
I want to have a NICE system made up of componets from the 1950's and 1960's. Looking to upgrade my TT to Vintage when I find one. Most of the music I listen to is from that time frame. Jazz and classical. I am amazed how good this gear is.

Components Toggle details

    • VPI Industries Aries
    with 300 rpm motor and SS clamp. Looking for Vintage table to match my system.
    • Fisher X-100
    with wood case.
    • McIntosh MC-30
    single for now.
    • Scott 350C
    with case..fully resored.
    • Scott 330C
    AM and FM vintage
    • Fisher FM50B
    AM and FM vintage tuner
    • McIntosh 1700 Receiver
    Vintage with tube FM tuner
    • Scott 399 Receiver
    Full tube vintage
    • Bozak Audio Lab B-305
    Urban teak cabinets

Comments 14

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That is a beautiful system. Love all the wood cabinets.

I've thought about getting a 399 from time to time. Is the FM fine by itself or is the mpx adapter a must have?
