
Got a virtually new PJ turntable and I am enjoying this little machine.

Enjoy vinyl to the max! Jazz, Classical, Pop, Rock, Guitar, Piano, Female Vocal like Sara K & Trijntje Oosterhuis.


Components Toggle details

    • Pro-Ject RPM 9
    2nd in charge at the PJ stable!
    • Ortofon Rondo Blue MC
    Good sounding MC cart with loads of texture...
    • Pro-Ject Phonobox II
    I am stunned at the performance of this little box! WOW!
    • Proton AP-1000
    Super quiet SS pre-amp - always performs well
    • QUAD 303
    I have only spent little over an hour with this wonderful amp and I am gobsmacked! It is absolutely stunning! If you can get one grab it!
    • AKG K240 Monitor
    Headphones baby!
    • Kef C-55
    Good & transperant monitors
    • Nordost Blue Heaven Flatline
    Transperant - btwn CDP & Pre
    • Nordost Black Knight
    Btwn Phonostage & Pre
    • Ecosse The Baton
    Btwn MC & Phono
    • Canare 403
    Btwn Pre & Power amp
    • van den Hul CS 122
    Yellow bananas... go-go!

Comments 12

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great system and wanted to know how your rm9 is still treating you. I am looking to pull the trigger on this older model table as well --- and there are few reviews on it.
I was hoping to add a clearaudio wood mm cartridge to it.

Enjoy your system.
