
Certainly not on par with most members systems, but it makes great music and can really rock .

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Sim Audio Moon W 5.3 SE
    Sweet and powerful
    • Marantz KI Ruby SACD Player
     Built like a tank, sings like a bird.
    • ModWright LLC LS100 / with built in tube phono stage
     Took a climb up the Modwright ladder to replace my SWL 9.0 SE  .I  said this when I got the 9.0 and  I'll say it about the LS 100-  Best pre Ive ever owned!
    • Clearaudio Concept Wood / Satisfy arm / Hana SL cart.
    • Legacy Audio Sinature SE
     Cabernet Sapele Pommele finish. Gorgeous
    • VPI Cyclone Record cleaning machine
     Best investment I've made in years.
    • Sony SCD-XA 5400 ES
    Great for SACD and Redbook . Not a bad back up!
    • Tara and Cardas IC's
    • Cerious Technology Graphene Extreme speaker cable
    • AudiQuest and Shunyata PC
    • SolidSteel Component rack
    • Furman Elitę PFI power condoner
    • Sennheiser 650
    • Musical Fidelity X Can v3

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System upgrades:
started replacing my assortment of cables with a single brand. So far have replaced IC between pre/power amp, and added bi-wire speaker cables. Going with Morrow. So far I am really impressed with these cables. The adjective that comes to mind each time I've listened is simply " live". The music just sounds live. Once I feel i have a handle on these and remain happy I will replace IC between CD/pre. At this time this is the most improvement I have heard from a cable change. Very impressed so far.


Thanks, Linnie. As much as I do enjoy my system, looking at some of the killer systems on this sight can be quite humbling! But, at the end of the day, I can listen and enjoy without obsessing about what I may be missing ( tho I do have my dreams!!...) My goal right now is to get amp closer to pre so I can eliminate that 7m PBJ. I do feel that has to be a weak link.


Thanks, Dpatterson,agree the music is what matters. I will try to post some pix shortly...
