
Simple to use, good tone, musical, dynamic and just plain enjoyable to listen to...

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Small Green Computer SGC sonicTransporter i9 (G4)
    The server room is located with my network equipment (modem and router) and is  separate from my music system room.  The server stores music files on a SSD and runs Roon core, which is my interface to play either the stored files or streamed content from Tidal and Qobuz. 
    Power to all the network and server equipment is provided through a dedicated 20A line.  The Ethernet connection from the router passes through two optical converters for isolation, and then continues to the server, which outputs Ethernet to an optical switch, and then a direct connection by fiber from the switch to a Sonore Signature Rendu SE (optical) streamer located in the room with my main music system.   All the electronics in the network/server room, including the modem, router, server, and switch, are powered using linear power supplies. 
    Ripping CDs to the server is super easy from a dedicated disc reader connected directly to the server via USB.  Just put a disc in and press go.  The content is automatically filed and stored and becomes visible and available to modify, move, or delete through the user interface accessible from any computer on the network.  I have been pleased with the functionality of the SGC sonicTransporter i9.
    The digital front end in my system room begins with an optical input from the server room into a Sonore Signature Rendu SE Optical.  USB connects the Signature Rendu to a Singxer DDC, which then outputs a digital signal via S/PDIF, AES/EBU, and Toslink to the DAC of my choice, which may include a Mojo Audio Mystique Evo Pro a non-oversampling, direct-coupled, R-2R DAC built around two Analog Devices monolithic AD1862 R-2R ladder DAC chips (special Z-version); a Mojo Audio Mystique X SE (with nano-crystal chokes and Z-chips), or an SMc Audio DAC-2 GT-24, that uses the CS4328 chip by Crystal Semiconductor and other tasty part upgrades for a tonally dense and very enjoyable sound.
    The preamp is really two units, a Khozmo dual mono volume control and an SMc Audio TLC-1 Signature Edition preamp that was converted to a unity-gain buffer to allow remote volume control and display functions to be handled by the Khozmo unit.

    The Khozmo includes Amtrans AMRG carbon resistors and a single input/output using Furutech XLR connectors, with no switching.

    The TLC-1 SE offers a very similar sound as SMc Audio's VRE-1 preamp, and uses many of the same parts and the same exact outboard power supply.  
    A pair of McCormack Audio DNA-1 amplifiers converted to monoblocks and upgraded by SMc Audio (i.e., Steve McCormack) to the highest upgrade level offered by Steve in the spring of 2020.  

    The amps are supported on Silent Running Audio (SRA) Ohio-Class XL+2 platforms configured specifically for my amplifiers using SRA's Component Specific Design™.
    The LR5s were the precursor to Aerial Acoustic's 20T flagship. The dual 9-inch sealed bass reflex design provides detailed bass with a nice roll-off response at about about 40Hz.  A smooth, relaxed, musical, yet punchy sounding speaker, that displays just enough detail without being not overly analytical and can be very hard hitting indeed when properly powered. Michael Kelly with Aerial Acoustics told me, "the LR5s sound about as good as it gets above 40 Hz".

    Supported on custom Sound Anchor Signature Stands and Hudson Hi-Fi Platinum Silicone hemisphere elastomer footers over the carpeted concrete floor
    Dual SW12 subs offer outstanding bass response and a level of adjustability that allows me to seamlessly integrate them with the LR5s to provide smooth, deep bass response in the room.  Supported on dedicated Sound Anchor stands and decoupled from the floor using Sound Addicted Silicone SubCone Isolation feet.

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Hi Mitch2,

Saw your response on the DAC thread that you are going to purchase the CAD USB cable. I believe you will enjoy it. In my system it is a good match with the Antipodes. Just a heads up that this cable takes time to break in. At the hundred hour point my friend with the Devialets was ready to give up on it. I talked him into sticking with it as I was past the 200 hour point and the cable was starting to show its potential. He did and he is now very positive about it. I have read some really great write-ups on your new DAC. Once you receive it and get some run time on it you need to post your impressions.
