
Been building this system slowly over the last 5 yrs. I have finaly received my new Totem winds and model 1 signature center. The winds are absolutely exquisite and look fabulous. Just made my final upgrade with Bryston 4B sst square and Bp26 with dac. Guess i can say now that i really love canadian products :)

Just added my dream plasma to system. Pro-151fd Elite 60". Picture is to die for!

Components Toggle details

    • pioneer bdp-95
    • Anthem avm-30
    • Anthem mca-50
    • Totem Acoustics wind
    • Totem Acoustics model 1 signature centre
    • paradigm studio adp
    • Velodyne VA-810
    • monster cable z-1
    • Sim Audio Equinox
    • Bryston 4B sst square
    17 inch plate with handles
    • Bryston Bp 26 with DAC
    17 inch plate,black with power supply and Dac
    • Richard Gray 400 RGPC pro
    Power cleaner
    • Pioneer Elite pro-151 fd
    Best Plasma periode.

Comments 52

thanks velocityofhue for the compliments. I heard lots of great things about Ayre i'm hoping to get a chance to hear it some day.


Nice system! If you are in the nyc area you can take a listen to those spks w/ayre gear. Sounded very pleasant to my ears.


I love my atoll. Infact i made the mistake of buying a simaudio equinox, and put my atoll up for sale on canuckaudio. After listening to the sim it doesnt sound nearly as detailed as the simaudio. The only reason i bought the simaudio was because i thought it would be close to what the Atoll would be giving me or even better ....(WRONG) . I bought the Sim only because it was black and wanted to match the rest of my system. Now im stuck with 2 players.


How do you like your Atoll?


No i dont. I already have 265W into 4 ohms right now and its lacking. I just bought a Bryston 4b sst that will be comming shortly that should fill the void perfectly. Im looking for good 2 chanel preamp right now. Debating between the dodd audio and the Redwine Isabella which is more money.


You don't think the Atoll AM200. 200W into 4ohms would be enough?


The Rwa isabella pre amp does seem very nice though and i will take a closer at it if i can find a dealer near by. Thanks for the request Mrjstark


Atoll amp is not powerful enough for the winds. They need quite a bit of juice to make them happy. Thanks for the recomendation though guys.


I will 2nd Dodd - very transparent preamp and a steal for the asking price.
Also check out RWA Isabella preamp which is similar to Dodd but adds extra texture and warmth.


Have you though about getting an Atoll amp?


Well brought the bryston back after much listening to. Will be going Mcintosh in the spring.


Well plugged my Bryston 4B sst tonight, first impressions well left me a little dissapointed. I sat down for many hrs going back and forth between my Anthem amp and the bryston. Changed my playbacks many times and then finaly things started to pop out. At first glance was not very evident. Will do some more listening tomorow and will decide on Sunday if i keep the amp or if it goes back to the dealer.


Great. I have Bryston 2B (over 20 years) in my woodworking shop powering my Mirage bookshelf speakers.


System edited: Felt the need to add more power to my winds. Therefore decided to add Bryston 4b sst for the moment.


Actualy went on Monday and he made me a deal the Bryston 4b sst at 2800 plus tax, i have a feeling i could twist him into giving it to me for 3000 tax in. Pricing on the 252 solid state was 4300 plus tax. So i told him if i trade in less then a yr i want to be able to trade up for the Mac. So for the moment im still thinking about it for the wknd. I might ask if i can borrow the amp over the wknd to test it out and see if there is a huge difference between my amp and the bryston also.


Maverick how did your visit go?


Thanks for your response Lapierre. Im goin to see my dealer tonight and goin to compare a few things. He also offered me a Bryston 4b sst at a lower cost but did recomend the Mcintosh over the Bryston. I might just go with the Mcintosh 252 for now and upgrade next yr to a 501.


Well done!

Recommend trying McIntosh MC275 with upgraded tubes. For solid state MC252 or MC402.


Yes i absolutely love them in maple. No regrets whats so ever and not planning on upgrading those speakers anytime soon. I appreciate your imput on the Parasounds i will keep that in mind when i look into upgrading my amp next yr. Thx for the comments Audiobroke.


Nice Totem system! Those Winds sure look good in maple. If you're looking for good mono's for them, you can't go wrong with Parasounds JC-1's, it's an awesome combination!


Thanks Haimoc, would like your suggestion on a power amp when you get a chance, since i see you listen to totem as well. thanks again for your comment.


Beautiful and very clean looking system... Top notch...


Thanks for the compliment Linnie been working very long at building it properly. I will post some other pictures of the rest of my set-up shortly.
thanks again for your comments guys


I listen to all sorts of music but lately i have been more and more interested into some Jazz. (miles davis) to be more precise. I also bought some 2 albums from Peter Gabriel today which sounds really good also. I also love trance music. Like i said my collection of albums are quite varried.


My Winds are about a foot and a half from the wall. Still working on setting them properly and experiencing on the placement. Sorry for the slow response i dont get ant notices when people write. And yes they are absolutely georgeous and reproduce music to perfection. Thanks for your comment Mordante


Showing 26 - 50 of 52 posts