
It has now been almost a year and I have had some time to spend getting things dialed in. Over the last year I have changed much of my equipment and have gotten a new room so there is a lot of variable to sort out, but with a lot of work (fun) so far I have got the system sounding very good. I still cannot get over how different this room is than my previous room of around 10'X 11'. It is 25' X 30' with vaulted ceilings and a stairwell behind a short wall along the back of the room. This room is on the third floor of my house and all the walls are exterior 2X6 insulated construction. I had 3 dedicated 20 amp 10 awg homerun lines put in when the house was wired along with some heavy carpet pad and carpet.

Every equipment change I have made has been a significant upgrade and really moves this room towards its potential. The more I listen to the Vandersteen 3A Signatures the more I love them. The treble is just so true to sound and the bass continues to elate me as that was the area I had concerns about before purchasing the speakers.

Components Toggle details

    • Rega Apollo
    A lot of good things has been said about this player and and I agree.
    • Parasound Halo P3
    This is a great entry-level pre. It matches extremely well with the A23 as would be expected. P.S. Using the XLR connections made a significant difference between the preamp and amp to the sound stage and bass control.
    • Parasound A 21
    250 watts per channel
    This amp is a large improvement over my previous A23.
    • Vandersteen 3a Sig
    A nice large speaker for a large room.
    • Anti-Cable Interconnect
    Replaced Audioquest Cheetah.
    • Audioquest Jaguar
    Great mid priced cables with DBS. I have continued to enjoy these cables over the last couple of months. They are very clean and detailed and allow for an amazing sound stage. The one area that I am not thrilled is they could be more transparent. This became very clear when I tried the Cheetahs, but at the cost difference I will stay where I am until I make other upgrades.
    • Anti-cable Speaker cables
    They are wonderful.
    • Black Diamond Racing Cones MKIII
    Six vibration dampening/coupling cones. There really is a difference between the different # cones. A tweak that really works wonders in my room. Surprisingly I much prefer the Apollo on its factory feet, not the BDR cones.
    • GIK Acoustic Panels
    Seven 2'X4' acoustic panels. Three used as bass traps, two more at the first reflection point and two more behind the speakers. Best upgrade for the money invested.
    • Mitsubishi 4900 Projector
    1080p LCD projector
    • DIY Projector Screen BOC
    Black out curtain screen.

Comments 42

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You are quite wise to entertain the notion of diffusion over absorption as diffusion - it is usually more $$$ though.

Try to think of sound in terms of echoes.

As I understand it, diffusors are almost always used to greatest effect in front of the speakers to homogenize echoes (i.e. by creating more broad/even/nice echoes.) Absorption is used behind speakers so as to soak up that homogenous echo and shorten the it's delay time. In short, diffusion creates a nicer sounding, more balanced echo & absorption controls how quickly that echo fades out (of our perception/environment.)

As for which type of diffusor to use that's a little more complicated. Whichever one seems most logical to you for your particular room is the best choice. I would venture to guess that you don't think most diffusors are exactly beautiful works of art, so I'd suggest getting a set that can be hidden in your ceiling after you find their optimal locations.

I'd start here:

As for the tube vs. solid state debate...

I've heard what you're referring to and imho the nicer tube pre's don't suffer from a lack of bass definition like some less expensive designs can because the designers usually err on the side of more capacitance (more $$$) in a given circuit. I'd be interested to see what you think of an Audio Research SP9 or a Quad QC24.

Anyways, I'm glad to see your outta that little boxy bedroom; that was, I'm sure, a MUCH bigger improvement to the sound than these little tweaky things we're talking about now. Take it easy!


I noticed you don't sit very close to your speakers - it may be really beneficial to put up a couple of absorbers on the low ceiling to kill the early reflections (& help those Vandies disappear.)

Maybe I'm a bit of a tube fiend (okay definitely, not maybe) but it it seems like you could use some tube warmth in that all s.s. rig you got. Ever considered a tubed preamp? I've got a really great little Antique Sound Labs LH-01 ($500 msrp) headphone/preamp that really balances out the coldness of my Rotel RB-1080. I guess I never thought there was hope for my Rotel amp sounding like anything super-special until I paired the two. The tubes just make everything sound so much more "alive" & smooth.

BTW, this isn't VideoGon so shut up with all that theater crap! .Just joking. ;D


Yay, no more listening to music in a square closet!...Congratulations David! Keep us updated on your progress.


You know David, it might - but it has a similar effect to what Mr. Cardas recommends for diffusing bass in room - which is to cut up the ceiling @ the rear of the listening room & throw a fabric frame to cover up the hole, only it's- aesthetically speaking- a LOT easier on the eyes...try it. Also, to further help with diffusion you might borrow (or purchase a "tri-fold screen" - you know what I'm talking about- those screens that people usually use in a bedroom to hide behind while dressing/undressing if there is someone else in the room. If you open the door next to you & position one of these next to you (in the other corner opposite the door) Voila!...the midrange is diffused. If you want to experiment - try one made of fabric, one of paper & and one of wood...these really work! You can go to decorating and dept. stores, and bring 'em home, try 'em out then if it isn't perfect...return it, easy! risk!


Hey David,
Been a while, happy holidays! I'm writing because I've had a thought about how to possibly improve your to hear it, here it goes...;) Have you tried rotating the axis of your speaker-speaker-ears triangle a tiny bit - like an inch(with the bedroom door open, of course) towards the door? This CAN make for a drastic improvement regarding diffusion in your "squarish" room...try it.


Hey Dhel,
I can tell you right now you'll be fiddling around with your speaker placement till the day you die-or till you're too weak to lift your latest pair of Wilson Benesch Rocket Hyper Doodle Mephisto 707 mk.5.2's with the Hyper/Hypo Metaphysical Digital Frequency Spreaders (lightly coated with peanut butter for better damping via a generic Chinese made "Lightly Coating Peanut Butter Digital Frequency Spreading Applicator type 6." I'm a dork-but I know your laughing -inside at least;) I've been reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books lately...I know, its no excuse. As for're on your own. I like Nordost Solarwind-they sound as if c.d. player and pre-amp are hard-wired together. A decision like choosing a cdp is best left to people who know more about it than we do...they aren't the first cdp's we've had to buy and more than likely won't be the last. -Bruce


Hey David, I'm glad to see you've achieved some good integration with your room (learned to use the force;)...sometimes I just shake my head after hearing some of the ridiculously effortless sound comin' out of my budget system.
Do you ever get the feeling that proper system set-up is something most manufacturers/dealers keep to themselves to make people feel dissatisfied with their gear so they can sell you a more expensive (and better integrated) piece of gear? Maybe I'm just a touch paranoid? Appreciation/kudos must be given to Mr. Cardas and any manufacturer who share anything useful with the rest of us-especially regarding placing speakers. --Bruce
BTW, have you ever considered the Rega Planet CDP?...a "STEAL" @ $895.Checkit.


Hey David,
Very clean set-up! I got sucked in to hi-fi about 10 years ago...isn't it oddly satifying when you achieve really good set up? You seem to be off to a great start...excellent gear. Recently, I've learned a good deal regarding speaker placement--are you happy with the staging you've achieved with your speaker placement? Would you be interested in "hearing" more? --Lemme know--Bruce
