Pure Simplicity

Thanks guys. Just added a small notebook via usb to the Onkyo dock. From the hotseat I use a cordless mouse to control it. Sounds very nice (bitperfect). A very simple and easy to operate system. (...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

Hi Mjcmt,Jee, good question. I have no idea to be frank if the oppo gives this option, though I have never seen a solution like that.I'm not into multi channel that much, so for now...

posted about 13 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

After a period of listening to other speakers I decoded to keep my meridians. I was looking for a valve based system and tried a lot of options (e.g. Sonus faber, Martin logan, Focal, Audio physic)...

posted about 13 years ago

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Mid Century Modern Meridian

Very nice, both the system and the decor. i know where you're coming from, i'm using both DSP 5200's and Eames...

posted over 13 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

System edited: Changed my Meridian cd player for an Oppo all in one. Plays through its digital audio output directly into the Meridian speakers. Sound on par with the Meridian on CD. Also used as B...

posted over 13 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

The speakers are controled by a remote that in fact controls the whole system. CDP and I-pod/digital dock only send out a digital signal to the speakers. Each speaker has a DAC, three power amps an...

posted over 13 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

Thanks for the tip. Not too sure about the looks though. Besides, being in Holland I guess shipping would make it quite expensive.

posted almost 14 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

System edited: Added new pictures of the system with the Meridian DSP 5200.

posted almost 14 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

I modified the existing rack a bit by attatching a back pqanel to it so i don't see all the cabling behind it anymore. I keep on looking, but with this improvement i'm not in a hurry anymore.

posted almost 14 years ago

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Improvements in Music Room

Wow, what a beautiful room and system!

posted almost 14 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

System edited: Upgraded (already) from Meridian DSP 3100 to DSP 5200 speakers!

posted almost 14 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

System edited: Added Digital Dock (Onkyo) that extracts digital data from my ipod and digitally feeds the DSP speakers. Amazing sound!

posted almost 14 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

I think I'll have to have something custom build because it is hard to find something that has all the recuired specs.

posted almost 14 years ago

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Pure Simplicity

Thanks! I'm looking for a new rack for under the TV. I prefer one that is closed so only the TV and the speakers are visible. In my view that will improve the looks further.But best of all,...

posted almost 14 years ago

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My first two channel. Whad'ya think?

....I mean in your power amp of course!

posted over 15 years ago

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My first two channel. Whad'ya think?

Great system. I also have the Focal 1007's in my system and I love them. For me, the combination with tubes really brings out what i want to hear. Have you tried tubes also?

posted over 15 years ago

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