
The Amazon Refernz rekindled my love for vinyl after a 20 year hiatus. The VRS server wrings soul and beauty out of digital media. The Shindo Giscours and Sinhonias have brought me to the end of a long journey in search of my reference electronics. The Devore Silverbacks simply let the music come forward.

Update: Thanks to Matt Rotunda, I just upgraded to the Shindo turntable. Pictures to follow.

Update: Mach2/Amarra software/Amarra DAC replaces the VRS/JRiver/Lynx/Antelope Clock digital front end.

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh Mach2 Mac
    2010 Model. Running latest version of Amarra software.
    • Amarra Model 4
    Pro Audio DAC
    • Shindo Silver
    DAC to Preamp
    • Shindo 301 Player
    Garrard 301 based reference turntable
    • Auditorium A23 Hommage SUT
    Reference quality step up transformer for low output MC phono cartridges
    • Shindo Silver
    SUT to Preamp
    • Shindo Giscours
    Hand made, full function preamp
    • Shindo Silver
    Preamp to Amp
    • Shindo Sinhonia
    40 WPC F2A Push-Pull Monoblocks
    • Auditorium 23
    Hand made. 2.5 Meters. Separate windings for + and - wires. Cloth-wrapped.
    • Devore Silverback Reference
    State of the art 3-way design. 20 - 40kHz frequency response.
    • Shindo Mr. T
    Isolation transformer

Comments 67

Hi Aaron,

Our remodeling project continues...

My guess is that we'll be back in our home by the end of August. I really miss listening to my Silverbacks, but I keep telling myself that good things come to those who wait. In the meantime, I do have my entire front end set up in our temporary home driving a pair of Dali Ikon 6 speakers. These speakers are obviously not in the same league as the Silverbacks or Zu Definitions, but the produce satisfying sound.

I'll post pictures sometime in September once we've moved back in and the dust has settled.

Hope you're enjoying that wonderful system of yours!



Hi Wayne,

I was just wondering how your remodelling is coming along? I am keen to see some pictures of your wonderful system in its new home. If I find myself in San Francisco I will definitely take you up on the offer of a Bay Area "expedition".

All the best,


Hi Aaron,

My pleasure! My decision to go with the Monbrison has less to do with being dissatisfied with the sonics of the ZYX and the PRE-T1 and more to do with the desire to go to a one-box solution. As you know the Artisan is a truly wonderful phono stage, and equals or betters any other phono stage I've heard including my Thor and the Zanden. The Monbrison phono stage is also at or near the top of the heap. The build quality is exceptional and the selection of each part is based solely on how it sounds versus audiophile "standards".

I'm fortunate to have two of the best "Artisanal" dealers I've ever met here in the Bay Area. Mehran at Sorasound has been an excellent "audio sherpa" and we have become fast friends. He epitomizes the highest levels of service, taste and aesthetics.

I met Matthew Rotunda of Pitch Perfect Audio at the beginning of the year and he too has proven to be a wonderful "guide" on my audio journey. Matthew's all Shindo system is a must hear! Matthew also epitomizes the highest levels of service, taste and aesthetics.

My only problem with these two great guys is that my wallet my not be able to withstand long-term relationships! (Cortese Amp?, Amazon Reference?, etc.)

I will post pictures once our remodel is complete (May???) and we're back in our home.

If you find yourself in San Francisco, please get in touch. It would be my pleasure to be your "audio sherpa" on a Bay Area "expedition'!



Hi Wayne,

Thanks for your reply and for your kind compliments on my own evolving system. It is interesting to see that you have moved from the ZYX Artisan and PRE-T1 TVC combo to the Shindo Monbrison, I have flirted with the very same idea on more than one occassion but the purist in me keeps winning out. Living in Australia with no local Shindo dealer makes it difficult to audition any of their range. You are no doubt impressed with the Shindo sound, are you equally impressed with the build quality? I would love to get my hands on a VRS music server at some stage as well. Could I possibly encourage you to post some photos of your gorgeous system at some stage, perhaps when the new listening room is complete?

Thanks again and enjoy,


System edited: Updated 2/27/05 - The addition of the Shindo preamp has taken my system to another level. There is a "density" to the images that did not exist with the TVC based passive preamp that preceded the Shindo. This system should really come into it's own when we finish our 24 X 14.5 x 8.5 media room!



Apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I have the low output (.24mv) Universe cartridge and do employ the +6db option on the PRE-T1. The additional gain results in a slightly higher noise level with my ear in the driver, but is completely silent from any distance greater than 2 feet.

It sounds like you've put together a wonderful system! Your Basis turntable combined withh the ZYX cartridge and phono stage should bring out the best in your vinyl collection.



Hi Wayne,

My compliments on a beautiful combination of components, I am sure that your system sounds superb in terms of the usual audiophile criteria whilst remaining musical and non-fatiguing.

I am considering a similar setup to yours (some components are already in place) consisting of a Basis 2800 Vacuum turntable, Basis Vector tonearm, ZYX Airy 2X H (copper, 0.48mV output) and ZYX Artisan phono stage through an Audio Zone PRE-T1 into a Yamamoto A-08S 45-based SET amplifier driving ZU Definition speakers through ZU Ibis speaker cable with a Grand Prix Audio Monaco rack to keep bad vibes under control.

Do you find that you have sufficient gain in the ZYX phono stage (55dB) in conjunction with your ZYX Universe cartridge (0.24 or 0.48mV output) when used with your passive transformer volume control? I am guessing that you employ the +6dB option on the PRE-T1 when listening to vinyl and if so how does this change the sound for the better or worse?

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and advice.

All the best,



Since you're here in SF, you should stop by and hear for yourself! Email me and we'll get together over the Labor Day weekend.



Semi - I found out about the Devores at 6Moons. I originally was considering the Gibbon Super 8s (looking to downsize), until I read Jules Coleman's review of the Silverbacks. I contacted John Devore and Jules Coleman and really liked what they were saying, so I took a GIANT leap of faith and ordered a pair. They are more dynamic and more transparent that the Vandy 5s. My room is relatively small, so I wasn't really get the benefits of phase and time alignment that the Vandys offer. I'm still burning the Silverbacks in, but I really like what I'm hearing so far!

In Living Stereo, in New York City, carries the whole line. If you're ever in NYC, you should take a listen. If you're in the Bay Area, you're invited to take a listen at my place.



Wow, what an interesting looking system. Could you elaborate more on your ZYX, Triplanar, and Amazon combination? How is that ZYX phonostage? Your system seems extremely minimalist, yet very refined.



Just looked up the Devore Silverback since you liked them better than the mighty Vandy 5. This is one speaker that does not get any press at all, how did you find them in the first place.

Give us more detail, what makes them better than the Vandy 5? Drivers on the Devore Silverback look high quality source from Denmark, what is unique seems to be in cross over. Have you compared to other speakers using similar drivers to get a sense of how much improvement is really from the cross over?


System edited: Lots of changes; new speakers, new digital source, new preamp new phono preamp and new amps. I am amazed at how good these components are at reproducing MUSIC!


System edited: Major upgrade to my vinyl front end. Experimenting with chip-based amplification and crossover-less speakers. So far all of the changes have been very positive as far as connecting further with the music. More changes (media server, new speakers, new amps?) to come...


System edited: System edited 11/13/03


System edited:


System edited: Just added the Thor TA-1000 for 2 channel. WOW! Incredible imgaging, soundstage depth, transparency, timbre ... I could go on and on. Finally getting what I was looking/listening for in 2 channel sound.


Wrp, it looks like you have been busy!

I am on the same path myself. Having room for only "one system" I have a combo 2CH/HT setup and have been trying to get the 2CH portion upgraded.

Curious, what was the order of things that you replaced as began the 2CH upgrade? It would appear that you split out the CD from the DVD player as well. I haven't gotten that far yet - I purchased the Sony DVP 9000ES and am finding that it does both pretty well. I am happy for now :-)

For me, I started with the
1. main speakers
2. main amp
3. DVD/CD player
4. preamp processor ( I am waiting for this piece now).



Showing 51 - 67 of 67 posts