
When I was at CES a few years ago I had the pleasure of visiting the Lamm Industries room. The system was a pair of Wilson Watt Puppy 8s driven by the ML 2.1 monoblocks. I d heard the track from Stevie Ray Vaughan hundreds of times before .. but what I listened to that day was unlike anything I’d ever come across in any hi-end audio system.

To put it succinctly it was the most "organic" sounding system I had ever heard. It went beyond hi-fi and to a place where the music and the performance sounded live, real, right there in front of me I'd heard Lamm solid state amps previously and although I liked them, this went beyond the simple Lamm house sound. I left the room convinced that these amps were the missing piece in my system.

So I went about the research (and hand wringing) most audiophiles do when they are searching for the perfect match for their system. In my case unlike the venerable WP8s the Sophias needed more power than the ML 2.1’s brought to the table. In my system those watts were delivered courtesy of the Lamm ML 1.1’s.

It was a perfect fit. The organic sound that I wanted and the extra power I needed. When they arrived my wife's only comment was “they better sound good cause that's a face only a mother could love...” I assured her they would (to her credit she admitted after a little listening that they were indeed magical).

The end result has been wonderful, it has all the qualities I'd heard and fell in love with at CES. The combination with my Gen VIII and Sohias has left me a happy camper.

Now all I need is a bigger budget for music!!!

Components Toggle details

    • Wilson Audio Sophia
    Sophias in Ferrari Fly Yellow.
    • Theta Digital Generation VIII Version 2
    Gen 8 Processor
    • Theta Digital Compli
    Theta Compli
    • Lamm Industries ML 1.1
    ML 1.1
    • Transparent MM2 Ultra
    Transparent MM2 Ultra single ended
    • Transparent MM Ultra
    Transparent MM Ultra
    • Logitec Slim Devices Squeezebox
    The addition of a new power supply from Channel Islands Audio completely transformed the piece. What an incredible bang for the buck. I use the digital out directly into my Theta Gen VIII

Comments 22

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Nice system. Looks like you;ve put some real thought into components and the room. Did you roll your own room treatments? I am finally happy with my gear, so I;m thinking its finally time to tackle the room...
