I finally got around to hook up the trio's. A totally different sound compared to my 20T's. I can't really say better or worse. The trio's need more burning in and adjustments, before I'll pass judgements. Electronics in use, are not my best, due to restrictions in space and to small rack Thank you hifi enthusiasts.
Skutelos,I guess you will come to the conclusion that the 20T's and the Trio's are two different kind of animals. 20T's with resolution, slam and authority. Trio's with focus on mids and a bit softer in presentation. To determine which is better will be more a question of personal taste.
Very cool. Congrats with the Accuphase gear. I can see you still have the Bryston amp. Does that mean that you use the A60 for the head unit on the 20Ts and the Bryston for bass? How do you like the A60s?