
Still a work in progress.

Just recently painted the listening room. ( Choosing a color might have been the hardest decision thus far )

Some of my comments:

Biggest Gains:

Raidho Ayra C2's - Insanely precise and fast! However, it took alot of tweaking/component matching to get the sound I was looking for.

Audio Research Reference 5 - After looking at several alternatives, this complemented the Raidho's quite well by breathing life back into the system.

Room Treatments: Helped tame the bass as the listening room is quite small.

Moderate Gains:

Linn Akurate DS: Wonderful streamer and integration with ipad/computers was very convenient.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research Reference 5
    Audio Research Reference 5
    • Bel Canto Design Ref500m
    Reference 500 Monoblocks
    • Linn Akurate DS
    Akurate DS streamer
    • Raidho Ayra C 2.0
    2.5 Way Raidho Ayra Speakers
    • Nordost Thor
    Power Conditioner
    • Finite Elemente Pagode Signature
    4 tier version

Comments 5

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How's it going with the raidho. I got a quick question. Have you thought about putting a ref 150 to match your ref 5. Reason I ask is I have been thinking about your speakers and I'm want to make sure my ref 150 would push em. Beautiful system. I like the paint a lot. Has a clean look to it. Anyways hope all is sounding good.
