Yidimsum's 2-Channel Speaker System

System edited: Replaced Proac Response 2' and ACI Force subwoofers with a pair of Coincident Super Eclipse II's. The Manley Retro 300Bs and the Coincident SE seem to be a match made in heaven (fina...

posted over 19 years ago

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Yidimsum's 2-Channel Speaker System

System edited: Sold Sonic Frontiers Line 1 and replaced with Thor Audio TA-1000.

posted almost 20 years ago

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Yidimsum's 2-Channel Speaker System

System edited: Sold the vinyl rig since I won't have time to clean LPs/cartridge. Picked up a SCD-1 which sounds fantastic for digital. Analog still sounds the best though.

posted over 20 years ago

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Yidimsum's 2-Channel Speaker System

System edited: Changed speaker cables to 4 ft. AZ Satori shotgun biwire from AQ Dragons. Have some nice AZ synergy going. Also added a pair of ACI Force subwoofers. I need a bigger room.

posted about 21 years ago

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Yidimsum's 2-Channel Speaker System

System edited: Manley Retro SE/PP 300B monoblocks retubed with a quad of Sophia 300B Meshplates replace the VTL TT-25

posted about 21 years ago

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Yidimsum's 2-Channel Speaker System

System updated. Sold 555ES in favor of an all vinyl system for now. Upgraded Rogue Audio Stealth Phono to Sonic Frontiers Phono 1 SE.

posted over 21 years ago

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my special place

Hi, nice looking system. I owned a pair of lower end Tyler Acoustic Speakers before and they sounded quite nice for the price. I was wondering if you have ever considered moving your speakers farth...

posted over 21 years ago

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Yidimsum's 2-Channel Speaker System

Thanks for the responses. I would like to upgrade powercords, but the 555ES doesn't have an IEC and the powercords on the two monoblocks are also fixed. The only powercords that I can upgrade is th...

posted almost 22 years ago

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