
The Story:

I am an audiophile addict! However, I love iTunes and the ability to instantly access all of my music from multiple locations around the house. Accordingly, I have been searching for a subjectively perfect system that balances my desires and still makes me say "WOW" when I sit down for a listen.

In addition, I now have a young daughter and my wife took away my office and converted it in to a guest room :-( Luckily for me, I am a master debater and was able to successfully negotiate for access to the two hallway closets downstairs ... I have now effectively turned them in to the world's smallest home office / audiophile listening room.

The System:

I have been playing around with components, software, and disc ripping formats in an effort to create a true audiophile sound system that uses a Mac Mini as the main source component. I feel that I have finally succeeded in my quest and have put together quite an amazing sounding system based upon the Mac Mini and iTunes.

I have been using the system for two weeks now. And, since the new speakers need at least 200 hours to break in and the new DAC needs at least 100 hours of use until it is truly ready, I will not be able to post an in depth review until next month. In the mean time, here is my setup and a mini review of my observations so far. A more in depth review will follow that will include my reasons for choosing each component of the system:

Computer Hardware:

Mac Mini 2.0Ghz

Newertech miniStack V2 500GB HD

Drobo 2TB HD

Audio Components:

Simaudio Moon I-7 Integrated Amp

Bel Canto DAC3

Shunyata Hydra Model 6 Power Conditioner

Dynaudio Confidence 1 Speakers

Nordost Tyr Balanced XLR Interconnects

Nordost SPM Speaker Wire


iTunes - CDs ripped using Apple Lossless

Indigo Home Automation Software

iRed IR Remote Automation Software

Initial Thoughts:

WOW!!!!! This is going to work! Already it is musical nirvana and the components haven't even broken in yet. Precise imaging, HUGE soundstage (considering the miniscule size of my listening room), perfect highs and a tight bass. When this system blooms later on this month, it will be a jaw dropper.

More to come ...


My audio system, as well as my home automation system, can be accessed and controlled from my iPhone or from any computer connected to the internet from anywhere in the world. I have added a pic of the Indigo control page that allows me to do this ...

Components Toggle details

    • Apple Mac Mini
    Media Server with CDs ripped via Apple Lossless.
    • Bel Canto DAC3
    • Simaudio I-7
    Integrated Amp
    • Dynaudio C1
    Confidence 1
    • Nordost Tyr
    Balanced XLR
    • Nordost SPM
    Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Hydra Model 6
    Power Conditioner

Comments 74

Unbelievable! I did not know half of this was possible. I am running itunes via apple tv to my nad m15 preamp. I am disappointed with the quality of sound vs. cd's played directly. I know the itunes music is compressed, and I will try using the lossless import. Does anyone have any success using apple tv? Also, dumb question, but what is the DAC and what is it's purpose given you have an integrated?


love this ,im trying to figure out how to tune my pc system for close listening,this inspired me to take on a closet -project myself i have a long way to go ,have to toss out old and buy all new,its all fun............................................................................


Very interesting system - and subject! Congrats, I commend you on all of the time and research you must have put into this.

I have been resisting going for a hard drive based system just because of sound quality concerns and the tactile "Classic" feel of loading CDs or vinyl from a "Collection" but this is more and more starting to look like an option. A few questions if you have the time...

Do you buy some music from iTunes or just rip your CDs to your Mac Mini. I ask this because I wonder if the quality is the same? i.e are the file you buy from the iTune store lossless?

Also, most of the audiophile discussions I have seen regarding a Mac as system central use a Mac Mini. Is there any advantage to using the Mini vs. an iMac. Just seems that an iMac would give you the screen interface as well as a larger hard drive (although I realize this is negated by the external hard drives).

Next question is how does the iTunes interface with the music files that are stored on a different drive? I would presume that you must see the collection list/album artwork thru iTunes but then get the music files from the Drobo? I asked this question at the Apple store and they didn't really have an answer - said it could be done but would be slow.

Any other advice you have for a clueless "newbie" just starting to get into this realm? Thanks in advance for any input.


I also just ordered Shunyata Taipan PCs ... we'll see if a PC can really make a difference!


System edited: Upgraded the XLR interconnects to Nordost Tyr from the Quattro Fils :-)


Great system. I love iTunes and the idea of using my computer as the digital front end. I might pick up a Mac Mini later on, but for the time being I'm using my Macbook, the Airport Express, to a cheap DAC (Entech 205.2) via toslink. Can't beat the convenience.

I'm glad I read your review of the Benchmark vs Bel Canto. I will upgrade my DAC soon. I was leaning towards the BM because of their supposed "jitter lock" circuit, theoretically it shouldn't matter whether I use optical, usb, or coaxial then....(I don't want to give up the Airport Express)...

Did you find there was a difference between Lossless and AIFF, because I swear I hear one. I can hear the difference between a WAV/AIFF file and a 320kbps MP3, but I can't hear one between Lossless and an MP3 (even 192 kbps). Decay is less and bass is muted/not as pronounced... of course my system is not very revealing, so it might just be me. I'm holding off ripping all my CDs until I better my system and then do another format comparison.

Anyway, cool system.


My comparison of the Bel Canto DAC3 vs. the Benchmark Media DAC1 ...

For those of you who want to skip to the end, the Bel Canto DAC3 wins by a long shot ... at least in my subjective opinion. Not because it does any one thing significantly better than the Benchmark Media DAC1. But rather because, when taken as a whole, each aspect of the performance is just a little bit better thus taking the entire musical experience to the next level.


To begin with, I have great components set up in the worst possible space that forces me in to a near-field listening situation ... obviously not ideal. Nonetheless, it provides for a fairly amazing audio experience and actually allows me to hear certain nuances that I would not otherwise hear in a regular listening set-up.

As for my subjective observations comparing the Bel Canto and Benchmark DACs, they are as follows. Also, note that I ran two USB cables simultaneously from my computer, one in to each DAC, so that I could perform a true A/B comparison ...

Highs - I found the Benchmark (BM) highs to be a bit rolled off in the higher frequencies. This was not the case for the Bel Canto (BC) where the highs extended fully throughout the frequency range. For example, on the Martin Taylor and Tuck Andress guitar solos that I listened to, the sound that their fingers made when sliding across the strings sounded much more open and realistic on the BC.

Bass - The BM and BC were fairly similar as far as the bass is concerned. However, the BC was just a bit warmer and more natural sounding than the BM. For example, on Jeanie Bryson's "Why Don't You Do Right?" the stand up Bass strumming sounded a tad warmer and ... well, I can only describe it as more "acoustic". Also, the amazing kick drum on Lenny Kravitz's "American Woman" seemed to resonate just a bit lower and longer using the BC ... not a lot, but just enough to where you notice a subtle difference.

Soundstage - HUGE ... both of the DACs present a great large soundstage. However, on Ray Charles' "Oh, What A Beautiful Morning" on Ray Sings, Basie Swings the sax and trumpets projected just a bit farther outside the speakers on the BC. Conversely, the soundstage with the BM appears to be a bit deeper to me. Accordingly, no winner here ... simply do you like your soundstage wider or deeper?

Imaging - Now this is interesting ... both DACs provide great, nicely focused imaging. However, the BC's image tended to follow the side to side movement of my head significantly more than the BM. For example, on Nora Jones' "Turn Me On" her voice is perfectly centered when my head was centered. But if I moved it left or right, the image followed my head significantly more with the BC. The sonic qualities didn't change, the imaging simply followed the movement of my head more ... weird. Nonetheless, the size of the imaged voice or instrument was always just a bit larger with the BC making it the winner in this aspect as well.

Separation - The BC was the clear winner here and this was very important to me. Some producers like to stack voices and instruments in the dead center of a recording instead of moving them a tad left or right. This is a mistake IMHO and can cause voices and instruments to get lost in the jumble. For example, on the Beatles' "Revolution" from the Love CD, John's voice seems to get lost in Ringo's drums on most every system that I have heard, including mine at home using the BM. However, with the BC in place, there is much better separation between the two and John's singing is heard much more clearly. This makes a HUGE difference in complex songs that have too many items mixed to center.

So, in conclusion, the differences in each aspect of the music were generally small when reviewed individually. However, when you add them up and they are experienced as a whole, the Bel Canto DAC3 is much more musical and provides for a more enjoyable listening experience.

And that is all I have to say about that ...


PS - My entire system is comprised of components that I purchased used on Audiogon over the past few months for less than $10k.


Hey, more important than how big your speakers are, more important than what tubes in your amp or cartridge on your tonearm is the connection with the music. This is what got all of us into this "hobby" in the first place, right.... D.


Hey, nice setup. In fact, it is almost identical to mine! I have Powerbook, Drobo, Bel Canto DAC3 and Dynaudio Contour 3. If you like using Front Row, here's something I discovered recently in OS X 10.5. Place an alias in you 'Movies' folder for all your DVD's (can be on the Drobo as AE can stream DVD's over the 802.11n network no problem). Go to Front Row, select movies and viola, you have access to your DVD collection in all their glory. Enjoy.


I'm with you when it comes to itunes, Mac Mini and ipod, especially with Apple lossless files.

Hit shuffle and let the bliss begin. :-)


I'm surprised you went with Apple Lossless and not AIFF for your ripping format. I've found with Apple Lossless I have to adjust the volume much more between say a song with one acoustic guitar and a song with a full blown band. AIFF from what I understand is pretty much one to one and digital storage these days is pretty cheap.

my two cents.



Wow! I'm raising both my arms and bowing in praise and admiration for your persistence. Been in this passion of ours for quite a while and your demonstration of perseverance needs saluting.

Way to go!


Did you noticed a big difference after switching to Bel Canto DAC3 ?Have you tried ASIO plugin yet ?I bet your little system draws a lots of attention !Neat!


Why did you change to the Bel Canto DAC 3? Did you also consider Musical Fidelity xDAC-v8?


"Let me ask this question- is your mac mini hooked up to a keyboard and mouse and if so does it need to be?"

Yes it is, but it does not have to be. I can control my system from my MacBook Pro and my iPhone as well ... so headless is definitely an option.

"It looks like you use Indigo to operate the entire system from your iPhone, song selection included?"

Absolutely! Indigo is by far the best home automation software ever created for any OS. It will do whatever you want it to and very intuitively.

"What are those 2 boxes sitting on a top of Mac Mini?"

A NewerTech miniStack v2 500GB HD and an Airport Extreme (802.11n).

"Do you realy need a monitor or ipod could do that?"

An iPod Touch or iPhone could control the system as well.


I just replaced the Benchmark DAC1 with a Bel Canto DAC 3.


Just love this nice ,little Audiophile setup !What are those 2 boxes sitting on a top of Mac Mini ?Please tell us more ...Do you realy need a monitor or ipod could do that?


First of all I like what you have done here and I think the direction you are taking is truly the way audio is going, or should go.

Let me ask this question- is your mac mini hooked up to a keyboard and mouse and if so does it need to be?

Hypothetically, do you think one could use an iPhone or iTouch as the monitor and control of the system so you could use the remote (iPhone) as the interface (keyboard/mouse) like a Sonos remote, correct? Do you think there is a way to do that?

It looks like you use Indigo to operate the entire system from your iPhone, song selection included? I have never used indigo so I am not sure how it works, but I gather you operate via a browser and IP address and tap into your mac via the iPhone, correct?

Do you operate iTunes from your iPhone once you have it operating on your mac mini? I gather you can get to any program or screen once you are in your mac.

Very cool set up, tell me moreĀ…


Your nuts!!!! Awesome!! haha.. Kinda off subject, but I run Dynaudio with McIntosh amps in my truck and I molded an ipod dock into the dash. As long as I know that I am not the only one to go to the extreme with apple product.. Good times!


Lilu .... mac to dac via USB. Movies, OTA HDTV with an El Gato Hybrid HDTV Tuner ($99), and system sounds are all output digitally to the dac. FLAC files are converted to Apple Lossless using a program called Max (quick and bit transparent). In fact, I have downloaded high res 24/96 studio master files from Linn's website and the play perfectly in iTunes.

Good luck :-)


I was wandering how I could get the best sound out of a mac/itunes - thanks for your extremely helpful review!

How are you connecting the mac to the dac ? Also, is iTunes able to play all formats in that way (apart from apple drm tracks)? Have you ever tried to play video (podcast/movie/other) on iTunes - does the audio part still get transfered digitally to the dac or you have to use an analog straight to the preamp for that (for example you have to do that if you are using airport express).

Thanks again and happy listening!


System edited: JUST ADDED: My audio system, as well as my home automation system, can be accessed and controlled from my iPhone or from any computer connected to the internet from anywhere in the world. I have added a pic of the Indigo Control Page that allows me to do this ...


Wow small listening space, makes me feel a little claustrophobic!

Still, I bet it sounds absolutely amazing - big fan of Sim Audio


System edited: My creative problem-solving skills are truly beyond reroach :-)


Great to see another audiophile who is also an itunes lover. There are so many advantages to using itunes with other great components. I've been doing it for years now.

Great system and very creative photo!!

I've been intrigued by the Dynaudio C1 Monitors for awhile now. Let us know how they compare to most full size, floor standing speakers (once they are broken in)



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