
Simple to use, good tone, musical, dynamic and just plain enjoyable to listen to...

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Small Green Computer SGC sonicTransporter i9 (G4)
    The server room is located with my network equipment (modem and router) and is  separate from my music system room.  The server stores music files on a SSD and runs Roon core, which is my interface to play either the stored files or streamed content from Tidal and Qobuz. 
    Power to all the network and server equipment is provided through a dedicated 20A line.  The Ethernet connection from the router passes through two optical converters for isolation, and then continues to the server, which outputs Ethernet to an optical switch, and then a direct connection by fiber from the switch to a Sonore Signature Rendu SE (optical) streamer located in the room with my main music system.   All the electronics in the network/server room, including the modem, router, server, and switch, are powered using linear power supplies. 
    Ripping CDs to the server is super easy from a dedicated disc reader connected directly to the server via USB.  Just put a disc in and press go.  The content is automatically filed and stored and becomes visible and available to modify, move, or delete through the user interface accessible from any computer on the network.  I have been pleased with the functionality of the SGC sonicTransporter i9.
    The digital front end in my system room begins with an optical input from the server room into a Sonore Signature Rendu SE Optical.  USB connects the Signature Rendu to a Singxer DDC, which then outputs a digital signal via S/PDIF, AES/EBU, and Toslink to the DAC of my choice, which may include a Mojo Audio Mystique Evo Pro a non-oversampling, direct-coupled, R-2R DAC built around two Analog Devices monolithic AD1862 R-2R ladder DAC chips (special Z-version); a Mojo Audio Mystique X SE (with nano-crystal chokes and Z-chips), or an SMc Audio DAC-2 GT-24, that uses the CS4328 chip by Crystal Semiconductor and other tasty part upgrades for a tonally dense and very enjoyable sound.
    The preamp is really two units, a Khozmo dual mono volume control and an SMc Audio TLC-1 Signature Edition preamp that was converted to a unity-gain buffer to allow remote volume control and display functions to be handled by the Khozmo unit.

    The Khozmo includes Amtrans AMRG carbon resistors and a single input/output using Furutech XLR connectors, with no switching.

    The TLC-1 SE offers a very similar sound as SMc Audio's VRE-1 preamp, and uses many of the same parts and the same exact outboard power supply.  
    A pair of McCormack Audio DNA-1 amplifiers converted to monoblocks and upgraded by SMc Audio (i.e., Steve McCormack) to the highest upgrade level offered by Steve in the spring of 2020.  

    The amps are supported on Silent Running Audio (SRA) Ohio-Class XL+2 platforms configured specifically for my amplifiers using SRA's Component Specific Design™.
    The LR5s were the precursor to Aerial Acoustic's 20T flagship. The dual 9-inch sealed bass reflex design provides detailed bass with a nice roll-off response at about about 40Hz.  A smooth, relaxed, musical, yet punchy sounding speaker, that displays just enough detail without being not overly analytical and can be very hard hitting indeed when properly powered. Michael Kelly with Aerial Acoustics told me, "the LR5s sound about as good as it gets above 40 Hz".

    Supported on custom Sound Anchor Signature Stands and Hudson Hi-Fi Platinum Silicone hemisphere elastomer footers over the carpeted concrete floor
    Dual SW12 subs offer outstanding bass response and a level of adjustability that allows me to seamlessly integrate them with the LR5s to provide smooth, deep bass response in the room.  Supported on dedicated Sound Anchor stands and decoupled from the floor using Sound Addicted Silicone SubCone Isolation feet.

Comments 64

Been playing around this system a bit, primarily by upgrading from my Mojo Audio Mystique EVO B4B21+ to their EVO PRO model, which includes Lundahl amorphous core LC input chokes in the analog power supplies and provides a very similar sonic signature while moving toward an even more natural presentation.  

I have also been comparing preamp set-ups again with some surprising results.  One thing for sure, the Hattor products punch way above their weight.  I have been using The Big Preamp in passive mode to control volume in front of my SMC Audio unity-gain buffer then to the amps.  The other set-up options I considered include using the Hattor preamp with active gain provide by the internal NewClassD op-amp stage (switchable to +3/6/9 dB), or using the Hattor Tube Active Stage that I also own.  The results were surprisingly close for me and had I not already owned the SMc Audio preamp/buffer I would have been happy with the Hatter Big Preamp and its own internal NewClassD op-amp output stage.  Both the op-amp stage and the tube stage sound slightly more open than the SMc Audio buffer, which displays a bit more density but an overall darker sounding presentation.  All three options sound quite good with the Hattor tube stage being a nice compromise between the density of the SMc Audio buffer and the slightly greater openness of the NewClassD op-amp active stage.  As a result, I have decided to box the SMc Audio preamp for now and focus on running my system through the Hattor Big Preamp in passive mode in front of the Hattor Tube Active Stage.  I will easily be able to switch between the tube stage and the internal op-amp stage for further comparisons.  My favorite gain setting of the internal op-amps is 3dB and my tube stage was constructed to have 6dB gain instead of the typical stock version, which is 9dB.


lovely system !


System page update as of April 24, 2021.  Hopefully, I am done for a long while after adding the Mojo Audio server and dac, moving my SMc amps to a new location so I can reincorporate my Sound Anchor stand for the preamp and volume control, and decoupling everything including all three stands using Herbie's dBNeutralizer dots or gliders, and the speakers and subs using damped springs.  I also added double runs of HT Pro 9+ speaker cables to each main speaker as I have not found anything I like better than the HT OCC solid-core wire in foamed PE insulation.  The heavy 6 awg to each speaker certainly provides a low resistance flow path.

Since everything is SS and remains powered up all the time, and since I now use fully digital and remote interfaces through Roon/Tidal and stored music, this system certainly meets my "easy to operate" requirement.  It also has never sounded better....clear, rich, controlled, and dynamic as all get out!  I just can't imagine what I would consider changing except maybe to occasionally try a different USB cable or tweak.  I do plan to try adding Qobuz because I am curious but not because I am unhappy with Tidal, which I use without MQA.


Well thought out and implemented system there, I really like the look with black contrast and wood grain. Impressive system for sure. Kudos mate!


Very impressive system, with what must be extraordinary sound. Congratulations on a well devised and implemented system.

Enjoy, and regards,


Been almost 4 years since updating my system page.  This system is for the most part done.  I may tweak a few things here or there but I have achieved the basic sound quality I am looking for (after 20 years!) with the addition of the SMc Audio DNA-1 Ultra G20 Monoblocks.  Steve has been threatening to build me a purpose-built buffer based on the VRE-0.5 platform but thus far he has been too busy and I haven't seen the need to push it because things sound so good as-is with the TLC-1 buffer.  I can add a few more updates about some of the digital interface stuff I have done but what is posted here covers most of it.  It has been fun putting this together, but even more fun spending less time changing and updating.



The boys are back in town!

After two years of looking for the perfect amplifier for my system, I am right back where I started with a pair of Clayton M300 Class A monoblocks.  These are just back from Clayton after receiving a full power supply upgrade (basically a reconstruction and upgrade of the amplifiers with larger low-noise transformers, upgraded capacitors and other parts) and they sound outstanding.  They are sitting on Sound Anchor sand-filled steel stands with custom-made 1.75-inch quarter-sawn white oak wood platforms and edenSound brass Bearpaws on concrete.  TerraStones on the way from edenSound to replace the stock aluminum footers.

My 2-year search included a pair of Acoustic Imagery NC1200 Class D amplifiers (Bruno Putzey’s Ncore),  a pair of Lamm M1.2 Reference hybrid Class A amplifiers, and a McCormack DNA-2 LAE with SMc Audio’s top-level upgrades (that I still own).  These are all very good amplifiers but IMO none of them quite reach the combination of dynamics, body, rich tone and control of the 300 wpc Claytons, which run fully in Class A.  They do run hot, but there is a low bias switch which cools things off a bit when I am not listening.  It was a pleasure working with Wilson Shen on what is now my third pair of Clayton amplifiers. 


Well, I certainly shouldn't wonder why you are enjoying the current iteration of your system. Everything that can be made better, has been. Not much more to fuss with.

It's great when you get to the point where you don't waste time obsessing over things, and get to heart of the matter, enjoying music. Congratulations on the fine DIY work you have done. Much more rewarding that way!



System edited: Changes this year included; 1. Adding the Antipodes DX, which was a significant improvement over a Mojo Mac mini, 2. Adding the Metrum Pavane DAC, which improves on the very good sounding Hex in just about every way, and 3. Finally settling in on the SMc Audio/McCormack DNA-2 LAE amplifier, which has every upgrade Steve offers. As I listen, I am not sure what I could do or add that would make a meaningful improvement. Currently cooking some WE speaker cables I made but not really expecting a substantial (if any) improvement from trying those wires. I may try Empirical Audio's Off Ramp between the Antipodes DX and the Pavane, or maybe think about Aerial's 20T speakers but otherwise, I am just going to enjoy some great tunes with the best sounding system I have ever had.


Hi Mitch2,

Saw your response on the DAC thread that you are going to purchase the CAD USB cable. I believe you will enjoy it. In my system it is a good match with the Antipodes. Just a heads up that this cable takes time to break in. At the hundred hour point my friend with the Devialets was ready to give up on it. I talked him into sticking with it as I was past the 200 hour point and the cable was starting to show its potential. He did and he is now very positive about it. I have read some really great write-ups on your new DAC. Once you receive it and get some run time on it you need to post your impressions.


System edited: I have been lucky with the system changes I made over the past year. The SMc TLC-1 SE (almost VRE) preamp and Aerial 9's continue to anchor things. Both of those have kept pace with every other system improvement and just keep sounding better and better. I finally decided to keep the Acoustic Imagery Atsah monoblocks, which are Class D amplifiers using the Ncore, NC1200 modules and power supply by Bruno Putzeys. I like how they sound and how easy they are to operate, being small monoblocks that stay powered up all the time. Adding the Antipodes DX music server was another positive move. The DX is Antipodes' current flagship, and it sounds great and is extremely easy to use. The whole thing is tied together with a variety of DIY cables that are the best I have heard in any of my systems. 2015 will see a change in DACs, likely to the Metrum Pavane, but nothing else on the horizon. It is a sunny day in March and about time to oil some bicycle chains here in Michigan.


They sound like the kind of SS amps I would like. Very good stuff. I will follow your system closely and look forward to your posts.


Hi Bill,
I compared the NC1200 Atsah amps directly to the Clayton M300s back in March and then directly to the SMc amp in November. Unfortunately, I was unable to compare the SMc and Clayton amps head-to-head since I had a buyer for the Claytons before the SMc amp was finished.

I liked the Ncore amps both times I had them in my system. Everybody talks about how resolving they are but, honestly, I think the SMc amp is more resolving, especially from the mid to high frequencies. What I like about the Ncore amps is this sort of chunky, dense tonality that seems to radiate out from the midrange. This is more in common with the Class A Claytons than with the Class A/B SMc amp. The Ncore bass provides a dense underpinning to everything but the bass is actually fuller and a bit more dynamic from the SMc amp.

There are sonic pluses and minuses to each of the three amps, and other listeners may call it differently. For me, it is important to have amplifiers that can remain powered up and ready to go with a minimum of fuss or waiting for warm-up. The SMc amp has a great stand-by function and the Atsahs can remain powered up. The Claytons were not good amps to leave powered up because of the heat they generate and the energy they require, even when they are not playing music.

While I could live with either of the three amps, the SMc and Atsah amps meet my lifestyle requirements best. However, after the 10-day audition, I simply couldn't decide which I liked best so I am planning a somewhat longer audition before making a final choice between the two. I will post some more thoughts and comparisons as I listen further.


Wow! Ncore? I am sure surprised you went in this direction. These must sound awesome for you to have done it. Please tell me more about the amps and the sound. Most interesting!


System edited: Another year, another amplifier;

2015, Acoustic Imagery Atsah monos,
2014 SMc Audio Signature Edition DNA-2 LAE,
2011-2013, Clayton M300 Class A monos.

Not sure why the amplification link in my system seems elusive. My goals are simple, ease of use and great sound.

The ease of use requirement includes leaving the amps turned on all the time, which prohibits tube mplifiers, even hybrids like the Lamm M1.1 Class A monos I used to own. I just added the Ncore based C1200 Acoustic Imagery Atsah monos and still own the tricked out SMc DNA-2 LAE. Based on my time with these, both are great sounding amplifiers and I will be comparing them further.


You are correct Bill, we decided to use the new Jupiter copper foil caps, which Steve thinks are maybe the best he has heard in the application used.

Since my speakers had sat unused for about 3 months as I was waiting for the amp to be completed, it took a little time for things to come around but, with less than 50 hours of listening, things are now singing along just great with some of the best, if not the best, music I have ever heard from my system. High points are an incredible dimensionality, excellent tonality, very powerful bass, clarity and resolution throughout the entire frequency range and a touch of mid-bass warmth that I remembered from a standard DNA-2 I owned years ago and hoped would be preserved in this much higher quality version that Steve rebuilt.

Steve also tweaked the TLC-1 Signature Edition preamp he previously constructed for me by replacing the toroidal transformer in the outboard power supply with a Plitron, replacing the internal Lundahl transformers with their latest version that uses Cardas wiring, further improving the internal wiring, and other improvements I can't remember right now although I believe there may be a Jupiter copper foil bypass cap in the power supply.

With all the new caps and other parts used in the rebuild, I will not be surprised for things to continue improving over time but I have heard enough to be very happy with the results of these projects. I really do need to work up a review to let others know about the great work Steve did on these pieces.


Great looking amp and build quality. Looks like you have some of the new Jupiter copper foils caps inside?!

Congrats and enjoy!


System edited: Back in business..... SMc Audio DNA-2 Signature Edition amplifier is acclimating nicely.


And thanks for sharing your opinion of the Mojo. I have talked with Ben and am sending mine in next week!


Hi Rob, I have considered trying a USB/spdif converter but I want to make sure I am serious about it so not to take advantage of a manufacturer's 30-day return option. Reviewers have reported how good the stock USB input in the HEX sounds, so I will only consider a really good converter, like a souped up Off-Ramp.
I will probably wait until I get all my gear back and listen for awhile before making the decision of whether to try one. Thanks for sharing your opinion on the Off Ramp.


Mitch, thanks for the information. I'll look into it soon, although I have other changes underway in my system.

I can't speak much to having A/B'd the Off Ramp. I installed it with a number of other changes, and it sounded great, so I left things alone.

Steve Nugent offers a 30-day return on his products, so I don't think you can go wrong with a trial. When things in my system settle down, I'll likely try his Final Drive to see where that takes me.

Enjoy the music!


Hi Rhanson739, the sound through the upgraded mini is quite enjoyable and, for me, worth the cost. Compared to before the upgrades, I would say there is better depth and dimensionality, and lower noise.

If you were to send Ben your mini and OWC drive, he could do all the upgrades he did for me and also power both your mini and the OWC drive from the Joule III power supply. He was running a special on the PS so maybe you could get it for a few bucks off. The downtime was minimal and he said he usually turns these around in a day or two.

Do you like your Off Ramp 5? I have considered trying one but have wondered whether there would be any improvement compared to going directly into the HEX with unpowered USB.


Wow! Let us know how the amps sound once you get them. They sound very, very nice indeed. Your preamp is also amazing based on your description above.

Rhanson, I also used the Mini with and without the Mojo and with and withour the Offramp. The Offramp was the single biggest improvement I have ever experienced in my digital front end ....including the Mojo power supply. Now this is only true if you have the Dymamo power supply for your Offramp. If you don't, you really have not heard what the Offramp can do. The Dynamo power supply is a 30-50% improvement - no joke.

The Mojo comes in second for overall improvement in my digital front end and it was a nice improvement all the way around. Improved everything and FAR less digital noise and artifacts.


It has been interesting to look through your system. Thanks for posting it.

In an ongoing effort to improve my sound, I'm curious as to how the Mojo upgrades affected the Mac Mini? I'm on a 2012/3 Mini with 256 SSD and external 2TB OWC Mercury Elite Pro disk connected by FW800. I run USB out to an Emperical Audio Off Ramp 5.

Wondering if the Mojo upgrades are worth the cost and downtime.



WOW! Sounds like some very nice upgrades :-).
Once again I'll bet the system sounds great.


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