Tim's System

jmalen123, yes, definitely, I have thought a lot about adding subwoofers over the years.  But whenever I get some money to put into my system, I alway seem to determine that I’ll get more bang f...

posted over 1 year ago

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Tim's System

milpai, your posts have helped greatly in my decision to audition and purchase the Rhumba, so thanks so much for that and for all of your contributions to the discussions in general!  I will sta...

posted over 1 year ago

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Tim's System

mjcmt, appreciate the compliment.  I like the simplicity of your system, but it’s natural to want to improve it.  It seems to enjoy this hobby the most you’ve got to appreciate what you have at ...

posted over 1 year ago

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Tim's System

jond, thank you for the kind words, I am pleased with and enjoying my system.  Yours is no slouch, very nice!!

posted over 1 year ago

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Tim's System

@zlone - No contest, the Rhumba is just in a whole other league.  Everything is better… detail, dynamics, bass, noise floor.  The music just seems to flow more easily and sounds more natural and...

posted over 1 year ago

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Tim's System

@zufan - Yes, just barely enough juice for the 98db efficient Tektons :)  The Coda has 12 watts Class A and 250 Class AB (actually 500 watts since the Tektons are 4 ohms).  Those first 12 watts of ...

posted over 1 year ago

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