
Do to life, and it's many turns in the road, i have had my gear and music in a closet packed in boxes for nearly 2 years.

It was a risk that we took to move the career along and to purchase our first house.

We are in the house, still in boxes. But the top two floors are almost complete. The first floor is a war zone, but the "man cave" is up, and last night I unpacked my boxes and had music.

Long way to go, but with a new home and a new room this is going to be a great time. Now thinking about adding vinyl to the mix, time to enjoy the music again.


Components Toggle details

    • Townshend Audio Rock Deluxe
    This is a very cool table, will look forward to spinning those big black cd's.
    • Chapman Audio Systems T-8
    A great find, sent in to have the most recent upgrades. Chapman the man is even better than the gear.
    • Odyssey Audio Stratos Mono Plus ( Custom)
    I had a guy thow me a bone so to speak and made me a deal that I could not otherwise afford. These are brand new in the box and should handle the Apogees with authority. These have 240k capacitance and more power than you can imagine. This is upgraded caps and power supply. It will match the Stratos Plus.
    • Audio Mirror T-61
    Tubed Line stage preap.
    • Scott Nixon Non OS DacKit
    This was a great pick up for $110 from Phil Hagerman at Nomad Audio.
    • PS Audio PS-6.1
    Basic pre with phono
    • Adcom GFA-535 mkII
    The only way I can afford a Nelson Pass designed amp. Keep it for a second system.
    • Rega Fono
    phono stage
    • Project Audio Phono Box
    phono pre
    • Rega RB-300
    Origin Encounter MK II, is an upgraded version of the classic rega arm. Upgraded wires and vta.

Comments 57

You betcha, I'm urging Andy to go fetch himself some T-7's! He's gonna be a happy boy when he gets them installed into his system!

Chad, you should hear these things! I really struggled to sell my last pair of ET's, but I'm enjoying the Chapmans at the moment. Truth is, someday I may get another set of ET's, but for now, this is excellent listening. Very few box speakers could take me away from planars, but the T-7's did!

If Andy gets his deal on the T-7's he's after, it'll be the find of the decade!



System edited: I an going to be picking up some Chapman T-7 speakers that are a few hours away. Hope to add these soon and will keep looking for a nice set of keeper speakers and a quality cd and DAC.


What is your budget? and what all are you looking for?
It is atleast good to see you hearing music !


System edited: Pictures added.


System edited: I will be listening to music tonight. It has been a long time in the making. Thank you all my Audiogon friends and ACers that have help me navigate this new hobby of mine. If I can find the right speakers at the right price I can be done for a while. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for all the help. Andy


System edited: Week link in this system are speakers and wires, cables, and ICs. Any suggestions welcome.


System edited: System Update. I have a preamp and cd on the way. Music will be flowing at my house this week for the first time in months.


Showing 51 - 57 of 57 posts