System edited: I introduced an Olive4 cd-ripper/server with 1TB hard disc storage in the bedroom system; added advantage: the Olive4 has timer modes to let the music carry you into Morpheus's arms as well as tear you back out of them in the morning. I chose not to go for the HD version since 1) I will not use the drive as a cdp anyway but play only from the hard disc and 2) will use the Pink Faun as separate DAC.
Unfortunately, about half of the CDs I tried to rip so far were not in the machine's library. Fair enough in respect of special editions, obscure works and, of course, newer releases but I was not aware that one cannot enter data of such discs manually when the server is used stand-alone. Not really my intention but I will have to build an internet connected home network just to retrieve and store data, I'm afraid. Btw, the automatic classification into genres and sub-genres which, in itself, seems like a good idea for an easy search is sometimes really weird, another reason for looping it into a network with a computer and edit that.
Enough bickering, the sound is remarkably good. Then again, call me a dinosaur if you want, but I cannot really imagine a machine such as this to be the only source in my system.
For that it would need to be an AudioNec, aaah the sublime AudioNec... now we're talking!