
New room, lots of new gear and new furniture in the last year. Tried four preamps, three streamers and lots of cables. And moved into a larger room. I still have a bit to do, but I am pretty happy with it right now.

Room Details

Dimensions: 13’ × 11’  Small
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Coda #8 - Option 1
    Power Amplifier - 150W at 8 Ohms, 300W at 4 Ohms
    • Pass Labs XP-12
    • Merason Reuss
    • Innuos Zenith MK3
    • IsoAcoustics Gaia II
    Isolation feet
    • Furman Elite 20 PFi
    • KEF Reference 1
    • Transparent Audio USB Cable
    Digital cable
    • Acoustic Zen Hologram II
    Speaker Cables
    • Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II
    XLR Interconnects
    • Acoustic Zen El Nino
    Power Cable(s)
    • Wireworld Silver Electra 7
    Power Cable
    • Wireworld Eclipse 8
    XLR Interconnect

Comments 7

 @audiogon Thank you for the System of the Week recognition!


@emergingsoul Thanks for the kind words. The KEF Reference have internal jumpers that are controlled by the set of knobs between HF and LF. 

I am in the northern forest, but just shy of Canada in the epicenter of U.S. curling, Duluth, MN. Curling looks very simple on the surface, but is a surprisingly complex game as you have found. 


Really love the space and gear.  Posts on back of speakers are really nice looking, hf don't seem to be connected.  

Appears you live in a Canadian forest because no one understands curling in the US. I've been watching it for years and I still don't understand many of the rules.    


Ah ok I remember some of my friends were pretty obsessed with curling during the last Olympics very cool Zlone!


  @jond Thanks! The thing on the floor is a curling stone, I am an avid curler. The KEF/Coda combo is an excellent match, a very sweet top end and plenty of power for the low end.

@tomaswv Thank you! The front of the speakers are 53" from the back wall. I went through several speaker cables before Acoustic Zen. The progression was Blue Jeans -> Mogami 3103 -> Kimber 8TC -> Acoustic Zen Satori -> Acoustic Zen Hologram II. I still might go back to the Satori's, I can't say why, but overall I feel as though I liked them better, we will see when I swap them back into the system. The Satori's were eye opening when I added them, they beat everything else I had tried hands down.


Beautiful system. Couple of questions: how from from the wall to the speaker baffles? What speaker cables did you try before selecting the Hologram IIs?


Gorgeous room Zlone I like the wall color and art very much btw what is that thing on the floor in front of the rack? I thought pottery but there's a spigot or something? And killer looking system too those KEFs must sound great with that big Coda amp.


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