
High priority on tone, soundstage and overall balance of sound.

Components Toggle details

    • Tekton Design MOAB
    These speakers use a double tweeter array to produce the midrange. The Be tweeter between the arrays is used as the actual tweeter. Then two big ass woofers are added. Extremely well reviewed and high value speakers!
    • Mr K Passive Preamplifier PPA01
    This is an extremely high quality autoformer based passive preamp. There is absolutely no noise but with with excellent soundstaging and dynamics. 

    • Aria Audio Aria Signature MK2
    This is a beautiful hand-built amplifier that puts out100 watts of Class A power with very high current capability. A extremely seductive yet authoritative sound with the Moabs.
    • MHDT Orchid
    The Orchid DACs are legendary. They use the TDA 1541A R2R chip for a a realistic and natural sound. This Orchid was Bill Dion's (grannyring) personal DAC which he highly modified by doing the following:
    - Upgraded the output capacitors to a custom made set of 2.2uf copper foil in beeswax, flat stacked design caps from Jupiter Condenser. Chris of Jupiter does not offer these out as they cost too much to build and takes too much time to manufacture. They are a sonic cut above the fantastic round Jupiter copper foil caps. 
    - 4 Miflex KPCU-02 0.1 micro farad copper foil caps in other key positions. 
    - 10 carefully selected resistor types located though-out the DAC 

    • Innuos PULSE
    Network Streamer internal with a RECAP2 power supply by Dr. Sean Jacobs built-in. Uses the innuOS 2.0 and Sense software. It's the best sounding streamer, OS and control software I've ever used. Here is more info:
    ⦿ Medical-grade filtered IEC 
    ⦿ Audio-grade toroidal transformer with an epoxy-filled center for dampening vibration, magnetic screening with coated SYN-SHIELD copper tape between windings and wrapped in black Mylar Tape
    ⦿ Over 40000 µF of high-end Mundorf Capacitors
    ⦿ Coilcraft Inductor

    • Inakustik Referenz LS-2404 Air Interconnects and Speaker Cables
    Inakustik Referenz LS-2404 Air Interconnects and Speaker Cables. These are meticulously made open-weave copper cables. Each strand is separated to insure an air insulation between the strands. It makes for an open very natural sound with the best bass I've had in my listening room. Expensive but worth it.
    • Network Acoustics Muon System
    This is a complete digital cable system (filter, LAN cable, USB cable). This at a higher level than the famed EVO system.
    • Cayin Audio Mini-CD MK2
    This is an excellent little CD player. I mostly stream but I still have hundreds of CDs.
    • DIY Power cables
    DIY power cables. They use multi-strand copper, an open weave, cotton cord in the center and ERS cloth at both ends. It's the formula Danny Richie uses for his power cables. They have an open, airy yet very solid sound. The key is to break them in for hundreds of hours.
    • Synergistic Research Powercell 12 UEF
    This is a classic power conditioner. It's UEF/EM based and compliments every component plugged in to it!
    • Synergistic Research Galileo SX Grounding Block
    The Galileo SX Grounding Block makes the system absolutely silent at idle and creates very black backgrounds for music. I made my own "high definition" grounding cables.
    • Synergistic Research Black Box

    The Black Box is a Low Frequency Resonator Array that works in conjunction with the Subwoofers, Atmospheres and FEQ X4 to solve bass node issues.  

    • Synergistic Research ART System
    This is Synergistic Research's older acoustic system that's based on resonators. It works very well with their current UEF system and provides excellent results. Complete ART systems are getting hard to find.
    • Synergistic Research: Atmosphere XL-4, Atmosphere, Mini-Atmosphere, FEQ X4 (2), UEF Dots, UEF Panels, Risers, ECT and GCT
    The UEF Panels, UEF Dots, Black Box, Risers, ECT and GCT are all types of sound resonators. I use an Atmosphere XL-4 (green ATM), Atmosphere (red ATM), FEQ X4 (2) (red ATMs) and Mini-Atmosphere (green ATM) - when used with the Synergistic Research control software they generate various frequencies of Schumann Resonances around the room. Bottom line they work: create a huge/realistic listening experience!
    • Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation Podiums
    These decouple and "float" your speakers on a spring-loaded metal base. It opens-up the sound and adds solidity to the bass but doesn't make the sound harsh like most metal speaker bases.
    • Akiko Audio Tuning Stick; Kemp QA Plug (2) and Zero One (2)
    The Akiko Audio, Kemp and Zero One products treat the signal and power in my system keeping the electrons spinning around the electronic signals as uniform as possible or by adding more standard frequency Schumann Resonances. These products are excellent at making your system sound more "natural".
    • Synergistic Research Tranquility Bases and Tranquility Pod
    I use original MIGs under the Tranquility Bases.
    • Puritan 156, ADD-Powr Sorcer and ElectraClear EAU-1
    The Puritan is an excellent line conditioner. The ADD-Powr and ElectraClear devices actually add electromagnetics (EM) to the AC line using an active circuit and algorithm. Contrary to popular belief not all EM is bad for sound quality in stereo systems. The proof is in the listening.
    • Puron AC Line Conditioner
    I use this in the first outlet of my Synergistic Research power conditioner. It gives a more realistic presentation of vocals and reveals a little more texture and impact to the bass.
    • Stein H2 Harmonizer system
    I have 4 Stein H2s in my system.I went with one in each of corner of the room with a Stein stone at each and a Stein diamond on the ceiling in the center of the room. They add layers and layers of depth with each vocalist/instrument being in their own separate but integrated spaces.
    • Tombo Audio Lotus Harmonic Enhancer
    The bell on the top gives high resonance frequency while the tip on the top of the bell performs as a wave guide streaming high frequency up to the ceiling.
    • Swiss Digital Fuse Boxes
    The Swiss Digital Fuse Box replaces the fuse in your component with a pure copper "sluggo". The "sluggo" comes in various types depending on what coating, if any, is applied to it. The bottom line it allows much more current to flow into the electronics which is especially important with high current power amps. Every part of the sonic presentation is enhanced. I now use one on my power amp, DAC and streamer.
    • Perfect Path Technologies Total Contact, RCA caps, Stop-It duplex plugs, E-Mats & E-Cards
    This company has now closed because the owner has passed away. These products work to achieve a uniform and consistent RF/EMI and electron treatment around my components which greatly helps the sonics.
    • Audio Magic Pulsed Electron Alignment
    The PEAs are battery powered. Spintronics is the ability to control or manipulate how electrons spin. Electrons spinning around electronic signals carry audio information. The goal of the PEA devices its to get the electrons spinning as uniformly as possible. It opens up the sound and makes subtle cues in the music even more real.
    • Timbernation and Bright Star Audio Platforms
    Solid maple platforms stained cherry for electronics and Bright Star platforms for the subs.

Comments 577

I've added Inakustik Referenz LS-2404 Air interconnects and speaker cables to my system. These are meticulously made open-weave copper cables. Each strand is separated to insure an air insulation between the strands. It makes for an open very natural sound with the most tuneful bass I've had in my listening room. I'm still using my DIY power cables but I may upgrade to the Inakustik for at least the power amp if I can swing the cost.


I recently saw that Synergistic Research may come out with a Black Box that is intended to sit on top of another Black Box. This makes sense to me because the Black Box is an acoustic resonator. I've been using stacked ATM resonators for years now. The increase in soundstage depth both front/back and left/right is easy to hear. So with that in mind, I placed the Vibratron (which is also a resonator) on top of the Black Box. The result brings even more soundstage, solidity and naturalness to the sound. Everything matters in sound reproduction - it is much more than just replicating frequencies - its timbre, harmonics and second order reflections that makes audio seem live.


I've gone all-in on the Swiss Digital Fuse Boxes. I now have one in my amp, streamer and DAC. The sluggos have been driving me a little crazy though. After much listening and break-in time I've concluded the graphene sluggo should only be used with high current power supplies. Otherwise, the graphene sluggo sounds too bright and edgy. The graphene was basically unlistenable in my streamer and DAC even after days of break-in. The gold plated sluggo was supposed to be "warmer" sounding than the regular copper sluggo but I found the opposite to be true. The gold sluggo was also too edgy. So, I'm using a high purity copper sluggo in the streamer and DAC. The design of the SDFB makes sense and it definitely shows how a little fuse can change the sound of a component. Just do some serious listening and don't assume the graphene sluggo (the most expensive one) will be the  best for every component!


"A Les Paul Gold Top into a Fender Tweed amp. Nice!" Thanks. I bought them locally and got good deals. Just keeping them as investments -- my playing is not nearly good enough for that caliber of classic guitar equipment!


A Les Paul Gold Top into a Fender Tweed amp. Nice!


I was a little surprised that Bill Dion's (Grannyring) highly modified personal Orchid DAC recently came up for sale. I've worked with Bill in the past on some mods and crossovers so I knew the mods would be excellent. I've also owned an Orchid in the past so I knew what the basic sound from that unit is like. I went ahead and purchased it. As expected, its an extremely organic sounding DAC with well defined and tuneful bass.


I've recently added a Swiss Digital Fuse Box to my power amp. It replaces the fuse in your component with a pure copper "sluggo". The "sluggo"comes in various types depending on what coating, if any, is applied to it. It allows much more current to pass into the electronics which is especially important with high current power amps. I'm experimenting with types of "sluggos" and making sure each one is properly burned-in. So far, every one is excellent and has enhanced every part of the sonic presentation.


No doubt the Allegri is an excellent performer but the Mr. K unit is better overall in its soundstaging and dynamics. I did some serious listening today with an  an audiophile friend and he thought basically the same thing.


Does this mean the Townsend Audio Allegri has been banished? I would have thought it to be top drawer all the way.


I continue to be amazed that audiophiles who pay thousands for high-end equipment don't give it adequate time to fully break-in. I recently bought a used passive preamp that has extremely high-quality transformers and over built attenuators. The sound has drastically changed after 100 hours of run-time. The soundstage and dynamics were excellent from the beginning but now are spectacular! You really have to give components a chance to sound their best before selling them.


I've recently added a Mr. K autoformer based passive preamp.Its hand built and extremely high quality. Excellent soundstage and dynamics.


I've added a SR Galileo SX Grounding Block to my system. The system is absolutely quiet at idle and music just seems to pop a little more from the background. Getting good grounding cables for it has been challenging so I've been working on making my own. The micro-banana connection is the main obstacle.


Thank You!
Funny part is, the square adapter I have is also from GE 😄


milpai - Yep, I had the same problem. If you look closely at the picture I have the power cord in the top outlet into the wall and the 3 prong in the bottom plug so there is no space issues. However, I did find one on Amazon which would probably work well because of its a 3 sided design. I tried posting the link but Audiogon wouldn't let me. Try searching

GE 3-Outlet Extender, T-Shaped Adapter Spaced



@sbayne , what is that connector you are using to connect the 2 Purons together? I had the same idea. But it did not work, because the connector from the power cord is pretty big and the square 3-way adapter does not fit in the space.


I've been asked if I still use subs with my Moabs. Previously, I used a distributed sub array with 4 subs. After a lot of listening with my new Aria amp I decided to take the sub array out for a while. My system may not play quite as low but its a little faster now in the bass. Not that it was slugging along before just a slightly more coherent realistic sound. I still think sub arrays are worthwhile but I'm learning it probably depends on your speakers and especially your amp. You really NEED an amp that can deliver large amounts of CURRENT in order to get the bass right. The verdict is still out though - I may start using the sub array again.


The latest change I've made is to incorporate a Tombo Audio resonator into my system. I use LOTS of resonators. Some of them I've made myself and some from Synergistic Research. The Tombo Audio works very well in the midrange region especially on vocals. Vocals are slightly more rounded yet direct sounding. Like you would hear in real life.



I'm now using a Border Patrol DAC that is R2R non-oversampling. It has a tube rectified power supply, choke input and Jupiter caps. The sound is very natural and pure with a very large sound stage. 


Here is the review I sent to Aria Audio regarding their amazing Signature MK2 amp: 
"The Aria Signature MK2 power amp is gorgeous! The contrast of the large blue meters with the slight gold finish is very classy. The build quality is obviously top-notch. Even though its capable of 100 watts into Class A its amazing this amp never gets too hot-to-touch. I let it play for a couple of weeks and checked the sound quality everyday,  It immediately sounded very nice but as time went on the bass extended deeper and the highs opened-up a little more. Now with over 200 hours on the amp the bass is truly authoritative and the midrange/treble smooth as silk. Details in the music are excellent but never edgy or analytical. The area the amp really excels in, however, is soundstaging. The layering of sound is eerie. There are sound images playing in-front, between, behind and to the side of the speakers. My 6 feet tall speakers literally disappear with this amp! I have no idea how you can sell it for $1,450. Wow!!"


The Townshend Audio Allegri passive preamp is autoformer based. It gives you vivid transparency but with excellent dynamics and not a hint of harshness. I've used passives in the past but nothing as good as this.


I've got some major changes in my system that I've been working on. Not the least of which is going to a Autoformer based preamp. Wow!


I've been messing with the location of resonators in my system. Ted Denney recently suggested I lower the Vibratron from where I had it higher up on the wall. I finally settled with it on top of my preamp! It's really brought a lushness to the lower midrange and upper bass region. Amazing what resonators can do!


Audio reviewer Steven Lefkowicz suggested I use a laser ruler to get my chair placement, speaker distance and toe-in exactly symmetrical. I'm now at 35 degrees toe-in, my listening chair is 10.5 feet from the speakers, the speakers are 10.5 feet a part, the front wall is 4 feet behind the speakers and my listening chair is 4 feet from the back wall. This is moved the soundstage slightly to the right so it is exactly centered (it seemed like it was before but now its clearly spot-on) and added these precise measurements added more depth to the sound.  This is a cheap and very easy tweek that I'm sure will help many systems.


I've been messing with speaker toe-in and listening chair placement. I did this when I originally set-up my system but thought I'd check it again. I'm now a little farther from the speakers and have them just slightly toed-in. Splitting hairs but just a little more natural sound. I'm going to live with it for a while and then check it again.


I've been in watts v. current wars with a number of people on other forums. They literally have no idea how a speaker is powered. It's current that drives the cones not watts!! Loudness has very little do with sound quality! It seems audiophiles are kind of stupid...sorry to say that...but....


Showing 1 - 25 of 577 posts