ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Townshend Podiums added under the speakers, designed to isolate the speaker from the floor.Goes against traditional ideas of rigid coupling to the floor but provides improvement in soundstage,...

posted almost 3 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Thanks Jim.Like most peoples systems it's a work in progress. I continue to mess around with room treatments and other details.For instance, since the photos I've removed the bass t...

posted almost 3 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Doug, I started out experimenting with DIY - the round bass traps and panels in the front corners were built around John Risch recipes: 

posted almost 5 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Dan, I was very torn about selling my Benchmark AHB2's, but the only way I could afford the ATC actives. I love the Benchmark stuff. It only seems to get better as I chip away at other issues ...

posted almost 5 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Speakers moved to the short wall and acoustic treatment adjusted accordingly.I'd been meaning to try this for a while but the long wall placement was more practical and open aesthetically.  

posted almost 5 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Added some Vicoustic DC2 diffusers to the front and back walls - something I'd been meaning to do for a while.Very noticeable improvement in sound space resolution, ambiance and imaging - reco...

posted about 5 years ago

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Harbeth & Air Tight = Perfect Match

Nice. Don't tell Alan Shaw you're using tubes with his speakers - he'll likely tell you to buy any old SS amp, because they all sound the same. Poor Alan, needs to loosen up. Enjoyed my previous Ha...

posted about 5 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Well, the obvious difference is the bass extension. The 100's go seriously low and I have sold my Rel S3 subwoofer. However the ATC's only produce bass when it's in the program. The major change is...

posted about 5 years ago

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Back to Basics

@shadorne I've gone down your path and bought a pair of S/H big ATC actives - not the sublime looking EL150's but the more attainable SCM100aslt's in my case.

posted about 5 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

ATC SCM100 ASLT active towers added, replacing the little SCM19 Mk2 monitors - major upgrade, as it should be considering the price. Since these are active speakers the superb Benchmark AHB2 amps a...

posted about 5 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Second Benchmark AHB2 added and amps configured for mono - 380Wpc/8ohms. The SCM19's are now bi-wired with 2 sets of Straightwire Maestro, brought back into service after 20yrs in my parts box.

posted almost 6 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

In addition to what I said below regarding the HPA4 I should also mention that I compared it to my Bryston BP26 - a very competent, low distortion and great sounding two box preamp (Bryston's top o...

posted almost 6 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

I actually got my DAC3L only weeks before getting the HPA4. I never really used the DAC3L as my main preamp except to briefly check it out. I preferred the greater flexibility the Bryston BP26 gave...

posted almost 6 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Proof that I have no self restraint - no sooner do I say no changes are planned, than I go and audition the ATC SCM19 monitors. Once I'd listened to the SCM19's (with my own Benchmark AHB2 pow...

posted almost 6 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

No wonder I was getting no thread updates - haven't been around much and forgot to update my email address. Lol.BTW, I'm about 160km North of Melbourne. FWIW I've had a num...

posted almost 6 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Thanks.I don't have any immediate plans to change anything.I'd love to be able to stretch to the Harbeth m40.2's - but they're super expensive in Australia at 5-6 times more than I ...

posted almost 6 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Several changes to my system which follow a transition to computer based music as my primary source (streaming and local). I'm utilising a Mac mini with Uptone Audio linear PS. I doing a lot more h...

posted almost 6 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Now have the JRDG Capri S2 preamp in my system - amp is the Odyssey Khartago mentioned above.Except for a lapse in communication I almost ended up with the Parasound JC-2.

posted almost 10 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Oops, I noticed the end of my last post was missing…..I cut and pasted from notepad. What I meant to say (in reference to the Cadenza Black) was:Of course it's relatively expensive (compared to...

posted about 10 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Hi PHduncanson, sorry for the late reply haven't checked this thread for a while!Potting the 103R produced quite a noticeable change, but initially I wasn't sure about it - because it makes...

posted about 10 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Hi Devilboy, thanks for your comments.Yes, I really liked the improvement I got with my speakers on the long wall - especially the super wide soundstage it allowed. In a room the size of mine I...

posted over 10 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

System edited: Ortofon Cadenza Black added - beautiful cartridge. Sounds great right out of the box! Same superior tracking and composure as the Jubilee but with more life, presence and transparenc...

posted over 10 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Willfan, I found the more up-front (neutral) perspective of the es3 more open and exciting (and realistic). Sometimes the es2 could be a little laid back. I much preferred the balance of the es3, w...

posted about 11 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

Mountainsong the C7ES3 is an outstanding speaker. I'm sure I could put it back in my system tomorrow and be perfectly happy. I wanted to explore what the 30.1's had to offer, but the C7's didn't ha...

posted over 11 years ago

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ATC active - Streaming and vinyl

System edited: Harbeth C7es3 replaced with Monitor 30.1. Fabulous speaker, will have more to say when I've done some extended listening.

posted over 11 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 34 posts