
Current Office System consisting primarily of McIntosh, B&W and Audioquest. Would love to exchange the C-45 for a dedicated 2-channel tube pre--C-2200 or the like since I've given up on multi-channel.

Particularly happy with Target's addition to the system...the blue meter-colored bases. Wire management is pretty good if I do say so myself.

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh MVP-851
    CD/DVD player
    • McIntosh C-45
    Multi-channel preamp
    • McIntosh MC-252
    250 watts x 2
    • B&W 803s
    3-way floor standing. Rosenut
    • Yamaha MusicCAST MCX-1000
    Digital Audio Server. Lossless CD-quality files. Currently 250 gigs.
    • Rotel RT-940ax
    Just a tuner
    • AudioQuest CV-6
    8 ft. pair. Part of double bi-wire. Handling mids/highs
    • AudioQuest Pikes Peak
    8 ft pair. Part of double bi-wire. Handling bass.
    • AudioQuest Cheetah
    Between CD and Pre
    • AudioQuest Jaguar
    All interconnects except CD-Pre

Comments 3

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Great system. It matches mine very closely (803's, C45, MC352, AQ Caldera/Viper. Don't give up on the C45 just yet. It has a feature that you could use to great effect and that is the trim feature. Get a small subwoofer and Setup your system for 2 channel with the sub and viola. One button push and you can tailor the lower register volume independly from the left/right speaker. None of the Mc tube pre's has this feature. The one complaint Stereophile had of the 803's (rated A-) was that the bass is a little weak. Also I would mount the components and speakers on wood plinths with brass footers and don't stack anything. Listen every day.
