
This is the last system I have put up , with the help of my dealer, CDF Audio, the only thing left from my last system is the turntable.The Monbrison replaced a Copland CTA 305, before the Montrachet my amp was the Pass Lab X250, and the speakers where the Elektra937 BE special edition speakers, much bigger than the Super 8, but the Gibbons are much more musical.

And that is exactly waht my wife and I where looking for.The most musical system we could afford.

Components Toggle details

    • Clearaudio Master Solution
    Upgraded from the Champion to the Master Solution. All I can say is that it makes beautifull music.
    • Clearaudio Unify
    I simply love this arm.
    • Benz Micro MC Reference
    I have waited some time to purchase this cartridge.It is simply musical.
    • Shindo Monbrison
    When my dealer let me have this preamp to try out, he knew what he was doing.Actually I wanted to purchase new speakers, after I had listen to this preamp, it was a no brainer.
    • Shindo Montrachet
    Simply the most magical amp I have ever owned!
    • DeVore Gibbon Super 8
    My last purchase in the system.Listening to music trough those speakers, is really a treat.

Comments 43

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Thank you for the nice words,the rack is from Target, I believe I bought it from UHF mag, it was around $250.00 ca.


Bass extension is very good with the Super 8, better than I expected in fact. And what I like the most is how natural it sounds. Sure some speaker could go lower, but I have seldom heard speakers reproduce bass this good, with aurority, and yet stay very clean. Impressive, I had the big JM lab elektra 937 with two 8 inch woofers, the 8's are better.


I really appreciate when someone shares his knowledge with others, even if I don't always agree. My wife and I have tried the Auditorium speaker cables, and we decided to keep wath we had. Our system really sounds great, and I believe that ''if it ain't broken, don't fix it''. For now our budget won't allow for new cables, and quite honestly the music that comes out in our room is realy great. But if I ever get the itch of trying new cables, I will certainly look for Ocellia cables to try out in my system.


Mickey, you are right about the review from Jeff Day, that's the reason I purchased the record, and it really is a good one.


Hi Shayne, thanks for the kind words, I had a look at your system, and I can also relate to it.I see you have the Nines, those are the speakers that had me change my system around, but I had to settle for the Super 8, so I could afford the Montrachet, but I have no regrets. I also am familiar with the Vosne Romane, quite a musical preamp.

Thanks, André.


Hi Sakahara, Shindo is not the first tube gear that I have owned, but certainly the best gear. I don't think it sounds like ordinary tube gear, it is simply musical and does'nt have that Hi-Fi sound. If I have a chance I'll look in to the cables you mention.Thanks.

Hi Mickey8, I'm also looking forward to have a listen to the Orangutans, I tought John would bring them at the Montreal show, but CDF told me they will purchase a pair as soon as it's available, the guys at CDF are great, I've been to many dealers in the past 35 years, and they simply are the best. thanks


Hi Jldcat,

Thanks for the nice comments, you can't see it in the picture, but a lot of work went into that room, and the results are great. You could ask Danny of CDF next week, he's the one that came to my place to set up the Super, and he said it was the best sound he had ever heard comming out of those speakers. To me , that was quite a compliment comming from him.I'll see you next week in Montreal.

Thanks, André.


Hello, I know she looks like a boxer, but isn't. She is five years old, her father was a Boston Terrier, and mother an espagneul breton. It's like having a baby boxer that never gets old.


Hi, the room is about 12 x 19 feet. A lot of work went into that room. Originally that room was all gypse, I ripped everything out including the ceiling, then installed acoustic treatment inside the walls, and covered everything up with 3/4'' pine. I also worked on the ceiling because we only had 7 feet, this was a lot of work but very much worth it. The room is actually part of the system in many ways.


To be honest, yes the change was very big. The first change was from the Copland preamp to the Monbrison, that was a very big change, more musical of course but the biggest change was how solid the musical presentation became, that was almost unreal, when I added the Montrachet, it only got better.


I have tried many cables, the ones that are on now have been with the previous system, we have tried diffirent ic and speaker cables but I stayed with the ones I already had, I don't like changes unless I get a great improvement.The ic's are from Actinote MB 750, the speaker cables are Maple Audioworks Natural. Not very well known cables, but they never the less do a great job, and I do think cables matter.


Hi, no the dog is not a boxer. The breeder was raising espagneul breton and boston terrier and decided to breed the two of them, our dog is one of the reult. She is almost five years old and she does look like a baby boxer.
The Shindo gear is very special, everything I have heard from Shindo sounds very good.You have a very nice system Streetdaddy, I like the Living Voice speakers ,I did get to hear them at the Montreal show, but I also love your rack, it really looks cool.


Thanks for looking.
