Doug's Audio Den

love youre setup but how many changes have you done as far as systems are concern? I got lost from each picture ,anyway good luck very lovely

posted over 14 years ago

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not really I originally thought ablout the mx134 but going over it with the dealer there was no lost in sound quality and the deffence didnt warrant me to spend that kind of extra money so I went t...

posted over 14 years ago

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Vito Theater system

love youre setup just a very nice room as another fanatic there are few things that give us pleasure women dont understand that part of us .AGAIN ENJOY GREAT JOB!!

posted over 14 years ago

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MartinLogan CLSIIz+McIntosh+Atma-Sphere

I love youre cls had a my pair from day one I was number 100 made i sold them in 1995 and have been missing that sound Iam extremely happy with I have now but still miss that sound .love youre setup .

posted over 14 years ago

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thank you I love youre ceiling work I was thinking of that when I finish the room I have a new contracter coming in to finish the ceiling and setup columms in the front then I could really enjoy th...

posted over 15 years ago

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the room is 13 wide bye 16 long and the screen is 100 inches unfortunetly the projecter is 720 but the picture is fantastic maybe someday when Ican graduate from sanwwiches to hamburgers I will cha...

posted over 15 years ago

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Ear Candy & Occasional Eye Candy Too

great looking room I have a pair of meadowlark herons original with the petral center and the room rocks shame the company went under ,its going to be hard to find drivers for these but excellent r...

posted almost 17 years ago

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