What do I need to upgrade now???

Did you clean the floor yet?

posted over 18 years ago

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What do I need to upgrade now???

Did you clean the floor yet?

posted over 18 years ago

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Gunbei's Messy Listening Room

Where is the little green man I've been reading about?

posted over 18 years ago

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TWL's System

I thought your Teres had the plex plinth!?!

posted over 18 years ago

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Music Sweet Music!!!!

Nice system Ray. Thanks for the input and kind words on my system. I like yours better. :) How do you like those speakers? They are a little bigger than mine, but I bet they're a lot better. How lo...

posted over 18 years ago

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Music Sweet Music!!!!

Nice system Ray. Thanks for the input and kind words on my system. I like yours better. :) How do you like those speakers? They are a little bigger than mine, but I bet they're a lot better. How lo...

posted over 18 years ago

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The European Perspective

Wow, by European standards that's a heck of a big room. I have friends whose entire flat is not that big. Looking forward to seeing updated photos.

posted over 18 years ago

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Underpay architect audio system.

If I got a TT I would love to have a media rack like yours! Very nice!

posted over 18 years ago

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Less crappy for slappy

That car is pretty nice, but what was that nasty reflection in the side of the car, looks like sasquatch with a camera!

posted over 19 years ago

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Kung Fu Theatre Tonight

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. The saddness helps remind us of the good times that were had together.

posted about 20 years ago

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Kung Fu Theatre Tonight

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. The saddness helps remind us of the good times that were had together.

posted about 20 years ago

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