
Current Office System consisting primarily of McIntosh, B&W and Audioquest. Would love to exchange the C-45 for a dedicated 2-channel tube pre--C-2200 or the like since I've given up on multi-channel.

Particularly happy with Target's addition to the system...the blue meter-colored bases. Wire management is pretty good if I do say so myself.

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh MVP-851
    CD/DVD player
    • McIntosh C-45
    Multi-channel preamp
    • McIntosh MC-252
    250 watts x 2
    • B&W 803s
    3-way floor standing. Rosenut
    • Yamaha MusicCAST MCX-1000
    Digital Audio Server. Lossless CD-quality files. Currently 250 gigs.
    • Rotel RT-940ax
    Just a tuner
    • AudioQuest CV-6
    8 ft. pair. Part of double bi-wire. Handling mids/highs
    • AudioQuest Pikes Peak
    8 ft pair. Part of double bi-wire. Handling bass.
    • AudioQuest Cheetah
    Between CD and Pre
    • AudioQuest Jaguar
    All interconnects except CD-Pre

Comments 3

Great system. It matches mine very closely (803's, C45, MC352, AQ Caldera/Viper. Don't give up on the C45 just yet. It has a feature that you could use to great effect and that is the trim feature. Get a small subwoofer and Setup your system for 2 channel with the sub and viola. One button push and you can tailor the lower register volume independly from the left/right speaker. None of the Mc tube pre's has this feature. The one complaint Stereophile had of the 803's (rated A-) was that the bass is a little weak. Also I would mount the components and speakers on wood plinths with brass footers and don't stack anything. Listen every day.


Thanks Nissancrazy. The room is a little small, but not too bad. I had all the gear on the floor until recently (couldn't take pictures of that, now could I?) and it's the strangest thing...putting the gear on the stands opened up the sound stage and gave it a height and depth I haven't heard since everything was in a large studio apt.

Got Ray LaMontagne "Gossip in the Grain" on right now. sounds amazing.


Wow, one heck of an office system. Well done sir. Love the MAC.


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