Dimensions: 33’ × 20’ X large
Ceiling: 8’
I can't believe that this 4W amp can turn my 600 sqft room into a nightclub
The image no longer gelled and timing issues
crept up.
Two comments on the cat! Yes, that's Martin, or as I call him, Bubby. He loves music and sits on the Stressless Ekornes along with me. He too finds it to be an equally satisfying place to spend a good amount of time.... Maybe we're morphing into similar beings. Yikes! Perhaps we're there already.
Albert Porter! I remember you from my days of posting in the forum. Bubby actually has some pretty good attributes for acoustics. His panis is a good energy sink! Don't tell him I said so. He gets very upset when I make it flop back and forth as he walks by.Kitties live in their own world and are convinced that humans are there to provide service. For some reason that makes me laugh, I can't get mad at them.
That's the beauty of these speakers: They never cease to amaze, and yet it's never at the expense of reproducing music. For me, that's the ideal balance I sought all along.
It's like circuit designers who build amplifiers that end up having a certain degree of their own personality built into the sound. How does that happen?? The million Dollar question
You and I tend to prefer the path less traveled...
They remind me of the Goldmunds and, for a tiny fraction of the price, encompass most of their design concept. If Dale's purported personality comes through in his design, you're in for a treat.
Debussy said that "music is the space between the notes."
It's like those people who have to
do something because they don't know what else to do. Eventually all that
fidgeting gets annoying.