
"nothing left to do but smile smile smile."---Jerry Garcia

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    • Magico S7
    Monsters. big speakers create big problems (had to elevate my listening chair 4" as i sit ~ 10ft away in a medium sized room) but after 2+ months of dialing in, these are  end-game speakers and create an event every time they're on. give up the n'th level of detail vs M3s but have more power / foundational heft via 3x10". heroic build quality, berrylium tweeter is a revelation, my last speaker and will be for those who can afford it (replaced Wilson Sasha 2s--no slouches, but no S7s). --between wilson, rockport and magico you have to pick the house sound you like best and live with the drawbacks. i think this model magico has the fewest---smaller magicos have considerably more which i wouldn't own (again).
    • Luxman C-900U
    world class SS preamp, immaculate build quality, perfect ergonomics (1db increments via full function remote), tone controls (seldom used, but nice option) and 'loudness' (which does come in handy for bass boost on badly recorded live discs), but 'line direct' is an open window. a true reference.
    • Luxman M-900U
    Solid state class AB, 150wpc, impeccable build and sonics to match. runs cold to just a tad warm, but has treble fidelity i've never heard from AB. has proven a wonderful combo with speakers such as Wilson Sasha 2s and now Magico S7s, never running out of power and always musical and inviting. 
    the ideal match for the C-900U preamp, and the combo is a last stop for not-outrageous sums. 
    • JAYS AUDIO CD3 Mk2
    excellent, beefy (30+#) top loading transport (no moving parts!) for redbook. upsamples to 192k via I2s interface to dac. my last transport.
    • SMSL M400
    replaced the Gustard X26 and compares favorably to uber$ dacs; gives up some bass depth and leading edge, and requires top notch accessories (Shunyata Omega digital and AC cords--into an $800 dac!), but having done so it punches well above its weight. 
    • AudioQuest Wild speaker cables
    step change improvement vs the Redwoods. ---low level detail in all frequencies is now clear, no sense of silver-related brightness. tonality is spot on, and incredibly quiet. fantastic cables
    • Kenwood KT-8300
    highly modified per; custom power supply, output stage, opamps (biased to class A), IEC adapter, lots and lots of mods.
    • PS Audio P-10
    excellent power regen that works wonders on front end gear (not so much for amps--sucks out dynamics). a godsend for apartment dwellers.
    • Shunyata Research Everest 8000
    was meh when using alternate brand AC cords, or even the Sigma XC. But the Omega XC? oh baby, this is the bees knees of AC treatment under 20k, and without a single part to break. this is an item you hate spending the $ on, and every day after you're glad you did
    • High Fidelity Cables MC-1 Pro Helix+
    i've one Pro Helix on the output of the PS-10 feeding line level gear, one MC-1Pro on the wall (which feeds a distribution box that powers the amp & PS-10) and one MC0.5 helix on another circuit. 
    i think most HF products are wildly overpriced and can be equaled elsewhere. but the AC magnets are a wonderful item and do more for AC than you can imagine. both the PS-10 and the synergistic UEF-12SE benefited from them. highly, highly recommended. 
    • Stillpoints LLC Ultra 5
    3 ultra 5s under the Luxman M-900 U amp (resting on a BDR Source shelf) were a shocking improvement in low level detail.
    Added 4 minis under the C-900U and 4 Ultra SS under the DAC. every time more detail and no etch. indispensible under SS gear. 
    • ASC 16
    ten total, four at 4' tall, balance at 3'. big improvement over my DIY Risch Q&D Tube Traps
    • Relax The Back Zero Gravity Chair
    wonderful addition to room, no apparent acoustical downside despite headrest
    • OC 703 Acoustic Panels (18 of them)
    now at 18 in the room (three 24*48*6" deep, 9 as 24*48*2). the added 6"ers did wonders--gotta go thick!

Comments 79

System edited: added some new Ultrasonic racks; 1 for line level gear, and 2 amp stands (each is maple shelves, stained black, with aluminum cones; the 4-tier rack has aluminum sides). stage got about 2 feet taller as a result. every time i address vibrations, the staging gets better...which is consistent with my experiences on speaker cabinets!


System edited: System Edit: added the Einstein "The Tube" preamp to the system, and have been awestruck at the change this unit has made to my system. It is the best piece of audio equipment I own, possibly the best preamp available. My thoughts largely mirror the thoughts of M. Mickelson in his spot-on review on


System edited: i have just changed from a short wall (11') to a long wall (15') setup, which was a nice improvement. i have found that, with WPs, the WASP setup procedure was clearly preferable to those offered by audiophysics (great stage width, but lousy leading edge and a soundstage that localized w/ one center image and all else at the speakerbaffles). getting to the 1 * 1.1. / 1.25 ratio was critical to imaging. then, i got to trapping the room. addressing those typically-noted problem areas (corners, side walls). i encourage everyone with a dedicated room to get dedicated about it. the traps over all corners (703 corning rigid fiberglass with muslin copper to cover---figure $200 for $10 traps) and sidewall reflections have been akin to upgrading to a more expensive speaker. ---i kid you not. so, the only thing that changed w/ speaker positioning and getting dedicated about the room. in a nutshell, a larger improvement than i've ever heard from a cd player or a cable. rhyno


System edited: recently added a Silver Circle Audio 3.0 power conditioner (torroid based, w/ some passive conditioning inside as well) used for all line-level gear, and found the noise floor dropped quite substantially (even though i was using dedicated AC to each component). net result is darker blackgrounds, and i find myself turning the volume up louder as any high-frequency glare is just vanished. rc


System edited: recently have gone through an amp merry-go-round, but think the Mac 501s will take me off it for some time (my way of rewarding myself for surviving the company layoff notice). Mac's have exposed system weaknesses elsewhere (which is what good components do). combo of CDP & Audio Mirror is too tubey / soft, and they will be the next to go (the pre is to go first; that said, its still highly rec'd for the $$). Also, ditched the Transparent Ultra speaker cable for many reasons: Mac's don't like them (autoformers + network boxes is overkill), wanted to back $$ out of system, and oddly i found the Anti-Cables by P. Speltz to be better in my system; the Anti-cables are a great reference, and should be in every audiophile's toolbox for purposes of reference against higher $$ cable (i'm currently breaking in VH Audio CHeLA and will use one of the 2 long term). i consider the Macs + cable options to be a major upgrade from where i was months ago, but still haven't gotten back to that dripping sexilicious midrange of the Wavac i sold (then again, the Mac's have total composure, which the Wavacs didn't have with the wilsons when pushed).


I love that TV set! Great system.


hi chris

well, lets get to brass tacks: nothing will match the mid's of the wavac. so syrupy, golden, liquid, sexy & intoxicating.

the belles 350 reference is a real over-achiever; i've got tremendous leading edge, transients, bass depth / impact (hard not to improve coming from a wavac, but i'm speaking of live music as a reference point), and surprisingly good tonal quality.

now i'm greedy; i want more power! more torque! more red meat! (again, i'm of the mind that, if the goal is to reproduce the recorded event in the home, and the typical limiting factor is dynamics / leading edge, that its a function of power delivery assuming the speakers are capable---and the wilsons are. so, more power it is...tonality is the easiest thing to correct, so that comes last).

will probably be demo'ing some new speaker cables for giggles, and am likely to move from the exemplar to the esoteric universal very soon. tubes are wonderfully musical, but they're not dynamic or extended enough...i see myself with a mostly / all solid state system very soon...given the progress SS amps have made in crossing the musical spectrum, i've no doubt SS can be made to sound as musical as tubes, but without the compromises / headaches.



How do you like the solid state amp with the extra juice? I bet it opened up the Wilson's.


System edited: recently sold the wavac SET, bought the belles 350ref instead.


System edited: replaced the G&D preamp w/ an Audio Mirror PP1 (less phono), which is quite nice sounding stock, but I've improved it greatly by: 1) replace IEC w/ gold plated furutech 2) replace coupling caps w/ hovlands 3) replace output network resistors w/ roedersteins 4) add bybee & auricap to AC input the stock unit is quite liquid, but not linear enough as its upper mids are a bit tipped per the use of silver plated wire in the unit (at least, that's my diagnosis). the furutech IEC helped restore balance, and the hovlands helped open up the transparency quite a bit more. but really, i changed b/c i love having remote control volume & source!


actually, i did them all myself. i'm about to go back in & put bybees on the B+ of the 572s and on the DC going to the input stage. wish me luck, there's not much room in there....a lot of the wiring is held in place via push-clips (similar to automotive wiring harnesses), which is difficult at best to administer, and responsible for some forced repairs in other cases).

the unit's circuit is the bomb. no caps in the signal path...that's for any IITC circuit wavac amp.





Did you perform your own mods on the Wavac, or could you pass along who did them for you?



System edited: Living example of what patience can buy for pennies on the $ in this hobby. Knowing how to solder and perform select mods has made a good system great---i cannot recommend this skill enough for those w/ aspirations > budget. The last tweak (dedicated AC into Isoclean outlets) has taken the system over the top where bass images and background noise is gone (helped no doubt by the fact that i turned all the romex wiring into twisted pair before installatio). I cannot imagine another system sounding at this price anywhere. rhyno


Beautiful system. I hope that in 6 years mine can evolve into something similar. Enjoy!


Rhyno, i owned the WP6's for three years and never regretted one minute. they seemed to synergize with many amps.....from the Levinson 33' the Halcro the Atmasphere MA2's.....and even the Tenor 75 watt OTL's. the Tenors wern't the ideal match.....but even 75 OTL watts sounded great in my small room.

the WP6 would tell you if an amp was edgy or on the dry side.....the Halcro match was not to my particular tastes.....but i know others like that combo.

for what you can currently purchase WP6's for used.....i'm not sure what could be much better unless you are running SET's in a large room.


845 SET? i'm not too familiar w/ them. what's the specs? can it drive 4r loads?

i'll say this: the WP6s do sound far more musical than anyone gives them credit for w/ proper amplification. i wouldn't think of selling mine. or my wavac. WPs are definitely dynamic, and not polite --- moreso, they, like merlins, are a magnifying glass...if your upstream gear is bright (and most SS amps are), then the WPs magnify it...too bad they get all the blame, and so little credit on these boards.

not sure if it helps, but if nothing else, remember this: i cannot fathom going wrong w/ WP6s given your musical preferences. its just a matter of how long it takes you before you find synergy w/ them.



Hello Rhyno,

Very nice set up!

i'm also thinking to replace my CELLO legend speaker to WATT 6,MY GEARS IS wadia 20 + 27,CELLO Encore + 350,i found the Legend is too polite and not dynamic enough.

I want to buy a 845 SET to drive the WATT 6 ,and i can sell my encore pre amp to buy the WATT 6.

I listen in most fusion jazz,big band and pop music.

Thanks for your comment.


System edited: Recently sold the G&D Transport / Entec DAC and moved to an Exemplar 2900; biggest improvement was noted in getting everything onto one rack (i.e. no more gear on the floor). Also, the Wavac likes a high V out source, which the Entec (in all its purity, it didn't have an output stage) didn't have (@ 2v). So, lesson learned is that passive linestages (which the Wavac has, per my upgrading the existing $4 volume pots to TKD shunts) like high V sources. Otherwise, the Entec had better imaging / lower mids, but the Denon has better frequency extremes, drive & dynamics (again, a function of the higher V output). Also, all cabling is an ongoing quest. Time will tell who's left standing in the end.


System edited: the WAVAC, surprisingly, drives the WP6s very well. great bass articulation, wonderful stage, and the best presentation i've ever had (dynamics w/ sweetness). also, recent updates to the DAC have greatly improved resolution and taken an ever so slight edge off of it, to the point where i know through comparisons it holds up w/, and surpasses, some of the darlings of today---this DAC cannot be outclassed, only marginally improved on vs the industry today. i've been told that its the best sound i've ever had. i happily concur.


my guess is the BBQ and the JC1s would have no problem w/ MLs, as (going from memory) they have a benign impedance. i found that the BBQ did not like driving the SoundLabs (which are essentially a capacitor w/ the 1r load at the top).

i've heard the JC1s many times in a system that used to have a BBQ (rcrump's). the JC1s will likely sound a smidgen better...moreso w/ more demanding (i.e. difficult load) speakers. quieter background (per better S/N ratio) and a little better dimensionality. otherwise it should be pretty much a wash.



Hi Rhyno,

Quick question for you - how would the CTC BBQ drive a set of Martin Logans (Prodigy or Ascent)? Also, if you have had any experience with the JC 1 - how do they compare to the CTC BBQ? Feedback much appreciated!



System edited: pics added


i did all the work to the tuner, the ICs, and some very simple work to the dac myself. and i also made a few overachieving PCs as well, but they just don't stack up to the SLVRs by TG.


I am currious who modified your KT8300 ?



Thanks for the information, I didn't think how expensive it could be having someone like rcrump around. Is the G&D and entec stuff still made and or how do you find out more. Its interesting what you and/or your friends think about the bybees. I have a friend who has spoken to bybee a fair amount and had them in his own system and swears that they are best going in the speaker first, but I suspect that is somewhat system dependent and as always trust your own ears. Again very interesting, enjoy



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