
Got a virtually new PJ turntable and I am enjoying this little machine.

Enjoy vinyl to the max! Jazz, Classical, Pop, Rock, Guitar, Piano, Female Vocal like Sara K & Trijntje Oosterhuis.


Components Toggle details

    • Pro-Ject RPM 9
    2nd in charge at the PJ stable!
    • Ortofon Rondo Blue MC
    Good sounding MC cart with loads of texture...
    • Pro-Ject Phonobox II
    I am stunned at the performance of this little box! WOW!
    • Proton AP-1000
    Super quiet SS pre-amp - always performs well
    • QUAD 303
    I have only spent little over an hour with this wonderful amp and I am gobsmacked! It is absolutely stunning! If you can get one grab it!
    • AKG K240 Monitor
    Headphones baby!
    • Kef C-55
    Good & transperant monitors
    • Nordost Blue Heaven Flatline
    Transperant - btwn CDP & Pre
    • Nordost Black Knight
    Btwn Phonostage & Pre
    • Ecosse The Baton
    Btwn MC & Phono
    • Canare 403
    Btwn Pre & Power amp
    • van den Hul CS 122
    Yellow bananas... go-go!

Comments 12

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Brave move to do away with all your amps and speakers. Seems like you would keep them for the perhaps all too rare home alone moment. But having some good headphones are a must with others in the house. I am looking to get into a pair of AKG phones myself. I assume your using the Proton to drive the headphones. What other cans have you considered? Nice TT as well by the by.
