
will provide detail at a later time

Components Toggle details

    • reimyo cdp-777
    red book cd player
    • esoteric K-01
    sacd and cd player includes an independent DAC input
    • Meridian 800 V4
    • Marantz UD9004
    All format disc BluRay player.
    • meridian 861V6
    Preamplifier/surround processor
    • Meridian SOOLOS
    Downloads music and cds connected to 861
    • Einstein the Tube Mk.1
    an excellent two channel tube preamp with a number of Telefunken and Siemens tubes
    • Gryphon Antileon Signature
    A class A 150 watt stereo amp,power the low frequencies of the loreley's front speakers
    • Y B A Passion 1000
    three mono amps power center and upper frequencies of the Loreley main speakers
    • acoustic reality 1000
    D-Class 1000watts at 8 ohms mono amps. Used to power rear speakers
    • German Physics Loreley
    main speakers
    • German Physics legato
    rear speakers
    • German Physics Borderland
    center speaker
    • burmester 948
    power conditioner
    • weize x
    a 6 outlet power conditioner
    • concierto violin
    • stageIII interconnect XLR
    used between preamps and German Physics X-over to the Loreleys speakers.
    • cardas golden reference
    xlr interconnect
    • purist audio collosus
    rca interconnect
    • hrs m3x
    3 vibration isolation base
    • hrs nimbus
    vibration isolation
    • stillpoints ultras
    vibration isolation used under amps
    • stageIII vortex
    power cable
    • stageIII zyklop
    high end power cable
    • stageIII minotaur
    two power cables
    • harmonic technology magic reference
    power cable
    • meridian 621
    HDMI video switcher
    • panasonic 58PZ&00U
    plasma monitor

Comments 104

System edited: As usuall I attempt to seek to obtain nirvana,it would be unfortunate if I ever reach it,as I will realy be bored if I ever do.I was forced to make certain changes when my Cello encore preamp went to the ICU,I could not wait to get it repaired (it is still in the repair shop) and bought a MBL6010D preamp.For whatever reason the system sounded awful at first,I still have not figured out what was wrong.It took about one sleepless month to get the system stablized ,ofcourse I went overboard I added two 20amp dedicated power lines with expensive receptacles from Japanese cos.OY...,(cannot pronounce there name)and furutech,some cables, purepower 1050 that caused nothing but problems when connected to the meridian 861.One of the major option I have added to the system is the ability to switch from surround to two channel BYPASSING the meridian 861 processor and the cello audio pallete equalizer,ie I can now listen two pure two channel by simply switching the output options on the MBL (MBL 6010 has two distinct outputs in both XlR and RCA). I acheive that by using adaptors which input two XLR into one XLR (made by Audio Purist) which feeds the xover to the the front speakers,German Physics Loreley. I have now listened to the two configurations,to my taste for most recordings going to surround aspecially through the cello pallete equalizer is more pleasant.The straight stereo does sound somewhat more detailed ,however unless the cd recording is PERFECT the sound may be fatiguing.When it comes to large scale orchestral music ie shostokowitch etc surround is by far superiur,on solo instruments chamber music it realy depends on the recording.In addition I do have choice of cd playbacks ,sacd,and dvd-A, I have found that different recording sound better on some players than others.As far as CD players if I had to only keep one cd player ( like my wife thought I am living in excess and forced me to cut back) I would keep the Reimyo I find it be the best all around player,the zanden is good for some cd but lack the dynamics of the reimyo,the meridian 800 is good but again does not have the wonderfull sound of the latter aspecially for orchestral music.All of this can be taken with a grain of salt,I primarily listen to Classical music and I am old so my high frequency response is rather poor,however I can still hear well at the few KHz and that where some of the edginess in the sound comes from.


Amazing. You can spend your whole life oblivious to other peoples hi end reality. Then when that other level is revealed to you it's still terrbly difficult to accept or concieve that such a high level of quality can exist in a persons living room. Outstanding!!


Hi Ramy,
Very nice system and home you have there! I would love to give that baby a listen. Thanks for sharing.



You surely did Ramy - I also think that the Reimyo is the best option for Red Book, and since in my case I do not have a single SACD, I will stick there.

I am performing some tube rolling on my Jadis to tame the mids a bit (just a little bit), I think I am almos there.




Hi Fernando,First I am old enough not have to much problem at high frequency.I find harshness is absent in well recorded CDs.I do run the output of the 777 through the Cello Audio Pallete which can fix almost all problems.I have recently added the Zanden latest combo DAC and transport,for red book it is a more forgiving cd player,very pleasant sounding,more detailed than the 777 however slightly less dynamic,but not worth the extra cost.I have also added the EMM signature combo dac and transport for sacd playback,and I will admit for the first time that the sacd reproduction of many sacds but not all the EMM sounds superior to red book version played on the 777 or Zanden.Again not always depends on the recording.Prior to the emm I used the Accuphase DP-85 and it could never reproduce the sacd sound better than the 777 rb-cd.I have no idea if I have been of any help to you.


Ramy - great setup. I also own the Reimyo CDP777 and getting the best results from red book material, still fighting to get rid of some upper-mid "harshness" due to the hirez capabilities of the 777, any thoughts?




I was trying to write and update with change of equipment,somehow it got lost.First impressions of my new updated system.I overdid it with having four,cd /sacd/dvd-a players.I have not lived with the new stuff long enough to have a firm impression.First reaction though differences are subtle.All four cd players in my system are good I have a hard time ranking them with the exception of the meridian 800V3 which wins last place.I have arranged the system in such a way that one can compare the same cd assuming you have three duplicates at the same time pretty well synchronized.Unfortunatly at my age hearing has deteriorated so slight differences in the highs will not be perceived.
My advise if you are somewhat financially constrained one high end source will probably do ,next if you can get your hands on cello audio pallette in good condition it is worth every penny.Assuming you have great speakers,personaly i prefer surround sound ,meridian is a great choice for surround processor and the 800 is defintely better than the 5 series.I have no idea about the G series.I think I am done upgrading my system at least this week.


I would welcome the opportunity to listen to your system and for you to come over and listen to can contact me through my email,[email protected],


Very nice system Ramy! I do live in the WDC area (Bowie)
and have a pretty nice two channel system (it may be worth more than the house). I have never heard most of the gear in your system despite going to the home theatre shows in NYC whenever they are there. Maybe we can hear each others system at some point. I am confident yours is better but mine does two channel very well. I, like you, like to listen at realistic (LOUD) levels for hours with no hint of fatigue. I am using the Avalon Osiris speakers,
CAT Ultimate MK2 preamp, CAT JL2 amp with a serious NOS tubeset, CEC TL2 CD transport, Audio Logic DAC 24MXL. This is all wired with Stealth top of the line IC's, PC's and SC's (Indra, Dream, Dream). Thanks for sharing.



System edited: The addiction continues,I have just added the Zanden duo ie transport and dac 5000 signature.It does sound great at least to me,my main gross qualitative measurement is can I listen at concert sound level without ear fatigue nor the sense that is the music too loud (always too loud for my wife).I do use a simple sound level pressure meter to just make sure that I am not deluding myself.With the addition for richard Grey 1200 In combination with german physics pion conditioners I do get some improvements nothing major. My current plan is to connect some of the digital two channel outputs to the zanden dac,especially the Krell Standard DVD,The dac feeds the cello encore line preamp which feeds the cello audio pallete and from the audio pallete to the meridian 861 for multi channel.Sounds great.


very impressive system and very comfortable place,i can feel the sound from is AR amp sound like ,cause it's so tiny and you use it driveing german physic ,wow!!! ,i'm planing to geting one ,please let me know how it's sound i'll be very appreciated .


Hi Ramy, using these blocks to drive the woofers are certainly the best thing to do. Thank you for sharing your insights. I will be going for one of these too.


In response to Dezyrae,The Acoustic Reality monos are currently driving the woofers of the German physics Loreley in that role they are outperforming the large YBA passions.Previously they powered the german physics Legatos,rear/side speakers.They did fine however it is hard to evaluate performance on rear speakers.I am currently powering the rears with the YBA passions.I highly recommend these little 1000watt amplifiers,they are terrific irrespective of costI have a total of six Acoustic reality amps but only one pair of the 1001s.


Ramy - great system. Glad to see some else other than myself has been bitten by the MC bug. I've been corresponding regularly with Cinematic, and he's really broaden my horizons as fas as serious music listening is concerned. Great guy!



Hi Ramy, which speakers are your Acoustic Reality mono blocks driving? Care to share the performance of these little blocks?


I cannot give you a good answer as the gryphon is driving JM Labs and the YBA drive the german Physics.I did use a gryphon S100 on the borderland german physics,The yba was by far superior but that was not afair comparison.However if I had to make a guess I would prefer the YBA passion 1000.Very good midrange,fast and good bass.The gryphon has a crisper midrange very fast also excellent bass,I prefer the more mellow midrange.


Ramy this is a great system all the way!.
I would like to ask you since you have Gryphon antilleon and Yba Passion which amplifier from them is better, they are both of my favorites but never had the chance to live with both of them like you do or even test them side by side. I'd appreciate your view.



From one of the pics is looks like a very interesting...kind of fractured ceiling design. Was it designed with acoustics in mind, or am I just not perceiving it correctly?


This AUDIO NUT has sought perfection for over 55years.My first system was JENSEN co-ax,GARRARDand if I remember(I am 86) the amp was a Scott.Graduated to the Brigg's Wharefdale,sand filled corner enclosure,and only money and my wife have stopped me from employing the LONDON SYMPHONy
full time. ALAS! Music perfection can only be obtained from a LIVE performance.


I value comfort highly,and love to be able to lie down and listen to music even fall asleep sometimes and that why I chose to have a large couch.The music system does NOT have a sweetspot so you can sit anywhere in the room.The pictures of the room only show about half the room there is a lounge chair in the back among other items of furniture.
Sometimes when my wife is not around I turn the volume realy high and sit on a comfortable lounge chair in the uppermost level in the house,similar to seating in the upper balconies in a concert hall.


Impressive system. I just have to say: you need to redo that room! There's no cohesiveness in the room. There's no place to sit and listen comfortably. It has no flow whatsoever. The room itself is gorgeous, the light and the height... Amazing. Do something good with it! I think the system orientation is right. I think the couches are probably comfortable but not what makes the room come together. Designing a room is very hard, but like everything in life, it can be done if you put the effort (I live in Manhattan and don't make 7 figures... yet).


Ramy-good day!
Its David from israel-a few days ago i recieved the 501's amps and right now i am using the bel canto pre1-as pre amp philips lhh-1000 as cd transport dpa-pdm 2 as d/a converter. Do you think it is wise to get the master one as apre amp and a laptop as a source?Do you think it is going to sound good?Thank you very much for your help Sincerely David



Beautiful home - beautiful system... Isn't it a shame when you can finally afford the the system you desire - the ears decline... I have the same issue... I have the ringing in the ears that is a little deafening at times... I have the Mac 2102, the mac 2200, tri-vista SACD, the Sonus fabers cremonas and auditors... I so wish I had my old ears... :) I love music and I know I am missing the moments of silence and many of the nuances I so enjoyed. Listening fatigue has increased and changed my preferences when auditioning equipment... Legacy's focus 20/20 was quickly painful, but the Avalon Eidelon was delightful... :) Oh well - such is life... Beatiful home and a beautiful system.. Thanks for sharing...

[email protected]

Ramy, what do you do for a living if anything? I am just wondering what one has to do to afford such a system.


Awesome architecture, great system.
Thank you for sharing it with us.


Showing 26 - 50 of 104 posts