
The Amazon Refernz rekindled my love for vinyl after a 20 year hiatus. The VRS server wrings soul and beauty out of digital media. The Shindo Giscours and Sinhonias have brought me to the end of a long journey in search of my reference electronics. The Devore Silverbacks simply let the music come forward.

Update: Thanks to Matt Rotunda, I just upgraded to the Shindo turntable. Pictures to follow.

Update: Mach2/Amarra software/Amarra DAC replaces the VRS/JRiver/Lynx/Antelope Clock digital front end.

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh Mach2 Mac
    2010 Model. Running latest version of Amarra software.
    • Amarra Model 4
    Pro Audio DAC
    • Shindo Silver
    DAC to Preamp
    • Shindo 301 Player
    Garrard 301 based reference turntable
    • Auditorium A23 Hommage SUT
    Reference quality step up transformer for low output MC phono cartridges
    • Shindo Silver
    SUT to Preamp
    • Shindo Giscours
    Hand made, full function preamp
    • Shindo Silver
    Preamp to Amp
    • Shindo Sinhonia
    40 WPC F2A Push-Pull Monoblocks
    • Auditorium 23
    Hand made. 2.5 Meters. Separate windings for + and - wires. Cloth-wrapped.
    • Devore Silverback Reference
    State of the art 3-way design. 20 - 40kHz frequency response.
    • Shindo Mr. T
    Isolation transformer

Comments 67

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The setup is looking great Wayne and no doubt sounding better than ever.



Hi Wayne,

Wow! I see that you have upgraded from the Monbrison to the Giscours, quite a jump, congratulations. I see the Cortese in the mix as well. Your system must be performing at a very special level of musicality now.




Hi Wayne,

There is definitely some truth in the expression "good things come to those who wait" and I can sympathise with your situation. Having any music around is better than no music at all even if it does lack some of the magic that the Silverbacks surely deliver in spades.

I am thoroughly enjoying my system right now and there are one or two very significant upgrades in the works. I am playing with a friend's ZYX Airy 3X Cosmos (with the Silent Metal base) at the moment and it is a very significant step forward compared to my Airy 2X.

I look forward to the photos when the dust has settled, I know it will be worth the wait.

All the best,


Hi Wayne,

I was just wondering how your remodelling is coming along? I am keen to see some pictures of your wonderful system in its new home. If I find myself in San Francisco I will definitely take you up on the offer of a Bay Area "expedition".

All the best,


Hi Wayne,

Thanks for your reply and for your kind compliments on my own evolving system. It is interesting to see that you have moved from the ZYX Artisan and PRE-T1 TVC combo to the Shindo Monbrison, I have flirted with the very same idea on more than one occassion but the purist in me keeps winning out. Living in Australia with no local Shindo dealer makes it difficult to audition any of their range. You are no doubt impressed with the Shindo sound, are you equally impressed with the build quality? I would love to get my hands on a VRS music server at some stage as well. Could I possibly encourage you to post some photos of your gorgeous system at some stage, perhaps when the new listening room is complete?

Thanks again and enjoy,


Hi Wayne,

My compliments on a beautiful combination of components, I am sure that your system sounds superb in terms of the usual audiophile criteria whilst remaining musical and non-fatiguing.

I am considering a similar setup to yours (some components are already in place) consisting of a Basis 2800 Vacuum turntable, Basis Vector tonearm, ZYX Airy 2X H (copper, 0.48mV output) and ZYX Artisan phono stage through an Audio Zone PRE-T1 into a Yamamoto A-08S 45-based SET amplifier driving ZU Definition speakers through ZU Ibis speaker cable with a Grand Prix Audio Monaco rack to keep bad vibes under control.

Do you find that you have sufficient gain in the ZYX phono stage (55dB) in conjunction with your ZYX Universe cartridge (0.24 or 0.48mV output) when used with your passive transformer volume control? I am guessing that you employ the +6dB option on the PRE-T1 when listening to vinyl and if so how does this change the sound for the better or worse?

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and advice.

All the best,
