat the stock tubes, which the guys at VAC do a great job in selecting. Tube rolling is fun, but with VAC gear, I just don't find it all that necessary. The stock tubes sound very good, and the amp is quiet as a church mouse with them installed.



I noticed you sold a pair of KR 300B tubes. Did you not like their sonics in your VAC Renaissance amp? What 300B's are you using?


Chris...I sense you're in audio nirvana. I just posted on your thread that appeared some time ago, in which you were inquiring about the Reference 3A Grand Veena speakers. I'm very interested in hearing about any impressions you may have about these, and as well as your experience with your Daedalus Ulysses speakers. I no longer have access to your e-mail address, and Audiogon's newer system makes it impossible to communicate directly unless one has something for sale. If possible, and if you're willing, I would greatly appreciate your getting in touch. Thanks very much...Jeff near Asheville.


I have the Romance I and they are wonderful. Eric is making me some jumpers now for my Soundlab speakers.



They're definitely on my radar, Bill. I will see if I can arrange an audition soon. Do you have the Romance I or Romance II, or some combination of the two?


Walter before you commit you must try Eric Love's Romance cables. Based on your system and the sound you like you must call Eric.

I tried and owned gold based cables and agree with you.The Romance cables are very special however and they replaced my gold based cables.

Call Eric and see if you can try the Romance line.

They are so natural and easy on the ears. Just spot on with tone and beauty.


System edited: Trying some new cables to better enhance my system makeover. So far, so good. I am really liking what the gold-based cables are doing in my system. We'll see how it shakes out.



Hi Bill,

If you get a chance to hear these, you really should. You might try contacting Lou to see if there are any Daedalus owners anywhere near you. No, I have not heard the Soundlabs, but would really love to someday. They were on my shortlist of speakers to audition when I decided to move on from my Piegas, but I stumbled into a used pair of Ulysses about a year ago and just couldn't pass them up. I have a friend in a neighboring town who has had them for awhile now, so I was very familiar with their presentation and had been drooling over them for over a year--and that was BEFORE the crossover upgrade, which makes a very nice difference.

One great thing about Daedalus speakers is that you can use just about any amp you like on them. I believe Lou usually shows them with the big Modwright mono blocks--which are solid state and supposedly very good--but it seems that most people who get these speakers (at least the owners I know) eventually migrate to tube amps. As good as the Samsons were, they just did not compare with the VAC Renaissance 70/70 Mk III on these speakers. It's the proverbial match made in heaven.

I am looking forward to your report on your new Dude. Sounds pretty exciting. I still love mine!


I would love to hear your speakers as they are very interesting. I just read all of the reviews and went to the website to read more.

Based on my reading I would think a nice tube amp would be the best way to hear this speaker. Have you ever heard the large Soundlab speakers? Wonder how both these speakers are alike and different in sound personality?

Very nice system indeed. My new Dude is here Tuesday. I had Paul build me one with 2-6sn7's per side and a few other custom touches.

I need to hear this speaker and understand it is only available direct?



You're right, Knghifi, you really cannot go wrong with either of these amps. But this VAC Renaissance 70/70 MkIII is something very, very special, especially with KR 300B tubes installed. It is a spectacular match with the Ulysses.
As Charles1dad noted, it has indeed moved me to a different level.

Thanks for your comments, guys.


The fact that the TRL Sampsons were walter`s former reference amps speak to his apparent happiness with them. As he`s discovered, the VAC amps with it`s 300b push-pull design has moved him to a different level. That" beath of life" factor seems to elude solid state amps(at least in my experiences so far).


Waltersalas, you can't go wrong with either VAC or TRL. Kevin and Paul are among one of the best in the business.

It makes perfect sense trying/going tube amp with your high efficiency speakers.



Yes, exactly right, Charles1dad. Thanks for your comments. Very nice, well thought out system you have, by the way. I bet it sounds great!


"Breath of life"
I completely understand, once exposed to it you can`t ignore or live without this quality in your system. This realization is irreversible.

The VAC REN. 70/70 are truly great amps.



I sure was, and still am, a big fan of the Samsons. In the end, I just think there is something about a good tube amp that has that elusive "breath of life" that solid state--at least none that I have heard--can quite impart. At least that is true in comparing these amps on my Daedalus speakers, which are very efficient and require nowhere near the power of the Samsons. On the other hand, the 70/70 is also an incredibly powerful amp and drives these speakers so easily that I am convinced a 30/30 would do nicely for most anyone using these speakers.

I hate to cop out and just state flatly that the VAC is a more musical amp, but on these speakers, it is to my ears. That is to take nothing away from the Samsons, which I still regard very highly. I wasn't sure the 70/70 would unseat them, but once I got them here and let them play for just a few hours, I knew there would be no turning back.

By the way, the VAC Ren 70/70 is a great match for the Dude. No worries there at all there.


I know you were very fond of the TRL Sampsons, what improvement do the VAC REN 70/70 amps yield? Does the Dude mate with them as well as with the TRL amps?


System edited: Updates: replaced my TRL Samsons with VAC Renaissance 70/70 MKIII and replaced the Berkeley Alpha DAC with the Weiss DAC202. Both yielded significant improvements in my system. I also upgraded my cartridge to a Dynavector XV 1s, which is a tremendous performer. I can't imagine being happier with the system than I am now.


Hi Chris.
Sorry to take so long to respond. I am such a slow typist, I have to phsyc myself to make multi sentance posts. Not to mention working 6 days a week and being carer for my wheelchair confined daughter.

I have purchased Aether Audio (formerly SP Technology) Revelation MR-2 MK IV (website link
The desighner/engineer (Bob Smith) is a Paul Weitzel type direct manufacturer that is building (I hope) a product worth many times the purchase price had he been using a retail network.

So far its all a test of faith as the products are a few weeks away from finalization yet.

I have spoken directly to Bob and Paul and owners of both companies products and am very confident in the value of my purchases.

Having said that it is still satisfying to find others that have taken delivery and now feel they have bought their "final" system.




Hi Graham,

The TRL gear is absolutely top notch, and, not surprisingly, the Dude and the Samsons are a fantastic match. I have had a fair number of amps, and an even higher number of preamps, and I am off the merry-go-round with my TRL electronics.

What speakers do you have, out of curiosity? I've had three pairs with my TRL amps--Piega P10s, Intuitive Design Gamma Summits, and now Daedalus Ulysses--and all three speakers sounded great with the TRL gear.

Thanks for your message, and good luck with your system!



Hi Waltersalas.

I have on order The Dude and a pair of TRL Samson Monoblocks.

Interested to hear your latest impressions. Paul @ TRL is also modding a pair of Marantz SA8001 SACD players for me.

I am confident I have done the right thing, but its always good to get others thoughts.



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