
will provide detail at a later time

Components Toggle details

    • reimyo cdp-777
    red book cd player
    • esoteric K-01
    sacd and cd player includes an independent DAC input
    • Meridian 800 V4
    • Marantz UD9004
    All format disc BluRay player.
    • meridian 861V6
    Preamplifier/surround processor
    • Meridian SOOLOS
    Downloads music and cds connected to 861
    • Einstein the Tube Mk.1
    an excellent two channel tube preamp with a number of Telefunken and Siemens tubes
    • Gryphon Antileon Signature
    A class A 150 watt stereo amp,power the low frequencies of the loreley's front speakers
    • Y B A Passion 1000
    three mono amps power center and upper frequencies of the Loreley main speakers
    • acoustic reality 1000
    D-Class 1000watts at 8 ohms mono amps. Used to power rear speakers
    • German Physics Loreley
    main speakers
    • German Physics legato
    rear speakers
    • German Physics Borderland
    center speaker
    • burmester 948
    power conditioner
    • weize x
    a 6 outlet power conditioner
    • concierto violin
    • stageIII interconnect XLR
    used between preamps and German Physics X-over to the Loreleys speakers.
    • cardas golden reference
    xlr interconnect
    • purist audio collosus
    rca interconnect
    • hrs m3x
    3 vibration isolation base
    • hrs nimbus
    vibration isolation
    • stillpoints ultras
    vibration isolation used under amps
    • stageIII vortex
    power cable
    • stageIII zyklop
    high end power cable
    • stageIII minotaur
    two power cables
    • harmonic technology magic reference
    power cable
    • meridian 621
    HDMI video switcher
    • panasonic 58PZ&00U
    plasma monitor

Comments 104

There is none ,You can listen anywhere and it sounds great.Absolutly NO sweet spot.




Ramy I would be curious to know if you have trried the Manger speakers or the MBL's that (on another level) seem to have some design philosophy in common with the German Phisiks.
At any rate, nice job, extremely well put toghether system'.
You own a slice of heaven on earth, you . . .little lucky you . . ..



System edited: I have just got some new sofa which allows me and guest to have a more comfortable envoironment.I have attempted to take more pictures to give more of a sense of the room and the layout.



I do not know much about most of the equipent you have. I bet they sound fabulous but the room... ahh... the room... Beautiful...Well put. congratulations for a marvellous system in an exceptionnal room



Wow Ramy I bet it is! This may be the best system that I've ever seen! And you also seem to have a sense of style, it looks great. Enjoy!


System edited: System is almost complete,the sound is approaching nirvana.


any problems with the speakers at all? since there are only three in the US?


Hi I am very impressed with your system. I can only hope to afford that kind of equipment and home when I am done college.

Just out of curiosity what kind of job do you have?
And what degrees do you have if any (if this question is too personal ignore it)?



Wall units /cabinets custom order and assembly from Italian furniture maker Polyform they specialize in walk in closets,kitchen cabinets etc.Total cost approximate $18,000.They have distributers in all major US cities.


Can you tell me if you purchased or custom?

I'm looking for somthing similar to fill a 16 foot wall.


Nice setup...very nice.


Any thoughts on the sonic differences between the sacd,cd and dvd-a formats?


Ramy: Your set up looks like a slice of heaven, I can only imagine the sound. The path you have taken in speakers is very enlighting and perhaps will save others from having to thread over the same ground to sonic perfection. Three cheers for your wife, take her out to dinner, better yet order out and stay in and enjoy the music.


Thanx Ramy


I recommend you ask Doug as he understand the 861,and has done an excellent job tuning the 861 to my system.


Hi Ramy
I have a vsei modded sony scd-1 that does not require a dac.The signal is in pure dsd with a low pass filter.Can I still mate this with a meridian 861 and utilise the trifield mode.I understand the 861 only splits the digital signal.I have been using the Levinson 380s preamp with no problems.I use atc asl 150 pro speakers from our friend Doug.


While the equipment is nice you need to work a bit on wire management. The wires draw me away from the system in the overhead shot. Other than that very nice


System edited: I am converging on a final upgrade.The violin concierto interconnect between the Reimyo and the 861 was a noticable improvment over the silver analysis plus. Acoustic reality 1001 monos are excellent overkill for the Legato and a real bargain.The Acoustic Reality One MkII mono was an improvement over the stereo version. The extra Acoustic Reality One mono went to the bedroom system replacing the Gryphon S100 for driving the center channel JM Lab Utopia,while the Acoustic reality stereo is used to drive the rear speakers in the bedroom replacing the Classe 201.


Ramy: Phenomenal system to say the least. I have NO doubt that it sounds fabulous as many of the others here that are familiar with well designed Omni's can attest to. I have never heard the German Physiks version of the Walsh driver, but i'm guessing it does a lot more right than it does wrong. I can only imagine the sense of space and coherency that such a system in the size of your room can produce. Kudo's to you and THANK YOU for sharing this with us. Sean

PS... If you are ever looking to adopt, please keep me in mind : )


My side/rear speakers are in line with the listening position I onderstand that to be the priciple for surround.The meridian DOES adjust for speaker positions.I find the flexibilty provided by the meridian 861 is superb.It is hard to program (for me) but when done right it is by far superior to the multi channel of sacd recording.I find the combination of the Reimyo cdp 777 and 861 is far superior on red book to both sacd and dvd-A playback.
There no one I know who compared the MBL with the German Physics.German Physics is not readily avbailable in the USA.There are only three Lorely speakers in the USA. I would guess that if you have a large room 8x15x9 widexlongxslopping height in meters the large german physics would be better.The sound is good everywhere independent of seating position including the third level(upstairs) for large orchestral music.When sound level measurement versus frequency were made in the room listening position it was flat +/- 3db ftom 20 hz to 12khz where it started declinilg.Impulse response was outstanding with no ringing.


First: Ramy, much congratulations for your system!! I am from Frankfurt/Germany, just 10 miles beside the manufacturing of German Physiks. But my favorite speaker in the moment is the MBL 101E and I plan to go for a MBL 101 five-channel setup. So I would be very interested if somebody has experience with German Physiks against MBL 101 or 111 ?? Generally the basics of both speaker technologies seem so be quiet near to each other (concerning the sound effect). For CD and SACD I use the EMM-Labs and I am very happy with it.
One question to Ramy: in your system the distance between your listening position and front and rear speakers seams not to be identical (on your photos). Is this correct? I would think that it is important to have the same distances because the speed of tone in air is rather slow and you would get time differences at the listening position otherwise. Or does the Meridian 861 make an adjustment?
Best regards from Germany!


Thanks for your response. I have a similar story -buying all sorts of new equipment until I had my hearing tested. I have had the In The Ear hearing aids for about 6 years and am ready for new ones. I have been told by 3 audiologists that the Behind The Ear type are the best for restoring hearing loss. They are not popular because they are more conspicuous. It's an ego thing. Dave


Noticed the comment about hearing. I went form Theil to Genisis... etc, etc.. and the most profound difference I have heard was getting a pair of ResoundAir hearing aids. They are behind the ear so all sounds pass thought the ear canal, they are not the plug up your ear type. The hearing aids are tuned to your audiogram to bring the frequencies that are low up to normal, just like having eyeglasses, and just as huge a difference for me. I have hearing loss from loud noises... duh. I wonder how many people like me have spent a fortune on equipment not realizing how limited they are to actually perceive what's there.




Showing 51 - 75 of 104 posts