
My system resides in a 24x20 room with a 18ft cathedral ceilings. Always striving for maximum bang for the buck, I have eschewed snake oil for substance, bought most gear second hand, and make certain cables and minor mods myself.

In the 2-1/2 years since I entered this hobby this system has evolved as follows:

Speakers: AR90, Polk SDA-2, ADS L1530, ADS M20, Acoustat Model 2, Acoustat 2+2.

Amps: Aragon 8002, Electrocompaniet Ampliwire II, McIntosh MC7300, Acoustat TNT-200 (mod), Hafler 9505, PS Audio HCA-2.

Preamps: Adcom GFP-555, Acurus RL-11 (mod), PS Audio PCA-2.

The returns are diminishing and my treadmill may finally be slowing!

Components Toggle details

    • Acoustat 2+2
    Electrostatic speakers. c. 1983. 93" tall x 20" wide x 3.5" deep. 95LBS ea. This pair was recapped with North Creek Zen caps.
    • Adire Rava
    12" driver, 250W amp, 18" cube, sealed enclosure, 27Hz to 160Hz -3dB.
    • PS Audio HCA-2
    Stereo power amplifier
    • PS Audio PCA-2
    Stereo preamplifier
    • PS Audio HCPS
    Analog High Current Power Supply for the PCA-2 preamplifier.
    • PS Audio NuWave DAC
    Three digital inputs 192kHz asynchronous USB RCA and XLR balanced outputs High current class A output stage Native mode 192kHz selectable upsample Low jitter PerfectWave clocks Class A fully balanced discrete analog electronics Burr Brown 24 bit DAC chip
    • Oppo DV-980H
    1080p Up-Converting Universal DVD Player
    • Carver TX-12
    FM tuner
    • Behringer SU9920
    Stereo sound enhancement processor
    • Alpha-Core Goertz MI 3
    7 gauge speaker cable
    • Planet Waves PW-M-3
    XLR microphone cables
    • Powervar ABC-1200-11
    Power conditioner

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I'm almost prompted too say, with a view like that, who needs the music. With the music, a slice of heaven.
