
New room, lots of new gear and new furniture in the last year. Tried four preamps, three streamers and lots of cables. And moved into a larger room. I still have a bit to do, but I am pretty happy with it right now.

Room Details

Dimensions: 13’ × 11’  Small
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Coda #8 - Option 1
    Power Amplifier - 150W at 8 Ohms, 300W at 4 Ohms
    • Pass Labs XP-12
    • Merason Reuss
    • Innuos Zenith MK3
    • IsoAcoustics Gaia II
    Isolation feet
    • Furman Elite 20 PFi
    • KEF Reference 1
    • Transparent Audio USB Cable
    Digital cable
    • Acoustic Zen Hologram II
    Speaker Cables
    • Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II
    XLR Interconnects
    • Acoustic Zen El Nino
    Power Cable(s)
    • Wireworld Silver Electra 7
    Power Cable
    • Wireworld Eclipse 8
    XLR Interconnect

Comments 7

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 @audiogon Thank you for the System of the Week recognition!


@emergingsoul Thanks for the kind words. The KEF Reference have internal jumpers that are controlled by the set of knobs between HF and LF. 

I am in the northern forest, but just shy of Canada in the epicenter of U.S. curling, Duluth, MN. Curling looks very simple on the surface, but is a surprisingly complex game as you have found. 


  @jond Thanks! The thing on the floor is a curling stone, I am an avid curler. The KEF/Coda combo is an excellent match, a very sweet top end and plenty of power for the low end.

@tomaswv Thank you! The front of the speakers are 53" from the back wall. I went through several speaker cables before Acoustic Zen. The progression was Blue Jeans -> Mogami 3103 -> Kimber 8TC -> Acoustic Zen Satori -> Acoustic Zen Hologram II. I still might go back to the Satori's, I can't say why, but overall I feel as though I liked them better, we will see when I swap them back into the system. The Satori's were eye opening when I added them, they beat everything else I had tried hands down.
