
Finally got around to updating this posting on the system. The AG3000 is replaced by the new top dog in BC's line, the fabulous BC303-DWBB, yes.. that secondary large chassis is in fact the outboard PSU for the pre !

Have also re-arranged the room, and the Parsifal woofer is now in the more desireable rear firing arrangement.

Oh... and stand by for some front end changes in process too.

Components Toggle details

    • Levinson No 37
    Not a 31.5.. but close ! connected to the 360 via ST glass fibre
    • Levinson No-360S
    Still a superb sounding DAC.
    • Blue Circle Audio BC303-DWBB
    One of the finest pre's on the planet. Fully balanced, dual mono, 4 volume controls !, 2 inputs. Yes, the big box on the side is the power supply for the pre !!
    • Blue Circle Audio BC206
    Next generation reference hybrid stereo amp from BC
    • Blue Circle BC62
    Several of these throughout the system.. Excellent value power cord.
    • Gutwire C-Clef
    Excellent power cord, feeds the Music Ring 1200.
    • Blue Circle Audio MR1200
    Awesome on the source gear.
    • Gutwire MaxCon
    Terrific passive filter for the BC206 and Logan Ascents.
    • Magnum Dynalab MD-102T
    Excellent sounding tuner, good in metro area.
    • Transparent Balanced music link Ultra MM
    Expensive... worth it.. end of story. I use it between dac and pre, and also between pre and power amp.
    • Transparent Music Wave SuperXL Bi-Wire
    See interconnects... great match with the Ascents.
    • Verity Parsifal Ovation
    Astonishing speaker, compact dimensions belie the music this speaker can convey.

Comments 11

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BPK, Gilbert suggested that I contact you at the BC forum, but since I found you here...

I own Parsifal Encores and have been auditioning amps off-site. Living in the NW I haven't had the chance to listen to the 206. Can you give me your impressions of the BC/Verity marriage?

BTW, shouldn't your username now be BigpoppaBC? LOL
