
Still a work in progress.

Just recently painted the listening room. ( Choosing a color might have been the hardest decision thus far )

Some of my comments:

Biggest Gains:

Raidho Ayra C2's - Insanely precise and fast! However, it took alot of tweaking/component matching to get the sound I was looking for.

Audio Research Reference 5 - After looking at several alternatives, this complemented the Raidho's quite well by breathing life back into the system.

Room Treatments: Helped tame the bass as the listening room is quite small.

Moderate Gains:

Linn Akurate DS: Wonderful streamer and integration with ipad/computers was very convenient.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research Reference 5
    Audio Research Reference 5
    • Bel Canto Design Ref500m
    Reference 500 Monoblocks
    • Linn Akurate DS
    Akurate DS streamer
    • Raidho Ayra C 2.0
    2.5 Way Raidho Ayra Speakers
    • Nordost Thor
    Power Conditioner
    • Finite Elemente Pagode Signature
    4 tier version

Comments 5

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Hi Shanghait,

Long time no updates!

Any developments in your system or room?

Still enjoying the Raidho C2's?

I recently upgraded to the D2. It is a wonderful speaker and i have written a bit about it here

Hope to hear from you.


Hi Shanghai,

Yes, i have QX2 and QX4 in my system and they make a huge difference for the better. Much bigger and more airy soundstage to pick on two positive differences.

Raidho use Nordost cable to internally wire their speakers and i feel good synergy exists by using external wiring of the same brand.

I understand you comment on the bass. Some would say the bass is a tad lean and certainly this would be true if compared with the Wilson Sashas. The Raidho's trade bass depth for speed and pin point accuracy which in a small room (like we both have) is highly beneficial.

I live in Singapore; but originate from NZ.


Love your choice of color. If it was a struggle to chose the color then it looks to be a worthwhile struggle...

What are the dimensions of the room? Were you able to try the Raidho C-2.0 speakers before purchase? I bought some C-1.0 speakers in part because i thought the C-2.0 might be too much for my small room.

I'd be interested to know in what your previous speakers were and what else was considered before buying the C-2.0?

Looks like you are using Nordost speaker cables? What are your other cables?

I see you are driving the C-2.0's with Bel Canto mono blocs. Are these new and if so i'd also be intested to know in what else you considered?

Sorry for all the questions....
