
Do to life, and it's many turns in the road, i have had my gear and music in a closet packed in boxes for nearly 2 years.

It was a risk that we took to move the career along and to purchase our first house.

We are in the house, still in boxes. But the top two floors are almost complete. The first floor is a war zone, but the "man cave" is up, and last night I unpacked my boxes and had music.

Long way to go, but with a new home and a new room this is going to be a great time. Now thinking about adding vinyl to the mix, time to enjoy the music again.


Components Toggle details

    • Townshend Audio Rock Deluxe
    This is a very cool table, will look forward to spinning those big black cd's.
    • Chapman Audio Systems T-8
    A great find, sent in to have the most recent upgrades. Chapman the man is even better than the gear.
    • Odyssey Audio Stratos Mono Plus ( Custom)
    I had a guy thow me a bone so to speak and made me a deal that I could not otherwise afford. These are brand new in the box and should handle the Apogees with authority. These have 240k capacitance and more power than you can imagine. This is upgraded caps and power supply. It will match the Stratos Plus.
    • Audio Mirror T-61
    Tubed Line stage preap.
    • Scott Nixon Non OS DacKit
    This was a great pick up for $110 from Phil Hagerman at Nomad Audio.
    • PS Audio PS-6.1
    Basic pre with phono
    • Adcom GFA-535 mkII
    The only way I can afford a Nelson Pass designed amp. Keep it for a second system.
    • Rega Fono
    phono stage
    • Project Audio Phono Box
    phono pre
    • Rega RB-300
    Origin Encounter MK II, is an upgraded version of the classic rega arm. Upgraded wires and vta.

Comments 57

Pics posted.

I have been kicking around the idea of adding a nixon dac, or a lite ah. Even looked into a Audio Sector dac.

Tubed preamp may be the next move.


I think the best you can do is to trash the old crossover in the Apogees and build new ones from Mundorf Caps and Spools! then you can raise the Apogees on a slate base and buy a Behringer DEQ2496 to flatten the responce. That will take you FAR beyond any amp and preamp upgrade. You can wait a bit for that :-)



PS: Hit me up on MSN [email protected]


Any ideas of what I should do to be able to feed the apogees properly. I am set on amps, but will need to address the preamp situation as well as the source. I am thinking of an Audio Mirror tubed preamp and a custom DAC that has been catching alot of love on another site.

What about ICs and wires?


Look at my system to know the answere :-)


I guess i am not sure what you mean about the Apogees, good or bad?


Its an Apogee, nuff said :-)


System edited: Pics added today and now have the golden triangle setup in place to the best of my limited ability. Breaking in new mono amps and looking forward to getting feedback and ideas from by ears and beers buddies. Small room required nearfield set up, when my eyes are closed it is great, but have to get used to being so close. Thanks for all the help. Bass is hard to find in this set up, but the high and mid range is sweat. DAC and sub are next moves when $$$ allows.


I had a guy throw me a bone on the monos, no way I could swing them. This was a once in a lifetime chance to make a move up for only $250 out of pocket. I am blessed and have great friends.
Things have moved so fast I am intimidated by the new gear, too nice for me I think. But I am very happy to have seen things progress so quickly. Thanks to Chad I have been able to hear a couple of nice rigs to get me dreaming. Learning to make one step at a time and enjoy the trip and the music.


What!? Now statos mono's?! I thought you were the poor, hard up kind of guy, now you're bustin' out with mono amps! You sly dog, you...

When's your room going to be done, system set up again?

Man, you're really gonna miss the Chapmans when you set up the Apogees... ;) Tee hee hee
Just getting inside your head, my friend.


System edited: Today I opened a new pair of Stratos Plus Monos. These are just one step below the amp of my dreams and should be that last amp I buy for a while. Things have been changing, new speakers, amp, cdp and new room. The apogees should be here tonight or thursday and then I will be gone for a few weeks while they break in. The cdp is a budget all in one and the Denon is gone. I am looking for a player or dac to soften my all digital all SS system.


Congratulations on your Apogee Centaurus Minors. I had a pair which served as my main speakers for 6 years. They are absolutely wonderful in a small to medium sized room. They also mate well with subwoofers because of their sealed box woofers. I only replaced them when I moved into a house where the stereo would be located in a living room/dining room with over 4500 cubic feet.


If you obtained a pair of Chapman T-7's for the measily amount of $375 you should be jailed! Because you just stole an incredible speaker from some poor fool who doesn't know what they are! Now, if those were the pair floating around that had some damage to their framing and were repaired, then you merely got an incredible sounding speaker at a great price! The parts alone in them are worth Waay more than that!


I have Denon DCD-3520 I got ina thrift store for $20. I use its digital output to connect to a full Audio Alchemy system--powered 75/110 ohm transmitter/receiver cable to a Pro 32 DTI with AD upgrades to a modded DDEV3.0 D/A, using a Power Station 2 and 3, and then finally, to a DLC line controller.

I still like this old CD player; it's built like a tank and has a good ergonomica feel.


Hey guys,

Haven't heard the T7s before but I'm actually going to take a look at a pair tomorrow. Any deatailed opinions that anyone can share? It's been really hard finding any info on these, but the price is what drew me in.

I don't really know what these are worth, but would you say $375 is a good deal? Very interested in hearing them now...

[email protected]

Glad it worked out with Karl on the Minors, they really sounded good at the party and I think you are on your way!


System edited: I have sold my Chapman T-7 and that guy got a steal, but no worries I was able to take the money and turn it into a set of mint, almost new in the box Apogee C minors. I have some audio buddies that are going to help me get things set up when we move in a couple of weeks. I think the ICs and Cd player will be changed and I may be adding some tubes or a dac to smooth things a bit.


Several things could be tried:
--A great DAC
--Dakiom feedback stabilizers (30 day return policy)
--Tubes somewhere along the signal chain (However, my personal experience with tube equipment is extremely limited. For example, although I've heard of people using it, I don't know if the Musical Fidelity Tube Buffer works or not, and people had to tell me what "tube rolling" was, etc.)

In my system, the Dodson 217 Mark 2 D DAC makes a HUGE difference, but retailed around 5000 dollars when new. I got mine for under 2000 on a site called "Audiogon", and it's a wonderful unit.


I have had a chance to stop and listen for a while. The set up is missing something. I have not put hardly anything into wires and cables because I don't have it. I am very pleased with my amp and hope to get it broken in fully at some point. I am happy with my CDP, but have considered a DAC like a Nixon, DAC Ah, or a ART DiO in hopes that it may soften the top end.

I am not sure if my speakers are a weak or strong point. My room is not ideal and the highs get to me at times.
Any suggestions would be great.

Would a Tube Pre change things? Or does my passive pre work.



I bet it sounds great. Sometimes in the land of very expensive setups, it all boils down to if it pleases us, the listener. After all, we are the ones that spend time with them.

My system is very vintage, the amps are referred to as slow and tubby, the speakers are described as colored and inaccurate, but it sure makes good music to my ears. Plus, I don't have the price of a house invested in it. Of course if I was rich, I would certainly be looking to upgrade.

I hope you continue to enjoy what have. After all, it is better than what 99.999% of what most people listen to.


System edited: I now have things together and burning in. I will be settling down for some listening. I know this is not anything to make anyone green with envy, but I am happy with what I have achieved in a few short months. Best of all Miles Davis can now stop by anytime for a visit. Thanks for all the help guys, 2 channel is the way to go IMO.


I think that you and I are on the same page with that feeling of amazement, and part of the reason I posted to your thread is that I'm in a similar position with respect to my own recently overhauled system (which also features Odyssey components prominently). The comment was intended more as a compliment to your success than anything else. Anyway, you would seem to be in a great place now, and many people find it very difficult to get there. Thanks for sharing your system and the happy story.


I was alarmed, I was a little frustrated with myself for not doing this sooner. I think to myself, what have I been missing.

It is a strange feeling listening to an album and hear insruments come to life that once sounded like digital effects. The music I love is unfamiliar all of a sudden. To heat the changes catches me off guard.

I love it.



You stated:

"I am alarmed at all the detail and feeling that I have never heard before in music that I have loved for a long time. It seems as if it is the first time to ever hear this."

I'd personally suggest changing just one little word from your quote: Replacing "alarmed" with "thrilled" (just a suggestion, your choice of course). Welcome to the (usually) wonderful world of high end audio! And congratulations on your sonic achievements! Klaus is a great guy.


When I bought my Khartago a couple of months back I did not have a repeat mode on my cd player so I just kept playing cds as possible.

I kept the gear on at all times, but when I began to read this thread I thought well maybe I am missing something. So long story short I have been playing a loop of TSO, Fairfield four, the Beatles, Keb Mo and U2 for the last 48 hours at various levels and holy moly. Even with my cheap BB ICs and Onkyo CD changer I am begining to see this thing open up. Wow, Santa Klaus has come again with my new Khartago, when did he sneek in and change my amp?

Chapman T7 speakers to be added this weekend, should be a solid step forward over the DCM TF.

I am alarmed at all the detail and feeling that I have never heard before in music that I have loved for a long time. It seems as if it is the first time to ever hear this.


If my truck is finished today I will be going to get them this weekend. My wife wanted to get out of town so I suggested heading toward Louisville. The speakers are paid for and waiting for me now.


Showing 26 - 50 of 57 posts