
Certainly not on par with most members systems, but it makes great music and can really rock .

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Sim Audio Moon W 5.3 SE
    Sweet and powerful
    • Marantz KI Ruby SACD Player
     Built like a tank, sings like a bird.
    • ModWright LLC LS100 / with built in tube phono stage
     Took a climb up the Modwright ladder to replace my SWL 9.0 SE  .I  said this when I got the 9.0 and  I'll say it about the LS 100-  Best pre Ive ever owned!
    • Clearaudio Concept Wood / Satisfy arm / Hana SL cart.
    • Legacy Audio Sinature SE
     Cabernet Sapele Pommele finish. Gorgeous
    • VPI Cyclone Record cleaning machine
     Best investment I've made in years.
    • Sony SCD-XA 5400 ES
    Great for SACD and Redbook . Not a bad back up!
    • Tara and Cardas IC's
    • Cerious Technology Graphene Extreme speaker cable
    • AudiQuest and Shunyata PC
    • SolidSteel Component rack
    • Furman Elitę PFI power condoner
    • Sennheiser 650
    • Musical Fidelity X Can v3

Comments 10

I likes your system. Are you still liking it?

I am wanting to upgrade my Helicon 400 MkI's.

[Running Sim Equinox SE CDP/Oppo 95/Bel Canto eDac 2.5 as sources and DACS, pre is BAT/Balance Audio Technology 32 SE (multi-tubed), SS amp is Pass Labs 150x amp (but also need to upgrade to around the 250 watt range to get the sonics I want in my listening room, which is also a -TV room-computer desk room of my 1 bedroom apartment)].

Did you upgrade the Rega Planar 25?
[I am looking into turntables too: I like the RP3-like units for cost-benefit ratio].


System upgrades:
started replacing my assortment of cables with a single brand. So far have replaced IC between pre/power amp, and added bi-wire speaker cables. Going with Morrow. So far I am really impressed with these cables. The adjective that comes to mind each time I've listened is simply " live". The music just sounds live. Once I feel i have a handle on these and remain happy I will replace IC between CD/pre. At this time this is the most improvement I have heard from a cable change. Very impressed so far.


Thank you ALL for your advice. I'll follow wino-guys advice after I try all the more gentle suggestions. Seems there's always a wino-guy in every crowd.


Blue collar system, if sports team had as strong a line up as your system, they would always be in contention for a championship. Enjoy the music and wear a million dollar smile.


Looks like you have a very good system that delivers a lot of enjoyment! Excellent choices you have made.


Blue collar works for me. Looks like mine! You have some very nice components to be proud of.


Thanks, Linnie. As much as I do enjoy my system, looking at some of the killer systems on this sight can be quite humbling! But, at the end of the day, I can listen and enjoy without obsessing about what I may be missing ( tho I do have my dreams!!...) My goal right now is to get amp closer to pre so I can eliminate that 7m PBJ. I do feel that has to be a weak link.


Yeah, its not about how much money and hardware you have. It's about music enjoyment!!!

You have a GREAT system - don't kid yourself. It's better than 99.9 % of the world!

No question, a few pix would bring it to life for us picture junkies. :-)


Thanks, Dpatterson,agree the music is what matters. I will try to post some pix shortly...


Looks like a nicely balanced system and I would say it's on a par with many systems posted here. After all it's about the music...not the hardware. How about some pics?


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